Vitaminise Customer Feedback Tool is a full-featured solution for gathering customer reviews and feedback. Collect and analyze various customer feedback by creating personalized surveys and sending them via digital channels like a mobile app, chatbot, messengers, and more. Ask clients to share their reviews on social networks and send presents as gratitude for their opinions.
Contact usStimulate customers to share their feedback about your company to increase brand awareness on social media. More people will get to know about your products and services by reading policyholders’ reviews. You can also specify and set up which exactly reviews you would like to see published on your website or customer social network page and which ones you would rather keep in your system.
Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by sending presents like digital certificates, discounts, and personalized offerings to your clients as gratitude for the reviews they shared within their social media networks.
Create personalized surveys and distribute them as links to the survey page through digital channels like mobile apps, chatbots, messengers, and other means like emails, SMS, or QR codes. Customize the text of the survey, edit text and buttons, use your branding (logo, brand colors), and set up the scenario flows for publishing feedback on social media.
Learn more about your customers - discover their challenges, pain points, and expectations to improve the quality of your services. The analytics shows the number of positive and negative reviews, number of post shares in the social networks, conversions, etc.
Vitaminise is a fully customizable solution for insurance companies. We will help you customize any Vitaminise products to align with your business goals and needs.
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