Offshore software development company

What we offer

Offshore software development specialists at DICEUS help reduce business or project costs, optimize the product creation life cycle, and forget about all the in-house employee recruitment hassle. We gather project-focused offshore teams of profiled professionals to provide a wide range of services and tackle tasks and projects of any scope and complexity.

Offshore software development rates

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Offshore software development rates

Custom software development

Do you need a software solution built for specific goals and purposes from scratch? We give you an individually gathered offshore team of development specialists savvy in customized engineering approaches. You just tell the guys what to do, monitor your custom solution creation process stage by stage, give feedback and propose edits, and simply get your project done at the highest level of quality.

Enterprise software development

Are you leading a big, ambitious enterprise with an established business goal and customer base? We can help you smooth out your in-house workflow, streamline employee performance, and cut tons of time and financial expenses with an enterprise software solution. We have seasoned offshore development teams that know how to deliver a corporate-grade solution for your company.

Web app development

Got a web application concept in mind? Or maybe you need to boost the online presence and functionality of your business? Let’s get you a proper team of experienced web designers and developers to build an online software solution from scratch. We provide full-cycle web app development based on offshore workflow techniques and approaches to build products for any purpose.

Mobile app development

Still don’t have a dedicated app? Then you are missing out on a huge chunk of profit accumulating mobile user audience. A high-quality, cost-efficient mobile app development project will help you make business more available, engaging, and far-reaching. Offshore specialists at DICEUS develop eCommerce apps, in-house management mobile solutions, accounting and reporting applications, and many more.

UI/UX design

Design ties up your software solution and presents it both visually and functionally to the end user. At DICEUS, seasoned interface engineers and user experience specialists can help you achieve an accessible, inviting user interface and a smooth, engaging UX. For this, we constantly analyze the market and follow the industry-leading practices to bridge the gap between your solution and its target users.

Are you looking for a reputable offshore software outsourcing company capable of building sturdy workflow-specific solutions for enterprise use? You have already found one, and it’s high time to discuss your project.

DICEUS offers a full scope of offshore development services, helping you lay the groundwork for the initial concept, build a reliable design and technical foundation, and adequately deploy it in the required environment.

Offshore software development services

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Offshore software development services

Benefits of offshore development services

Hiring an offshore team is the best choice if you don’t have an in-house team to handle a project or your team specialists lack the required expertise. It is more cost-efficient than finding and recruiting new worthy talents or hiring a software agency. The offshore outsourcing format is extremely popular among software services seekers because companies and entrepreneurs already know how much they can save without sacrificing the end product quality.

Access to an extensive skillset

Hire offshore specialists experienced in full-cycle enterprise project implementation specifics – from requirements analysis and market research to hardcoding and post-launch support. We give you exceptional talents seasoned in their line of work with years of field practice. And you don’t even have to waste time finding and recruiting such highly qualified professionals yourself, saving tons of time, money, and nerves, as well as boosting time-to-market.

Mature development process

With an offshore development team explicitly gathered for your project in the shortest terms, the work on your project starts in 1-2 days after initial negotiations. And there won’t be a need for specialists to adjust workflow according to your project. The experienced hand allows them to jump right in, using the most commonly efficient practices and advanced tools, suggesting expertise-driven solutions and approaches in the process, and delivering top-notch results.

Project outcomes guarantee

Our team specialists can guarantee the end product of high quality that meets your requirements and expectations. This is achieved with a) pure talent, work passion, and years of profiled experience under the belt; b) well-adjusted workflow, transparent processes, and subsequent project completion approach. The hired team will lead you through the whole process stage by stage, milestone by milestone, keeping you in tune with detailed workflow reporting.

Cost-effective solutions

We help you acquire top-notch software creation and optimization talents based in countries with affordable labor rates. This will save your budget, especially if you are based in the USA. Outsourcing offshore designers, developers, and other specialists from Eastern European countries and other affordable locations, we give you a great chance to implement a cost-effective project that won’t be superior in quality to competitor solutions.

Our software development process

DICEUS is an offshore software development company with a take on the project implementation process inspired by the best and most relevant market practices, individually elaborated approach, and the outstanding talent of specialists we provide. We know how important it is to keep the workflow consistent and transparent. That’s why milestone reporting and client-side progress monitoring is a must. All in all, taking up your project, we go by the following stages.

