eCommerce website design

What we offer

Ecommerce website design and development has never been an easy task. Of course, you can always take one of the open-source templates, put on stock images, and get a ready-made online store in a couple of hours. But there are already thousands of such web platforms out there. To make your store recognizable and unique, a bit more effort should be involved. Our eCommerce web design agency offers top-notch web design services and guarantees end-to-end customizability and originality of finished solutions.

eCommerce website design

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eCommerce website design

Responsive design

In recent years, online orders have been increasingly shifting to mobile devices. This imposes certain requirements on the eCommerce platform design: it must be responsive – to adapt even to non-standard dimensions of user devices. For this, our eCommerce web design company uses a unique approach to the placement of functional elements to make everything look smooth and clean on any screen.

Custom development

We are against template solutions. We make each new design for an online store from scratch, which means that you will not find something similar to your solution on the web. At the same time, we always take into account the leading trends in the digital market, as well as the specific attributes of popular mobile platforms (for example, Apple’s Flat Design set the trend for minimalistic interface design).

Customized websites

Custom website development is a necessity in cases where the project owner needs to implement very rare, non-standard, or professional functionality and design elements. We will gladly take on this challenge, implementing something fundamentally new from the ground up, as well as offering you the most affordable way of its execution. You can contact our managers right now to get estimates.

CMS development

If you value terms of implementation and have a rather small budget, it is better to build your website based on a ready-made CMS. This will save you tons of money, as well as open up new opportunities for further technical support. Due to the fact that there are many tutorials on working with popular CMS on the Internet, you can easily train your full-time employee in site administration and configuration.

CRM development

Today, the quality of customer service is based on speed, fault-tolerance, and anticipation of customer needs. All these aspects are covered by CRM. Such software solutions will provide your company with a qualitatively new level of automation and eliminate dozens of routine tasks that your employees are probably tired of. CRM also reduces the human factor risks, which means you can save a lot of money.

If you are interested in custom eCommerce web design development, as well as products that help make your online commerce more profitable (for example, CRM), please contact us. Our experts will quickly calculate the budget for your individual project.

We have successfully implemented and now support dozens of online stores in various niches, so you can be sure that we will handle your project too. Let’s discuss the details of your business idea.

eCommerce website design

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eCommerce website design

Benefits of our ecommerce web design services

Looking for the perfect development team to create an eCommerce design, it is important to check the portfolio and rates, as well as to ensure the transparency of the eCommerce website design services provided. In particular, any company that cares about its clients creates an SLA at the very beginning of cooperation, which specifies all the details of the future project. This way, you can be sure that all your requirements will be met.

UI/UX best practice

Our eCommerce website design company has colossal expertise in UI/UX development, each time providing our clients with 100% unique projects. Thanks to this thorough approach, our solutions are competitive and recognizable. Moreover, with proper promotion, these solutions manage to quickly occupy top positions in SERP without unnecessary marketing investments, SEO, and advertising.

Ecommerce expertise

Ecommerce web design services require a special level of expertise. It is important to take into account modern web design trends as well as the correspondence to the end-user needs, and the correct promotion along the sales funnel. Our team is well aware of all these nuances, so it won’t be difficult for us to create a design that is convenient, accessible, and intuitive for visitors to your online store.

Understanding your needs

We always listen carefully to the wishes of our clients so that the final solution meets their expectations as closely as possible. To excel at this, at the initial stages of development, we create a full-fledged layout with designated functional and non-functional elements. If necessary, it is easy to remake it according to the wishes of the product owner. This approach eliminates early costly reworks.

High quality and security

With an emphasis on aesthetics, our eCommerce website designing company never sacrifices the quality of the final product. We always care about the safety of the end user information (in particular, payment data) and adhere to all privacy policies. To do this, we often use tested APIs from well-known software vendors (e.g., Google or Facebook APIs) to simplify the process of authorizing site users.

Our eCommerce web design process

Each of our eCommerce projects consists of several standard stages of development, which ensure the highest quality and competitiveness of the final result. Typically, each stage is implemented by a separate team with deep expertise in a specific niche – marketing analysis, web design, code writing, testing, and quality assurance. This helps us to properly distribute responsibilities, accelerate the release date of the project, and optimize workflows in the process of its creation.

Business analysisBusiness analysis is carried out at the very beginning of the project. This stage helps to learn existing competitors in the market, identify their winning features, and also understand how profitable our client’s project is. Based on the analysis obtained, we are able to competently compose the functionality, choose the best design template, and also pick a perfect strategy for the further development of your online store. In general, you can be calm about your investments – they will pay back in no time.
Website designDesign development for eCommerce sites requires a special approach from our designers. It is very important to clearly understand which features attract customers the most, how to properly present CTA on web pages, and also how to unobtrusively lead potential buyers along the sales funnel. Together with the functionality of the future online store, we always take care of its visual part and aesthetics, which you can see for yourself just by looking at our portfolio.
Web developmentThe web development stage is one of the most difficult. Whatever technology our specialists use (even if the site is built on the basis of a ready-made engine, like WordPress), they always make every effort to get the most reliable, high-quality, modern, and convenient for the end user solution. We will never offer you a copy of existing online stores and will diligently work out every cent of the project budget. You can make sure by looking at our finished works.
Testing and optimizationTesting and quality assurance is performed at the completion of each new project module. After finding bugs and inconsistencies with the previously compiled list of specifications, testers return it for revision. After made revisions, this product is re-tested and the procedure is repeated until it meets all the specifications. This is how we ensure the highest quality of created web solutions, making them exemplary, cost-effective, and competitive in their particular business niche.

What impacts your project duration

First of all, the project duration determines the man-hours spent, which can vary depending on the number of edits and changes in requirements on the client’s part. In general, several factors determine the duration of this period:

  • Project requirements
  • Expected deadlines
  • Team composition
  • Chosen technology and platforms
  • Integration needs

What affects your project costs

The project cost is determined by several aspects at once. Therefore, it is very important to agree on the functionality and technology stack with which the project will be implemented by our developers. These factors also affect project cost:

  • Project scope and complexity
  • Chosen technology
  • Project completion urgency
  • Engagement model: Fixed Price, Time and Material, Dedicated Team
  • Chosen payment gateway

What we need from your side

To reduce the budget and speed up the project release date, it is very important to coordinate the project requirements with the clients at the very beginning of development. These factors will help you avoid unnecessary costs:

  • Project goals, vision, and roadmap if exist
  • High-level project requirements
  • Project-specific documentation if available
  • Client’s availability (a couple of hours per week for requirements gathering sessions)

Our tech stack

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Frequently asked questions

What are ecommerce website design services?

eCommerce website design services are among the web development services that require real professionals to create the most intuitive, responsive, and attractive user interfaces. At the same time, it is very important to build a truly unique and recognizable solution. This is not an easy task, due to tens of thousands of new online stores appearing on the Internet every single day.

What are the best ecommerce web design companies?

We recommend looking for an ideal ratio of price and quality of the services provided for eCommerce web design among companies in Eastern Europe. This is where you will find the optimal rates and developers you can trust. In particular, such services are provided by our company, which occupies the top positions in – an independent web resource for searching software development specialists.

What are the latest trends for ecommerce web design?

Our specialists can distinguish two main trends in web design commerce: minimalism, inspired by the corporate identity of iOS platform apps, and skeuomorphism. The second trend involves the use of interface elements that are technologically outdated but remain familiar and recognizable to the end user. This makes the interface intuitive and clear from the first seconds of using the site.

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