Web development outsourcing 

DICEUS has provided web development services for businesses since 2011.
We offer UI/UX design, CX strategy, and custom development of web applications, portals, websites, and other solutions.

The scope of DICEUS web development services

Web development outsourcing is a popular approach to creating various software solutions (apps, sites, portals, and other products) to be accessed via the Internet. To build a custom solution matching your needs, business challenges, and goals, you’d better outsource a web development company. DICEUS offers professional web development services and Agile project management to deliver high-quality outcomes on time and within the scope. Below is a list of services we offer. 

Web development consulting 

Suppose your internal IT team needs advice on any web development issue. In that case, our professionals can provide recommendations related to various questions — from app architecture and UI design to third-party software integration and cloud migration. Our consulting covers both ongoing projects and developing web ideas.

Web development outsourcing 

If you don’t have an in-house IT department, we will tackle the end-to-end creation of a web solution. If you outsource web development to us, you will receive a complete scope of high-end services, from planning through implementation to launching and support. We guarantee that the final product is delivered on time and within budget. 

Web portal development 

DICEUS experts have the skills and experience to build secure and user-friendly web-based platforms with access to diverse content via a straightforward interface. We can cater to the needs of brands in different industries by creating patient, sales, insurance, e-commerce, B2B, self-service, community, and other types of portals.

Web app development 

Web apps are bread-and-butter software products leveraged by all companies with a digital footprint for both internal and external use. Suppose you outsource web application development to our high-profile experts. In that case, you will surely obtain a robust and easy-to-operate solution that will impress you with fast performance, exquisite design, and seamless functioning.

Website development services 

Today, websites are launched not only by large and small enterprises across multiple industries but also by governments, schools, hospitals, and other organizations. Website development outsourcing allows any company or person without tech expertise to obtain a fully-functional and visually attractive website that we will tailor to meet their needs.

Testing and QA 

Your web solution’s operation may leave much to be desired. Competent testers and quality assurance engineers of DICEUS will conduct automated or manually-driven tests of various types (security, integration, user acceptance, regression, usability, etc.) to ensure your web product functions according to the expectations.

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Benefits of web development outsourcing 

Outsourcing as a viable workforce engagement model has a long history. Nowadays, it displays a spike in its use cases triggered by the ongoing digitalization drive. Organizations have realized they don’t have to set up their IT department to implement a one-off project. By outsourcing web development services, companies can reap the following perks.

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Web development outsourcing process 

Web development is a meaningful endeavor that can yield positive outcomes only when properly organized and managed. During 12+ years of our presence in the IT outsourcing market, we at DICEUS have developed a six-step roadmap that we follow while handling web development projects for clients worldwide.

Discovery phase We recommend starting every project with an in-depth business analysis. This stage allows for clearly defining your business goals, users that will use your software, and requirements. The deliverables of this phase serve the foundation for further development. Usually, those include software specification, recommended tech stack, team composition, project roadmap, Work Breakdown Structure, and more useful documents. 
Planning With all the necessary data on the table, we can draw a strategy for project implementation. During this stage, we create functional and non-functional requirements and specifications, choose an architectural pattern, select the tech stack, and outline the project map with principal milestones, KPIs, timeframe, and budget.
Design The first move we make in implementing the project plan is considering the look and feel of the web product we are working on. To understand the technical feasibility of the future solution, we create a proof of concept (PoC) and build a prototype where the UI is visualized. Then, the prototype is submitted for your review and approval.
Development Once all preliminary steps are completed, our vetted web developers step in to implement the concept into a real-life product. While working on the solution’s front and back end, they align its characteristics and features with the project requirements to obtain the software piece that will satisfy all customer’s expectations. 
Testing No web solution can be considered good and ready until it is thoroughly tested. The QA experts of DICEUS subject the product to a wall-to-wall testing procedure during which multiple and diverse checks are performed. Only when we are sure that the software piece has no bugs and security gaps can we pass on to the final stage. 
DeploymentNow the solution can be deployed and released for the user audience to enjoy. Our specialists follow the client’s preferences regarding the system, platform, or cloud environment where they would like to deploy their product. We also configure the hosting/server for the website, application, or portal and help the owner embrace the assets. 
Maintenance and support As a responsible IT vendor,  DICEUS doesn’t cease its cooperation with the client even after the product is delivered and deployed. We make it a point to stay with our customers as long as it is necessary to provide advice and assistance if they have questions as to the operation of the solution and monitor its functioning to ensure it is problem-free. 