Business analysis stageTo fully understand the business, market, and target user audience specifics that a final solution must conform to and to meet demands in the long run, we must first research your line of work. That’s why we start with in-depth business analysis to make out the big picture of your role in the market, gather requirements, ask questions, and settle many other nuances. At this stage, we should outline further project workflow, deadlines, and approximate budget.
Architecture and designOnce all the requirements and project organization details are settled, it’s time to build the foundation of your software solution. We lay the software groundwork with the architecture outlined by a team of engineers based on the requirements and latest industry standards. It sets the stage and allows the designer team to equip the basic architecture with UI/UX elements that should form an accessible, intuitive user interface and smooth, hassle-free user experience.
Development and testingWith the outlined architecture and essential UI/UX design elements in place, we start working on the technical part of the project. For this, our offshore outsourcing software development company provides specialists that hardcode custom parts of the product from scratch, integrate required third-party features and services (e.g., payment gateways, social integrations, reporting tools, cloud storage platforms, etc.). Every implemented feature is thoroughly tested.
User acceptance testingAt this stage, the responsible specialists conduct a series of user acceptance tests to make sure that all the specification requirements are met. The team does functional testing and unit testing, assuring the quality of all features, integrations, and the system as a whole. This is done to identify possible crashing occurrences, ensure correct reactions to user requests, define resource consumption rates, and optimize loading time.
Deployment stageOne of the final stages of project completion, deployment, takes place when all the essential parts of the product are implemented and we have a fully-operational solution. Different operational environments have unique deployment specifics and requirements. That’s why you need specialists to properly launch the finished solution in its niche. This can be a mobile app market, a cloud-based or regular server web hosting, a proprietary enterprise environment, and other formats.
Support and maintenanceAfter full completion, software and user acceptance testing, and deployment of the solution, profiled tech-savvy specialists support and maintain its operation in the field. Unexpected issues and rough patches can arise once your solution accumulated the traffic of users. That is why further support and maintenance are required to help you ensure the stable performance of the final product, see that it’s timely updated, and responsive to any possible negative user feedback.

What impacts your project duration

We know how important it is to complete a project reasonably to benefit from it as soon as possible. To accelerate your solution’s time-to-market, make sure you can provide the following input information, and if not, we can help you elaborate on it.

  • Project requirements
  • Expected deadlines
  • Team composition
  • Chosen technology and platforms

What affects your project costs

Turning to software offshore development, you get to save budget dramatically without sacrificing a bit of product quality. But the final costs depend heavily on the underlying project aspects, such as the following.

  • Project scope and complexity
  • Chosen technology
  • Project completion urgency
  • Engagement model: Time and Material, Dedicated Team

What we need from your side

Your involvement in the project is crucial for achieving the solution you envision. To properly organize project workflow, here’s what essential information we need from your side.

  • Project goals, vision, and roadmap if exist
  • High-level project requirements
  • Project-specific documentation if available
  • Client’s availability (a couple of hours per week for requirements gathering sessions)

Our tech stack

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Frequently asked questions

What engagement models do you offer?

We can gather and organize a team of offshore specialists specifically for your project that can work based on the engagement model that fits you most. A time and material model to tackle ongoing project requirements changes and handle larger projects with multiple iterations; a dedicated team model for clearer project vision and in-house-like development powers; a fixed price model for small to medium projects with clearly defined goals. The choice is yours to make.

How do you ensure the successful outcomes of the project?

It’s all in the experience and practice. Turning to our offshore programming company, you get access to an extensive pool of well-tried-and-tested, highly-qualified international specialists. From that pool, we gather into a single team of specialists that best fit your project specifics, goals, and requirements. Ultimately, the fact that a specialist has successfully handled more than one similar project in their experience should speak for itself.

What are the benefits of offshore software development?

The ultimate benefit of hiring an offshore team to work on your project is the extreme project cost-efficiency at no expense of its end quality. I.e., you get a high-quality end product that may as well outrun competitor solutions in the niche without putting ridiculously huge funds into it. DICEUS is an offshore software development firm that gathers a team of specialists based in offshore locations famous for the local savviness of professionals and quality of work at reasonable rates.

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