CRM for retail industry

What we offer

Custom development

We create custom retail CRM solutions capable of combining both offline and e-commerce channels into efficient, holistic workflows via which your sales team can successfully satisfy your customers. Fruitful staff collaboration along with higher productivity results from using CRM retail software we can create on an individual basis. We provide you with sales automation based on real-time data on customers and orders that our intelligent retail CRM systems collect and process across all your sales channels. Forget about time-consuming sales routines with highly-integrated custom CRM software for retailers.

Platform integration

Nothing but full integration appears when customer support call-centers, messengers, self-service terminals, social media, and email platforms go under the management of a unified vehicle of sales. A highly-integrated retail CRM platform can provide coherent control over critical processes such as ticket management and order updates. Any in-store experience of your customers, along with their shopping behavior and purchase history, is no longer a secret when various data-aggregation means such as POS, sensors, beacons, and mobile apps are getting integrated with CRM software for retail.

System modernization

In many cases, developing a retail CRM system from scratch makes sense, but sometimes it doesn’t. What if some upgrades are sufficient to optimize the existing CRM software? System modernization can be a time-saving solution for retailers whose business is rarely tolerant of both protracted interruptions and radical transformations. Following the pragmatic principle of “the best is the enemy of the good”, we provide retailers with the cost-saving revitalization of their current CRM systems via new modules and features. Our specs can make a brief but profound examination of the existing retail CRM software to deliver valuable insights on what can be improved without re-architecting the whole system.

Cloud migration

Even the richest on-premise IT facilities can get obsolete sooner or later. There is no sense in waiting for such a moment: cloud migration is here to let retail CRM systems stay immune to any technology gap. Every developing retail business has to overcome various teething troubles when the growing number of customers makes retail CRM platforms rapidly acquire new features and capabilities. It is better to have no constraints in terms of computing power, storage space, and continuous accessibility then. Cloud migration helps meet any challenge in such a context. DICEUS offers a full range of cloud migration services no matter what type, model, and strategy of cloud migration our customers may prefer.

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Benefits of our retail CRM development services

Highly skilled developers

CRM software for retail implies feature-rich, highly integrated solutions, the development of which requires true professionals. Our development engineers, designers, QA specs, and project managers all have sufficient competencies to create retail CRM systems of any complexity. DICEUS can develop a broad range of retail solutions from simple mobile apps to multichannel enterprise platforms. Both on-premise server-based systems and cloud-based CRM solutions are in the scope of our developers. Besides, system examination, modernization, and IT consulting make DICEUS a one-stop-shop for software development services.

Experience in CRM projects

A wide hands-on experience in creating custom CRM systems for retail is what DICEUS is proud of. Positive feedback from satisfied customers is worth a thousand words. We know exactly how retail CRMs should perform repetitive sales tasks, in which way POS systems should deal with billing and refunds, and what features should be inherent in sales analytics. A combination of deep IT expertise and practical knowledge of retail nuances allows us to contribute a lot to the improved operations and increased sales that our customers achieve with retail CRM systems created by DICEUS.

Flexible cooperation

We have no “one-fits-all” approach to cooperation with customers: retail business is too dynamic and multifaceted to let us stay inflexible. Retailers are usually overloaded with business affairs to adapt to our desires. On the contrary, DICEUS appreciates all customers and is always ready to walk in their shoes. We never insist on creating a new system from scratch if the existing retail CRM can be improved by adding new features and modules. We always offer various options to choose from: on-premise software vs. cloud-based solutions, fixed price vs. Time and Material, turnkey development vs. staff augmentation, and so on.

Technical support

Every software system aimed at continuous operation requires professional technical support. CRM systems for retailers belong to such a category. We provide maintenance, upgrading, and modernization of retail CRM systems created by both DICEUS and third-party vendors. Our technical support services include any sort of work that can be required by our customers. Besides, we offer educational IT consulting and staff training allowing retailers to solve various technical issues on their own without being critically dependent on our technical support specs.

Our retail CRM development process

DiscoveryEven though our specialists are more than familiar with the retail sector along with corresponding software solutions, we consider careful examination of customers’ requirements a must. No two retail CRM systems are alike, every project is unique. Moreover, the contemporary agenda of total customization makes every retailer stay distinct from all the others. The discovery stage, therefore, helps us realize how to provide the project with attributes and functions able to deliver definite competitive advantages to our customers. This is the win-win strategy DICEUS always relies on.
DevelopmentThe software development life cycle starts way before the first line of code is written. Prototyping a custom CRM system for retailers engages both designers and programmers evenly. Even though the type of SDLC is determined by the project specificity in each particular case, we prefer Agile continuous delivery when any iteration can hardly thwart the whole development process. We always seek to achieve errorless programming with our developers involved in creating tests on their own. Our programming arsenal includes only the most advanced frameworks and languages.
TestingSimilar to programming, our QA process begins at the stage of prototyping. When considering the future functionality of a retail CRM system our testers forecast what features may request special attention. QA engineers coordinate their work with programmers to combine continuous testing with continuous delivery. This results in a faster SDLC that provides budget savings for customers. We actively use automated testing in our DevOps practices. Manual tests remain critical as well to assess UX and system performance under actual loads.
MaintenanceDICEUS provides full-scope maintenance for every created retail CRM software. We prefer keeping a close eye on all our products over their entire life cycles. There can be different variants of our technical support: 24/7 customer service, regular updates, predictive maintenance, system modernization, etc. Cloud migration of on-premise infrastructures is not beyond our services as well.

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What impacts your project duration

The time frame of retail CRM software development can significantly vary from project to project. The overall SDLC duration depends on the following decisive aspects:

  • Project requirements
  • Expected time-to-market
  • Team composition
  • Chosen platforms and technology stack
  • Integration needs

What affects your project costs

The final cost of every retail CRM system is determined by a particular set of aspects. The following info would help us correctly calculate the project budget:

  • Project scope and complexity
  • Preferable technology
  • Project completion urgency
  • Engagement model: Fixed Price, Time and Material, Dedicated Team

What we need from your side

To make custom CRM software for retailers appear with no delay, we usually ask our customers for the following info:

  • Project goals, vision, and roadmap
  • High-level project requirements
  • Project-specific documentation
  • Deadlines
  • A couple of one-hour sessions per week for requirements gathering

Our tech stack

Explore our case studies

Frequently asked questions

What are the basic modules of retail CRM systems?

CRM software for retailers usually consists of three main sections that, in turn, consist of several corresponding modules. The staff service section includes such modules as documentation, workflow, staff performance, and chatroom. The marketing section includes leads, analytics, email marketing, and social media. The sales section should have the following modules: order data, billing and refunding, sales reports, and customer support. The given list of modules is never a dogma, however. Custom CRM systems for retail can be built according to the individual needs and desires of our customers.

Can you recommend a suitable CRM for our business?

Having a certain hands-on experience in building retail CRM systems, DICEUS is not in favor of out-of-the-box solutions. We believe that just custom-made software can meet all the challenges and business goals inherent in retail activities. At the same time, we realize that bespoke CRM systems can go beyond the budgets of many retailers. We’d suggest customizable CRM solutions such as HubSpot CRM (cloud-based), Freshworks CRM, and Salesforce CRM (AI-enabled) to try.

Do you provide IT consulting on CRM projects?

The scope of our IT consulting services implies providing our customers with a wide knowledge base on retail CRM systems. We can carefully examine a particular retail activity to deliver insights on the most appropriate modules and features to be present in a corresponding custom CRM solution. Besides, our engineers can consult you about possible system modernization that can significantly improve the performance of the existing CRM software for retail.

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