DevOps outsourcing

DevOps is an effective approach to creating software products. It’s all about integrating efforts between the development and operation teams as two mission-critical agents participating in building IT solutions. Outsourcing DevOps is the best option if you lack expertise in onboarding this breakthrough methodology.

Outsource DevOps with DICEUS: The scope of services we provide

Since 2011, we provide DevOps and other IT-related services to customers across the world. Our DevOps experts will help you optimize your IT infrastructure, design and develop any type of architecture, including microservices and cloud, build a CI/CD pipeline, and many more. Explore our services below. If you don’t see the required service below, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help you!

DevOps outsourcing

Often, IT departments of big-size enterprises follow old-school practices while creating software products. Small businesses and startups just can’t afford to have an in-house high-tech workforce. In both cases, we offer a full-cycle outsourced DevOps as a Service suite that promotes the facilitation of development efficiency while reducing resource and time consumption.

IT infrastructure optimization

DevOps works perfectly not only in the development of applications or websites but also in infrastructure management. Whether on-premises or cloud-based, it needs to be taken care of since the enterprise infrastructure can become obsolete quickly and hamstring the company’s operation. The DICEUS DevOps specialists will handle infrastructure optimization and guide you through data migration.

Microservices architecture

This software architecture type is comparatively new, making it a perfect fit to be implemented with a novel approach like DevOps. Why? Because it allows for the simultaneous creation or upscaling of a solution’s modules, speeding up the delivery immensely. Our experts will help you develop, test, and deploy each feature of an IT product, connecting them within a single system via robust APIs.

Cloud architecture

The conservative owners of professional software developed and deployed on-premises are at a tremendous disadvantage compared to the astute entrepreneurs who have hydrated Google Cloud, AWS, Microsoft Azure, etc. We employ cloud-based tools and resources to swiftly create a dynamic cloud-fueled architecture of apps, sites, and other digital products with unlimited scalability potential.


Traditionally, developers took thought for the security of the solution they were building at the final stages of its creation. DevSecOps practices offer an opposite approach where the seasoned experts of DICEUS integrate security testing at each phase of product development. In this way, they promote cooperation between all stakeholders and ensure the timely delivery of an efficient and secure solution.

CI/CD pipeline

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment are the core of a DevOps team operation. The vetted professionals of DICEUS will set up and automate this pipeline, which begins with the compilation of the product through a version control system, then deals with its validation against customer requirements, tests the code, delivers the solution to the repository, and finally deploys it to the cloud infrastructure.

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How you can benefit from outsourced DevOps

Outsourcing is a viable engagement model whose IT market reached a breathtaking $400 million in 2020 and continues expanding (according to Statista). The DevOps domain is one of the most vibrant elements of outsourcing, expected to rise by more than 20% within the next five years. While it is gaining considerable traction, many companies need specialists of this type. What do businesses get when they hire a third-party DevOps team?

Immediate access to the global talent poolWhile the availability of DevOps experts is increasing slowly, if not undramatically, the need for such professionals grows apace, and the problem of enlisting a qualified DevOps engineer is especially acute in highly developed countries. By recruiting DevOps outsourcers, you step outside the limits of your city, region, country, or even continent and partner with high-profile mavens across the globe.
Faster developmentRecruiting and training your DevOps team or transforming the existing one along DevOps lines is long and laborious. When you engage outsourcers, they already have a competent and well-knit DevOps crew ready to step in at any moment. Such promptness allows enterprises to launch the development process quickly and deliver a finished solution within the stipulated time.
Cost-efficiencyA DevOps team on your regular payroll is a big-ticket item. You must find a shop floor space with well-equipped workstations, splurge on software, infrastructure, and utilities, find a replacement for any employee who called in sick or has a vacation, etc. With an outsourced DevOps workforce, you pay only for their services, saving a pretty penny on other expenditures.

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Your remote DevOps team

The DevOps approach to software development is a highly productive and efficient model that can significantly increase the speed and quality of the digital solutions creation. However, onboarding novel practices is always challenging and risky for the company that harnesses them. You should have a competent partner to rely on to enable a smooth transition to an innovative philosophy. What makes DICEUS a perfect choice as a DevOps remote team provider?

