MSP help desk services

What we offer

The digitally driven civilization is all around us, where IT products help people solve numerous problems and do multiple tasks in a split second. However, like any other artifacts, software solutions may malfunction or stop operating, thus causing a hiatus in the pipeline activities of individual employees, departments, or even entire organizations, as well as dissatisfaction among their clientele. For non-tech companies, having an in-house support team that can fix issues is unaffordable. DICEUS is here to give you a hand in such situations via its outsourced help desk for MSP (managed service provider). We are proud to offer our customers the following kinds of support services.

Outsourced MSP help desk services

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Outsourced MSP help desk services

Level 1 support

L1 support is the first line of assistance serving as a single center of contact via live chat, phone, portal, or email. At this stage, our experts provide basic troubleshooting and resolution related to store equipment and network issues, routing of service queries to respective specialists, and the whole scope of ticket management, including escalation and service level reporting.

Level 2 support

On this second base, the personnel has more skills and experience to deal with the tickets routed to them from L1 and generate additional tickets for the issues they pinpoint. In addition, our L2 mavens are qualified to cover in-depth systems and app incident resolutions, perform root cause analysis and incident trending, and exercise infrastructure monitoring and configuration management.

Level 3 support

Here, high-profile specialists tackle the most challenging problems related to code changes, fix new or unknown issues and defects, and research and develop products that can solve unexpected challenges. Their expertise also extends to customizations and integrations, performance tuning and capacity planning, or just helping L1 and L2 staff in overcoming obstacles in their work.

IT project management

Planning and executing a project in the IT industry is a tough row to hoe, which becomes even more complicated if a vendor has several assignments on their hands. Our experts, armed with specialized software, will provide guidance in road mapping, structuring, and managing your projects, teams, and workflows. They will also advise you on collaboration tools to efficiently organize, schedule, and monitor project implementation.

MSP Help Desk Services

You can get the entire gamut of help desk services under one roof. The support aspects handled in the centralized hub set up by DICEUS include comprehensive help desk management, account management, asset management, advanced reporting, and remote control. Once customers contact it, they are sure to receive help or consultation in any trouble or predicament they face.

Change management

Any IT solution, infrastructure, or data bank isn’t carved in stone to remain unchanged for years and decades to come. Regulated or emergency, minor or major, changes are inevitable. We will see to it that they are carefully planned, correctly executed, and meticulously reviewed on completion to avoid risks and mitigate their impact on your business.

In such a sophisticated industry as IT, technical problems are unavoidable. Of course, developers, testers, and QA engineers do their best to minimize them, but they do crop up from time to time. The only thing left for organizations is to try to anticipate these emergencies and deal with them on short notice. And the most cost-efficient way to do it is to outsource MSP help desk services to a vetted vendor.

We at DICEUS will see to it that all customer queries and complaints are dealt with by competent and experienced personnel who will efficiently address the issue in the shortest possible time. Besides, we will continuously manage and monitor the ecosystems, infrastructures, applications, and all enterprise software products to ensure their non-stop, error-free, and secure functioning.

MSP help desk services

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MSP help desk services

Benefits of outsourced MSP help desk services

Despite the across-the-board advent of Industry 4.0, the majority of modern people aren’t tech-savvy enough to solve problems with the software solutions they use every day. The same is true of small companies and startups that have no specialized IT department of their own. Luckily, they can recruit a qualified third party to provide such services for them. So what perks does this engagement model guarantee to customers?

Cost efficiency

This advantage is mentioned first when it goes about any outsourcing initiatives and help desk services are no exception. Organizations have no spare funds to splurge on paying the in-house team their salaries, training IT personnel, buying specialized software and hardware, renting space for workstations, etc. By hiring an MSP support crew, you can save on such expenditures and pay the outsourcer only for the services they render.

Around-the-clock service

Outsourced help desk staff work around the clock, no matter whether it is a working day or a weekend. Vacations, holidays, and sick leaves do not impact the efficiency and speed of support services since the vendor guarantees the stipulated number of specialists on the team’s roster. If employees can’t perform their duties, they are substituted by a no less qualified and trained-to-act expert who steps into the breach immediately.