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Optimal team composition for web development outsourcing

Another essential success summand in outsourcing web development is the choice of team to implement the project. On the one hand, the roster of specialists shouldn’t be very long so as not to overtax the project budget. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for handling the tasks within the stipulated time frame. We suggest the following web development team structure.  

Project Manager

This is the expert who is ultimately in charge of the project. For this role, DICEUS offers a person who has both managerial and IT experience. Their hands-on technical expertise is not one of a high-profile developer or coder. However, they are competent enough to understand how the development proceeds and what steps should be made to facilitate the progress if it lacks momentum. 

Software Architect

The responsibility of a project architect is to make sure everything is put together properly. (S)he studies project requirements and then coordinates the work of team members to enable the development process to support them. A project architect’s special point of concern is the right information architecture of the web product to support the content types it is going to be filled with. 

Back-end Developer 

Also known as a server-side engineer, (s)he is well-versed in programming languages to handle the technical specifications of the web server your website or web app will be deployed at. Although the client will never see the stuff back-end developers work at, it is crucial for the seamless functioning of the solution since reliable and secure data storage, processing, and retrieval is performed there.   

Front-end Developer 

This specialist’s task is to create the client side of the web product, that is, to build what appears on the screen of the user’s device. Leveraging their competence in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, they translate all elements the UI/UX designer sketched into code and take care of these buttons and pictures to let the user come to the right page, stitching them into a coherent and responsive picture. 

UI/UX Designer 

Sometimes these are different experts, but usually, it is one person who is responsible for how the site or app looks and feels. While the UI aspect is related to buttons, colors, icons, fonts, and animations, the UX side makes sure the solution is easy and enjoyable to use. The latter involves an in-depth understanding of the user audience and business logic behind the web product. 

Quality Assurance Engineer 

The role of the QA expert is to test the web product and ensure that it works smoothly and no bugs or glitches interfere with the performance. A special aspect they pay attention to is the product’s proper functioning across multiple devices and browsers. They start by creating a testing plan and follow it until they leave no stone unturned and contact the developers who will eliminate the issues. 

Our case studies

How much time does the web development take?

Every web project is unique, so a universal timeframe for web solution development can’t be determined. However, our estimates can be more precise when we know the following information. 

  • Project requirements 
  • Anticipated deadlines 
  • Tech staff composition 
  • Platforms and tech stack necessary for the project 
  • Allocated budget 

What affects your project costs

Organizations opting for outsourcing web development consider cost-efficiency as the chief motive behind this decision. That is why calculating entrepreneurs want to know in advance how much the solution is going to cost them. We can announce the final sum after we take into account the following factors.  

  • Technology chosen
  • The project scope and complexity 
  • The urgency of project completion 
  • The selected engagement model (Dedicated Team or Time & Material) 
  • The necessity of data migration

How can you help us to develop effectively?

Customers can hardly hope to quickly obtain a high-quality web product if they commission a project and rest on their oars, expecting us to do everything ourselves. We count on close cooperation with our clients, in which we are especially interested in the following information. 

  • The project vision, goals, and roadmap (if they are available) 
  • High-level project requirements 
  • Existing project documentation (software architecture, mockups, etc.)  
  • Budget size 
  • Client’s accessibility for weekly requirements gathering sessions (as a rule, not more than a couple of hours for one meeting)


2011the year DICEUS was established
130projects delivered successfully
8offices around the world
GlobalDelivery Center in Poland
250full-time tech professionals
100IT services available

Types of architecture for web development 

Web architecture is the pattern of organization and connection of elements within web products determining the way the components communicate with each other. Why is it important to select the right architecture scheme for your website or web app? Because it is mission-critical for the smooth operation of the solution as well as for its scalability potential. There are five main types to choose from. 

Our web development tech stack


What is web development outsourcing? 

It is a highly viable and cost-efficient IT personnel engagement model in which you don’t need to hire an IT department as a part of your organization on a permanent basis. Instead, you entrust the task of creating a software product (a website, web app, or portal) to a qualified IT vendor whose developers will leave you after the project you have invited them to accomplish is over. 

How much does it cost to outsource web development? 

The budget you have to allocate for obtaining a web solution is conditioned by several factors, including the scope of the project, the location of the vendor you hire, the hourly rates they charge for their services, and the engagement model you select. It is never a chump change issue, but it is definitely much cheaper than having an IT department on your regular payroll. 

Why should you outsource web development? 

Hiring, training, and maintaining an in-house IT department with working space, utilities, and equipment they need is a costly enterprise. By outsourcing web development to a competent IT vendor, you will be able to focus on your core activities, cut down on the software creation cost, get access to the global talent pool, and choose a partner with the best price/quality ratio.  

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