Mobile application development

What we offer

Our mobile application development solutions include various domains and topics. This service is about creating mobile applications for end-user smartphones, tablets, and other devices. In general, you can get full-cycle software development with all the necessary stages: business analysis, architecture planning, UI/UX design and prototyping, development, testing and QA, release with deployment or publication, and further tech support.

If you need unique mobile application development, we’re ready to handle it. You can get solutions for iOS, Android, and more exotic mobile operating systems like Chrome OS, Tizen, or Ubuntu Touch. Apart from native solutions (developed for the specific platform), we provide hybrid and cross-platform mobile applications that work seamlessly on different devices. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need to consult or order custom mobile development services.

More precisely, the services provided by our mobile app company include:

  • Android development
  • Apps for wearables and smart gadgets
  • Cross-platform development
  • Extensions for web apps
  • Integrations of modules
  • iOS development
  • MVP and POC development services
  • Publications in app stores
  • Corporate app development
  • E-commerce app development
  • Financial app development
  • Game development
  • Healthcare app development
  • Maps and location app development
  • Public app development

Smartphones appeared and changed our life completely. Now, the tiniest phone is more powerful than the computers of the past. No surprise that mobile app development covers all our needs nowadays, from communication to work and leisure. That’s why businesses focus on mobile app development heavily, creating various solutions for individuals and other companies.

If you want to get a brand-new mobile application, improve or redesign any existing tool, test demand with the MVP, or just consult about mobile app development services, you’re in the right place. We research, design, build, deploy, test, and support native, hybrid, and cross-platform mobile apps for Android and iOS.

Our mobile app development company is focusing on effective solutions that meet the goals of our clients. You can reach us to get the first free consultation at any time.

Mobile app development services

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Mobile app development services

Benefits from our app development services

If you need professional mobile app development services, it’s better to carefully analyze all pros and cons. Compared to other cooperation options like freelance development or ready-made proprietary apps, our custom client-focused approach has a few advantages:

Better engagement

Well-thought mobile applications improve the customer experience. Thus, you can attract more clients, interact with them simpler, provide new services.

Custom monitoring

Using our in-house project control solution for mobile development – the Customer Portal – you have all data with metrics and updates under one roof.

Fully tailored to your needs

Custom mobile app development services meet your requirements and provide exactly what you need for your business.

New revenue channels

Combined, these benefits increase your profits. Customers appreciate responsive and personalized services provided via mobile channels.

Our mobile app development process

The process of custom mobile app development relies on the same standard-based principles as other dev options in DICEUS. We commit to Agile approaches but also have experience in Scrum, Kanban, Waterfall, etc. Thus, there are a few basic stages of any project, from a simple UI/UX redesign to full-stack app development services:

Business analysisThe first phase provides for a complete understanding of your requirements and the desired results. Based on this analysis, we define the scope, plan features, architecture patterns, and initial documentation, such as SRS.
Product designThe next big step includes end-to-end UI/UX design. You get basic wireframes, mockups, low- and high-fidelity prototypes. They show the app’s structure, graphics, interactive elements, other visuals, etc.
DevelopmentThe dev phase may start with the MVP or Minimum Viable Product that helps test user demand without spending much money. Further, we develop the final product for the target platform or platforms using the relevant tools.
QADuring all stages, our mobile application development company handles iterative testing sessions that show how the application meets your requirements. We perform various types of testing, including system, integration, usability, performance, etc.
DeploymentFinally, after everything’s developed and tested, it’s time to release the mobile app. Usually, it’s the client-side process, but we can assist with it. Also, we can publish your application to make sure that it’s accessible for users.
Further supportPublication and deployment often end the first process. But you can get regular tech support and maintenance, ask for extra changes or upgrades, order major or basic redesign services further.

What impacts your project duration

The schedule of app development services depends heavily on some critical factors:

  • Project requirements
  • Expected deadlines
  • Team composition
  • The available technologies and platforms
  • Assistance with publication in app stores

What affects your project costs

With the total cost of your custom mobile app development, the situation is similar to schedules. The core factors are:

  • Project scope and complexity
  • The chosen technology
  • Project completion urgency
  • Engagement model: Fixed Price, Time and Material, Dedicated Team
  • Post-launch extra requests like tech support

What we need from your side

App development services require cooperation for the best results. We know how to develop apps, test them, add or improve various features. But we can’t design tailored applications without your help:

  • Project goals, vision, and roadmap if exist
  • High-level project requirements
  • Project-specific documentation if available, e.g., software architecture and mockups
  • A couple of hours per week for requirements gathering sessions
  • Project deadlines

Our tech stack

Explore our case studies

Frequently asked questions

What are mobile app development services?

In a nutshell, mobile application development services include all the works related to software solutions for mobile/tablet systems. You can get personalized audit and business analysis, UI/UX design, prototyping, actual development, testing, training, assistance with app store publishing and deployment. Further support and technology maintenance are included, too.

How much does it cost to develop a mobile app?

The total costs of mobile app development services vary significantly depending on the project’s specifications. For example, if you need a plain time tracking tool, it’ll be much cheaper than a comprehensive enterprise mobile platform with multi-layer accesses, top security features, and high performance.

How long does it take to create an app?

The project’s duration depends on your needs and change requests, as well. We always guarantee to provide mobile application development services on time. However, the full schedule may vary. If you need one module with simple architecture, we can deliver it quicker than a large app with many features and/or constant upgrades.

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