Core activity focus

Being top-notch professionals in your business field, you can hardly boast of the same expertise in other spheres, still less in such a specialized realm as IT. The availability of an outsourced help desk team will allow your personnel to handle their core processes and focus on increasing revenues without getting distracted by the necessity to acquire high-level skills in a totally alien industry, train your tech department, or bother with its management.

Utmost flexibility

If you set up an in-house tech support service, you will have a fixed workforce that may appear too small in rush hours and keep the customers waiting but will twiddle their thumbs during slack spells, still getting their salary. Help desk outsourcing solves this problem through its superb scalability opportunities. The team can be easily augmented when it is short of hands or downscaled once the surge of queries and complaints ebbs low.

How we provide MSP help desk services

When hiring an outsourced team, customers expect to get technically competent and communicatively capable personnel who will handle support responsibilities and keep their clients satisfied. We at DICEUS have a dozen years of experience in the IT sector and numerous completed projects that enable us to provide top-notch help desk services without any reservation. So how do we do that?

24/7/365 help desk managementThis is the departure point of our help desk services. We set up a single point of contact that carries your brand name. We follow our customers’ preferences in the choice of a ticketing solution. It can be the garden variety of an MSP system, or we can offer our custom product that will be fine-tuned to fit their requirements to a tee.
Developing standard operating proceduresIf the help desk team relies on their intuition while handling queries and complaints, their work will soon be a mess, and their efforts will be wasted. Instead, we create a standard algorithm of steps for them to make and a knowledge base to draw upon. In this way, we ensure the efficiency and speed of the support team’s functioning.
Conducting user trainingA significant share of technical problems customers encounter isn’t that serious and can be fixed by users themselves. We generate a detailed and comprehensive set of self-support materials that cover the simplest issues users can tackle independently. In this way, we foster self-help among our clientele and free our experts to solve only complicated tasks.
Assessing users’ feedbackThe ultimate goal of any help desk operation is customer satisfaction. How can you know that the clientele is pleased with the services you provide? Only by analyzing their feedback. We leverage specialized tools and techniques to gauge the level of satisfaction end users display. Such insights can be further utilized in modifying and improving our approaches.

What impacts your project duration

Each project is different in length, but generally, five considerations can influence its duration.

  • Project requirements
  • Expected cooperation period
  • Workforce roster
  • Onboarded technologies and tools
  • Change requests

What affects your project costs

The cost of the project isn’t a one-size-fits-all sum. It can be calculated down to a penny depending on the following factors:

  • The urgency of project implementation
  • Its scope and complexity
  • Chosen tech stack
  • The engagement model you choose
  • Kick-off date

What we need from your side

We can guarantee high-quality and full-scale technical support only if we know the subject we are dealing with inside out. To attain such comprehensive and profound awareness, we expect the customer to provide the following information:

  • Project vision, objectives, and roadmap (in case it exists)
  • Detailed project requirements
  • All technical documentation related to the MSP solution you are using
  • Expected duration of cooperation
  • Customer’s availability schedule for requirements sessions (several hours per week)

Our tech stack

Explore our case studies

Frequently asked questions

What are help desk services for MSP?

Generally, they cover the entire range of services that aim to handle queries and complaints of end users caused by problems in utilizing specific IT solutions. As a rule, such services extend to the technical support of several levels (conventionally three), account and asset management, remote control, and advanced reporting.

What other managed IT services does DICEUS offer?

As a reliable and competent vendor with long-time experience in the IT industry, DICEUS can be highly instrumental in such kinds of managed services as migration, DevOps, testing, and support services. In any of these use cases, we offer consulting, in-depth business analysis, developing strategy, and flawless execution.

What are the benefits of help desk services?

Their ultimate goal is to keep your clientele satisfied and foster customer loyalty to your brand. To make the most of the help desk services, you should outsource them. In this case, you will get a qualified team of scalable size working around the clock, cut down on expenditure (in comparison to having an in-house department), and focus on your core business routine.

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