E-Murabaha – Islamic finance project on blockchain

  • ico 15 minutes

    15 minutes it takes now to process a deal
  • ico any industry

    Any industry can adopt blockchain Murabahah contracts
  • ico guarantees

    Guarantees are provided by tamper-proof smart contracts

Project overview

E-Murabaha is a modern digital software solution that facilitates Sharia-compliant financial services. It relies on the installments scheme and is based on the Corda blockchain. Combined, these approaches guarantee transparency and security of all transactions that involve banks, merchants, and buyers. We designed, built, and released mobile and web modules, the database, blockchain features, and all the back-end elements.

Client information

MIZA is a FinTech company focused on the development and distribution of finance solutions for SMEs and individuals. It pays close attention to Sharia-compliant financial services and tools. The company helps underbanked customers in accessing innovative digital financial offerings. What’s interesting, it was chosen as one of the top 100 leading Arabic organizations that contribute to the modern industrial transformation.

Business challenge

In Islamic countries, crediting is nearly impossible due to Sharia laws. According to the specific type of sales contracts known as Murabahah, individuals and entities can’t charge money for assets that they don’t own. Such contracts have a few core elements like assets, completion, currency, parties, etc. Our client MIZA wanted to build a digital Sharia-compliant solution to handle such contracts faster. Before the release, these operations were complicated and time-consuming. By combining innovations and traditional rules, we streamlined financial processes for Islamic customers.

Technical challenges

Using the blockchain infrastructure was a unique experience. We had to combine highly innovative solutions like CorDapps based on the Corda blockchain with time-proven traditions and Sharia requirements. The final goal was to guarantee proper transition of ownership rights from sellers to buyers, display date, and other information about transactions, specify costs and markups in contracts. As well, we had to add functionalities for other parties: MIZA itself, banks, and regulatory authorities.

Solution delivered

E-Murabaha is a web and a mobile app for merchants, buyers, and banks. It lets these parties engage in the Murabahah contracts and transfer ownership in a transparent and secure way. The system relies on the R3 Corda distributed ledger and R3 Corda smart contracts that provide the tech solution for making ownership transfers in a Shariah-compliant and verifiable way. Furthermore, the solution lets MIZA administrators control the system while representatives of regulatory bodies can check the transactions to approve their compliance.

img solution
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Key features

img key future
  • CorDapps development

    Powered by smart contracts, distributed Corda applications help parties to engage in fair Murabahah contracts. The solution developed supports creation and interaction with custom CorDapps.

  • On-chain transactions monitoring

    Authorities want to ensure that in-system on-chain transactions are Sharia-compliant. For this, they can check the essential data and verify that all the Murabahah rules are met.

  • Murabahah contracts analysis

    Surely, E-Murabahah supports this type of contract to be agreed by buyers, sellers, and banks that act as intermediaries. Electronic contracts are much faster and simpler for all parties.

  • On-chain storage for ownership data

    The Corda blockchain keeps the information about financial transactions. Thus, the related parties can be sure of security and fairness. Smart contracts also contribute to unbiased operations.

  • Registration and update processes

    Users can create accounts and manage their contracts inside the applications easily. For MIZA admins, there’s a separate module that lets them verify operations.

Value to our client

  • Flow processing decreased to 15 minutes

    Without the E-Murabaha software, customers and merchants had to spend days, agreeing on all terms, connecting with banks. Thanks to the business flow backed-up by R3 Corda blockchain, these operations are quicker.

  • Suitable for different use cases

    E-Murabaha facilitates interactions between buyers and sellers in various industries. As long as Murabahah contracts prohibit crediting, the solution re-organizes the process to let people get funds from banks.

  • Solid guarantees for all parties

    Blockchain transparency and security help banks, buyers, and sellers trust each other. Any involved party can check Murabahah data at any time to ensure that partners act as agreed.

Our tech stack

  • net .NET Core
  • ch C#
  • Corda Corda 
  • Hasura Hasura 
  • Kotlin Kotlin
  • PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
  • python Python
  • React React
  • React-Native React Native

Software solutions bringing business values

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