Machine learning development company

What we offer

Being a machine learning development company, we work with all the aspects of this industry. Thanks to our rich experience, you can get the tailored ML algorithms and models or even order a completely new solution made from scratch. Depending on the requirements, you may want to utilize natural language processing or computer vision technologies, getting advanced machine learning development services or consulting workshops.

We realize that there are many ML models, and that your business may need only one specific solution. For this, we always offer professional business analysis and requirements gathering options from our machine learning agency. Thanks to this analysis, we can understand your needs better and suggest the most relevant solution.

Machine learning development company

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Machine learning development company

Benefits of machine learning development

The machine learning company should care about the results. We do. Our offerings are tailored to your requirements, so you can be sure that the ordered solution will bring benefits and market advantages.

Data-driven decision-making

If you’re going to make more informed decisions that optimize your business development, ML can help a lot. Algorithms extract, process, and analyze data to help decision-makers on all levels.

Improved security

As a machine learning solutions company, we know how essential IT security is. ML tools help with it by constantly analyzing information and showing weaknesses or even potential attacks.

Predictive-based services

Similar to the network security predictive analytics and recommendation models, ML tools can predict other things. From customer desires to market risks, this technology is great for forecasts.

Smart operations and workplace

In general, machine learning solution providers focus on advanced automation. With ML software, you can use text and voice recognition, automated reporting, and many other cool options.

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Our machine learning development solutions and services

Being a machine learning developer, we offer various options for customers. However, they revolve around two cornerstone concepts of ML. The first one is known as supervised learning that requires a professional data expert to choose the model, tune it, adapt to your needs, and launch. The second concept is unsupervised learning also known as neural networks. It provides for self-taught algorithms that work without manual control and improve their efficiency over time.

ML consulting

Let’s say, you want to create a security system that will identify and remember visitors. We can find the most suitable ML model and adapt it to your needs, saving time and budget.

ML development

If none of the existing algorithms like K-means or decision trees suits your requirements, we can handle custom machine learning development. You’ll get a model and the relevant software.

Neural networks

Specifically, we’re specializing in unsupervised solutions like neural networks. These advanced tools can process a lot of data with many variables to produce priceless insights.

Predictive and real-time analysis

Finally, you can deploy a smart analytical system based on the chosen algorithm. It can monitor your customer info in real-time or analyze data sets to predict the clients’ needs.

What impacts your project duration

Some ML projects may be completed quickly while others require long partnerships. Find the factors that affect exact schedules of ML development:

  • Project requirements
  • Expected deadlines
  • Team composition
  • The chosen technologies and platforms
  • The level of complexity

What affects your project costs

While it’s barely possible to estimate exact costs without knowing your requirements to a developer ML, we can tell you which factors affect the expenses:

  • Project scope and complexity
  • The chosen technology
  • Project completion urgency
  • Engagement model: Fixed Price, Time & Material, Dedicated Team
  • The chosen ML models

What we need from your side

Explore a few points that we need for smoother cooperation and the best results. This list is created for our clients to get aware of what things we might need from them for accurate time and cost estimation, project planning, and execution.

  • Project goals, vision, and roadmap if exist
  • High-level project requirements
  • Project-specific documentation if available, e.g., software architecture and mockups
  • A couple of hours per week for requirements gathering sessions
  • Project deadlines

Our tech stack

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Frequently asked questions

What is the best programming language for ML?

Undoubtedly, the best tool for machine learning product development is Python. It’s ranked the best by the easiness, versatility, and the available talent pool. It’s relatively simple and can be applied to many spheres, including advanced ML.

Who is a leading machine learning developer?

In a nutshell, an ML developer is a person who creates, tunes, or trains models. Existing on the verge of data and AI, machine learning requires decent data analysis skills, great math knowledge, and development capabilities to design models and use them for automation or other cases.

Why choose us for ML software development?

We handle advanced machine learning product development for many industries. Thanks to deep expertise in AI, ML, RPA, and data processing, we can analyze and customize the most relevant algorithms for your project.

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