Business intelligence consulting services

What we offer

It is time to turn all the data you accumulate in terms of your running business into a fail-proof business-boosting tool. DICEUS offers in-depth business intelligence consulting to help you start reaping the most benefit out from your data assets at a reasonable price of services and without going far in terms of all the technical difficulties you may experience building a BI system on your own.

We have seasoned field specialists with years of experience and pinpointed expertise that can either build a business intelligence system for you from scratch, optimize and patch up the existing solution, or direct your own specialists in the most effective way of achieving a profitable and efficient BI system. All this at the tip of your fingers — you can get a free preliminary consultation from our expert right now. Here are the benefits you get from cooperation with the DICEUS experts.

Business intelligence consulting services

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Business intelligence consulting services

Benefits of business intelligence consulting

Our business intelligence consulting services are focused primarily on improving and expanding your usual flow of business data within a company or an independent team. This involves optimizing all the tasks related to finding, collecting, structuring, storing, processing, and doing other manipulations with data business-wide. As you may know, data today is the most valuable asset for any business. And you can only prosper in the modern market if you are at least a step ahead of your competitors in working with data.

Improved operations

We have experienced BI consultants and field specialists that will help you figure out the most efficient way of handling data specifically for your type of business workflow. In the long run, this allows streamlining all essential business operations and achieving higher business efficiency through a well-structured, segmented, in-depth approach to storing and processing data. By enhancing your usual data analysis, planning, and reporting, you get better weighed-out decision-making, faster overall workflow processes, and higher service quality.

Better risk management

We provide BI consulting services that should also help you keep most of the possible business risks in check. Properly structured data sets that go through detailed planning and analysis can be efficiently used to predict the essential risks, prepare for them beforehand, and avoid or even eliminate them entirely. With all your business intelligence properly sorted and in line, you will be able to steer clear of the common pitfalls, avoid huge budget losses and extra expenses, and simply forget about unexpected workflow force majeure.

High data quality

With seasoned, professional guidance, your in-house BI specialists and department managers will be able to faster deliver data of a higher quality to business stakeholders. The more properly structured and deeply analyzed it is, the more long-term benefit you can expect from it. For one thing, you will be able to more clearly understand the specific needs and desires of your customers or users and provide a much higher level of user experience. In turn, high rates of user satisfaction are the pillars of overall business success.

360-degree solutions

The ultimate benefit of employing a professional approach to handling data of all sorts goes far beyond the managerial workflow aspects. Thoroughly analyzed and planned out data assets help build versatile solutions with the all-around user satisfying functionality that gives a great competitive edge. Data flows in the market are set in motion and analyzed very intensely, which is why you need your data planning, analysis, and processing work like a clock to stay up to both user and market demands and deliver on promises.

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Our business intelligence consulting services

DICEUS is a profiled business intelligence consulting company with years of experience in BI, dozens of business-boosting solutions delivered for companies of all sorts, and a well-adjusted process of BI consulting. We treat every project individually and are always open to custom workflow planning.

Predictive analytics

How to outline likely and potential risks, discover new product development, promotion, marketing opportunities, hit the spot in terms of customer satisfaction, and ultimately predict most business undermining occurrences? All this is enabled with professional predictive analytics of the data accumulated during the operation of your business. In the long run, this effort helps reduce costs, optimize individual solutions, and improve team cooperation.


Data warehousing is the essential component of business intelligence management that allows for efficiently analyzing and reporting the accumulated data assets. To help you do that properly, we offer consultations by seasoned industry specialists that will save you time, predict business outcomes, and boost your usual RoI. On top of that, we also walk you through the essential principles of ETL — extract, transform, load — to help you properly move data between repositories.


One of the fundamental tools in any business intelligence analysis effort is thorough visualization of all data assets to be analyzed. We have been perfecting different methods of clear data visualization through a bunch of dashboard formats. Working with your workflow, however, we will create a custom sturdy dashboard assembled according to the best practices and optimized in line with your business specifics. In particular, we can build you an interactive data visualization dashboard where you can handle all related tasks.

Self-service BI

We can show you how to use valuable data insights to your advantage so that you could boost your business decision-making efficiency and better reach goals on your own. We are eager to share our knowledge and experience so that you know for sure how to develop further most properly. For this, we offer self-service business intelligence consultations and solutions that will help you adopt the most efficient approaches, figure out all the specifics, and continue using all that for in-depth data analyses and eventual forecasts and statistics.

What impacts your project duration

We usually guarantee the most convenient project timelines that we agree upon beforehand. The major factors that heavily influence the time include the following.

  • Project requirements
  • Expected deadlines
  • Team composition
  • The chosen technologies and platforms
  • Customization time

What affects your project costs

To accurately estimate the cost of your project, we will need to know some details from your side. Please provide the following information to learn how much it will cost to get your project done.

  • Project scope and complexity
  • Chosen technology
  • Project completion urgency
  • Engagement model: Fixed Price, Time and Material, Dedicated Team
  • Chosen platform

What we need from your side

It’s impossible to deliver a well-functioning product without the client’s involvement into the project. You should be prepared to spare a couple of hours each week for discussions. To properly plan the project’s scope, timeline, and deliverables, here’s what we need from you.

  • Project goals, vision, and roadmap if exist
  • High-level project requirements
  • Project-specific documentation if available, for example, software architecture and mockups
  • Client’s availability (a couple of hours per week for requirements gathering sessions)
  • Project deadlines

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Frequently asked questions

What are business intelligence solutions?

Software solutions dedicated to business intelligence management cover a range of tools and features for structuring, analyzing, planning, processing, and reporting data in a well-segmented, time- and cost-efficient manner. At our business intelligence consulting firm, for instance, we are using complex AI-powered systems and other tools to reach the ultimate BI efficiency.

What are the benefits of BI solutions?

Handling business intelligence efforts in a company results in saved costs and lowered extra expenses, boosted RoI and overall profits, faster decision-making and time-to-market, better user experience and satisfaction rates as a whole. Data is the foundation of any company and it must be handled properly, which a business intelligence solutions company like ours will help you do without going far.

What is business intelligence consulting?

Business intelligence consulting services are based on guiding you or your team of specialists (BI experts, IT specialists, managers, etc.) through the specifics of optimizing data management and business intelligence handling in your company. For this, our BI consulting company offers a range of initiatives, tools, and custom services that will help you smooth out the overall data management workflow.

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