13 years of experience in DevOps services

Experience is the mother of wisdom, as the saying goes, and it is only too valid in the high-tech realm. We have been present in the IT services market since 2011, and all this time, DevOps has been one of the areas we specialize in, attaining mastery in the niche.

Qualified DevOps experts onboard

Most of the DevOps mavens of DICEUS have been with us for 10+ years of the company’s operation. They constantly enrich their qualification in the field and hone their hard and soft skills at various training, workshops, webinars, and professional courses related to DevOps.

Expertise across multiple industries

The DevOps principles, methods, and tools are universal instruments for developing software of any type and complexity. We fine-tune them depending on the peculiarities of the field the product is made for (fintech, insurance, banking, logistics, retail, healthcare, construction, etc.).

Transparent cooperation

When hiring a remote team, clients are often concerned about knowing what is going on and monitoring the project implementation. To ease their worries, we provide regular reporting on project progress and metrics, Quarterly Business Reviews, and Account Development Plans.

Flexible partnership

Nothing is carved in stone in the highly volatile business landscape and extremely dynamic technological environment. Realizing the ever-present need for transformations and adaptations, our DevOps team is ready to embrace changes, conform to the client’s requirements, and act upon the feedback.

The choice between two engagement models

Depending on the type of the project and its scope, customers can opt either for Time and Material scheme, where they pay for the resources and time used to accomplish the project, or hire a Dedicated Team to commit at their discretion and pay them per month.

Our case studies


2011the year DICEUS was established
130projects delivered successfully
8offices around the world
GlobalDelivery Center in Poland
250full-time tech professionals
100IT services available

How to start outsourcing DevOps with DICEUS

A good DevOps outsourcer not only possesses a crew of qualified developers and the necessary tech stack to complete projects commissioned by the customer. It also has a clear-cut roadmap for attaining such goals. Over a decade of providing DevOps services to clients worldwide, DICEUS has developed a three-step strategy that allows our experts to handle any DevOps-powered task.

Analysis and recommendationsThis is the discovery phase, aiming to assess the current condition of the customer’s IT assets (hardware, software, and infrastructure) and identify its pain points. With the analysis results at our fingertips, we outline the plan of automating lifecycles across the delivery infrastructure, come up with a roster of tools to be utilized, and determine the list of DevOps experts necessary to complete the project.
Signing a contractWhen we have a clear understanding of the resources and manpower the accomplishment of the project will require, we can finalize all our assumptions and plans in the documented form. The agreement we sign with the client contains the scope of the work with the deliverables, the delivery timeframe (including major milestones), the parties’ responsibilities, and the approved communication plan.
Implementing the projectThe team of specialists allocated to the project with the determined DevOps stack starts its work, performing the tasks stipulated by the contract. DICEUS doesn’t let the project team out of its sight and provides it with 24/7 assistance and support to ensure the seamless functioning of the automation cycle of the delivery pipeline. Besides, we hold monthly meetings and issue status reports to assess progress and plan further steps.

Our DevOps tech stack


What is DevOps outsourcing?

DevOps is a philosophy and methodology of implementing IT projects that aims to bridge the gap between the development and operation teams working on them. If an organization lacks the workforce or expertise to onboard DevOps techniques, a third party provides competent staff armed with the necessary tools to deliver high-quality and secure software products in accordance with the DevOps principles.

What are the benefits of outsourced DevOps with DICEUS?

Looking for DevOps outsourced services, companies expect to engage a vetted vendor with substantial experience delivering products for their specific industry, whose competent employees wield a state-of-the-art tech stack to handle the tasks the customer sets. DICEUS ticks all these boxes, offering fair pricing schemes, transparent partnership, and flexible cooperation models.

Does DICEUS provide dedicated DevOps teams?

A Dedicated Team is the most efficient engagement model in the DevOps services realm that maximizes the value this culture brings to creating software solutions. While recruiting competent DevOps personnel on a long-term basis, companies automate and optimize the software delivery process across all projects they are tackling instead of dealing with each project piecemeal and then having to set up a DevOps team anew for the next task.

What is DevOps managed service?

It is a business model in which the IT vendor is responsible for performing its hands-on tasks and functions and for outsourcing overall management and significant decisions during the project implementation. Steering by Automation, Measurement, and Sharing as the three DevOps pillars; managed teams provide high project progress speed, increased software development flexibility, quality integration, and continuity of delivery.

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