IT management consulting  

 DICEUS provides IT management consulting services for various industries. We offer agile transformation, digital transformation, IT security strategy, system integration, and many other IT management and consulting services.

Scope of our IT management consulting services

Today, information technology is mission-critical not only for big-time success but for the very survival of enterprises across multiple industries. However, focused on the technical aspects of IT systems’ functioning, top executives may need more experience and skills to align with the organization’s business workflow. The best solution to this problem is to hire outsourced IT management consultants. You can get the following services by commissioning IT management and consulting from DICEUS.   

Software and infrastructure audit  

To understand the need for change, you should take stock of what you have. The expert team of DICEUS will assess the current condition of your enterprise software, infrastructure, and other assets, pinpoint the existing bottlenecks, and outline the algorithm for doctoring the IT areas and resources that underperform or need reinforcing.   

IT strategy and roadmap  

Every organization should have a comprehensive IT policy in place. Our IT strategy services cover general IT strategy consulting, IT future state vision, business and IT alignment, and developing an IT strategy roadmap. The latter includes a list of IT strategy solutions, IT organizational design, IT management best practices, and more.  

Business process automation  

Among their shop floor processes, organizations have a fair share of operations and procedures that can be handled without human intervention. We explore the automation potential of your internal workflow, develop an automation implementation plan, and recommend a set of state-of-the-art software tools and cloud platforms to carry it out.  

Agile transformation  

Our IT consulting strategy is grounded on the latest advancements in the IT domain, where Agile methodology reigns supreme. DICEUS helps with switching to Agile principles in the organization’s governance, pipeline, and culture, enabling leveraging multidisciplinary teams and increased visibility of workflow routine.   

Digital transformation  

Companies that underrate high-tech instruments for running their pipeline and digital interaction channels with customers are doomed to defeat. DICEUS will assist you with embracing AI, ML, data science, blockchain, AR/VR, and other advanced technologies that help businesses to gain a competitive edge over rivals in the niche.  

Digital risk management  

While onboarding new digital technologies, organizations become exposed to many threats and risks. To minimize them, our experts identify your company’s vital assets, come to grips with endemic threats in the business and technological field, and pinpoint and prioritize those resources that are susceptible to risks.  

System implementation

Whatever IT resources you have, they should be joined within a single system and play well with each other. The vetted mavens of DICEUS will define the system design (conceptual, logical, and physical), ensure that all its modules and the system as a whole function according to expectations, and see to it that it meets quality standards.   

IT enterprise security  

The safety of the organization’s IT environment and data is considered a top priority for modern digitally-powered businesses. DICEUS will become a reliable protective armor for your IT assets by performing security audits and testing, revealing the existing vulnerabilities, and taking steps to eliminate security gaps. 

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Why choose DICEUS for IT management consulting  

The surge in demand for high-tech services caused the appearance of thousands of IT companies offering a broad scope of activities to outsource to them. Faced with such a multitude of vendors, many customers are at a loss because they need to figure out what to steer by while seeking a reliable partner. Look at the following reasons to select DICEUS as your enterprise’s IT management consulting agency.  

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How IT management consulting works  

The success of any endeavor is in meticulous planning, and IT management consulting is no exception. During our 13 years of presence in the high-tech market, we have developed a four-step roadmap of providing IT management consulting services verified by numerous successful projects we delivered.  

Step 1. Sending a requestIt all starts when you contact us and send a document specifying the IT needs to cover, such as aspects requiring consulting and high-tech spheres that call for improvement.  
Step 2. Analysis  Also known as the discovery phase, this stage aims to audit the current state of your IT environment, identify problem zones, and map out consulting services strategy to implement.  
Step 3. Contract signing  When we understand what we are up to, we submit to the future client an agreement sample that contains the scope of work, the delivery timeframe, the team engaged, and the parties’ responsibilities.   
Step 4. Project implementation  The team allocated to the task begins its work, acting according to the signed contract. As a responsible vendor, DICEUS supports the project team 24/7 with the necessary advice and assistance.   

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Benefits of outsourcing IT management services 

Having appeared in the mid-20th century, outsourcing as a workforce engagement model gained considerable traction with the across-the-board advent of Industry 4.0. The outsourcing market surpassed $400 billion a few years ago in the IT industry and continues growing exponentially. What makes it so attractive in the high-tech world in general and in the niche of IT management in particular?  

Cost efficiency  Budget saving is the primary reason why calculating entrepreneurs address third parties to help manage their IT environment. Recruiting, training, and maintaining your team with all related expenditures (salaries, utilities, workspace rent, buying hardware and software, etc.) is costly. With an outsourced IT management team, you pay only for their services.  
Access to global talent forceThe shortage of IT talent or the high rates they charge for their work in the city, region, or country where the company is located becomes irrelevant because you can hire a remote team from another corner of the world. The benefits of obtaining qualified professionals at a moderate price offset all possible inconveniences of embracing time zone discrepancies or cultural differences.   
Focus on core business Usually, highly specialized endeavors like IT management are out of the expertise scope of non-tech companies. Learning the ropes in it will take much time, money, and efforts which could have better application in the spheres where they excel. By harnessing the outsourcing model, businesses delegate IT management to competent hands and can home in on what they do best.  

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What does an IT management consultant do?  

These specialists analyze the technological needs of a company and issue recommendations regarding creating and managing the internal IT environment that can address these needs. To do that, IT management consultants rely on their broad awareness of the latest advancements in the high-tech domain.   

What is the difference between IT consulting and management consulting?  

They focus on two different areas of expertise. IT consulting deals with IT infrastructure, software, and hardware assets a company utilizes, aiming to implement best practices of their usage. Management consulting covers non-tech aspects of enterprise functioning, such as marketing, product development, and human resources.  

What is the difference between IT services and IT consulting?  

The chief difference lies in the deliverables they yield. IT service providers develop digital products that help clients solve shop floor problems. IT consultants assess the company’s business needs and recommend the best solution. In other words, IT consultants suggest ideas implemented by IT service providers.  

What is an example of IT consulting?  

Suppose a company changes hands due to a merger or an acquisition. Its digital assets must be moved from one system to another quickly. An IT consultant examines both infrastructures, develops the migration plan, suggests tools to perform it, and ensures the result complies with all security standards.   

How does IT consulting work?  

The organization that needs IT consulting services sends a request with the specification of requirements. The service provider analyzes the current state of the customer’s IT assets, outlines the action plan, and determines experts who will carry it out. Then, the contract between the parties is signed, and the consultants are set to work.  

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