Software code audit services 

Our software code audit service covers full project code inspection and collection of in-depth information on software’s weaknesses, threats, and vulnerabilities. Based on the thorough analysis, we give you an expertise-driven perspective on how to make your product function seamlessly. 

Software code audit services 

The real value of a software security audit lies in understanding all the intricacies of the existing code. An audit report highlights potential integration challenges, code flexibility, and security risks. It may also imply the best practices for fixing problems and contain recommendations for improving the product. 

Tech stack examination 

We analyze the key components in your technology stack and assess whether their use is up to date and involves any potential threats. This provides your business with data-driven insights concerning the main technologies to scale and make operations flawless. 

Performance audit 

We identify parts of the code that might slow down the software or use system resources above the norm. We check whether applications are performing as expected in the initial project plan. If not, we optimize the code for better performance and efficiency. 

Tech documentation 

We check a tech document of your product with the basic details. It usually involves the list of requirements, architecture design, source code, validation docs, as well as verification and maintenance information. This way, we can track progress, implement changes, and have information for future reference. 

Architecture assessment 

We offer code review as a service to check the project’s code and analyze how it is organized from a high-level perspective. After the implementation is done and the project goes into production, we try to find bugs and fix them as soon as possible. This way, we ensure a specialized code can fulfill your project needs. 

Code quality evaluation 

We issue a diagnosis for the software code based on a thorough evaluation. A poorly written code takes time to build out the new functionality. This makes future development faster and more efficient so that you can roll out updates more quickly. 

Consulting and maintenance 

We offer an outside professional opinion on product design and implementation based on the actual code. We regularly consult with our clients to determine overall code health and enhance quality and security. A well-structured code is easier to maintain. A code audit helps identify areas where the code can be improved, making future maintenance more manageable. 

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Benefits of software code audit services 

Poor system architecture and hidden vulnerabilities can cost your project a fortune, forcing you to spend more to improve and strengthen product features. You might also experience unexamined security failings that could seriously impact a business and customers. 

With our security code audit, you get reassurance that your product’s source code is in good condition. And you get a wide range of other benefits along the way: 

Adhering to coding standards 

When inspecting a software code, there are four core code standards to consider — maintainability, reliability, efficiency, and portability. All of them have a great impact on overall product quality. We evaluate your code through the prism of our professional competence and learn what is needed to align it with coding best practices. 

Ensuring security 

Your application should adhere to industry-standard encryption and not expose user data. We will make an extra evaluation of the security aspects of your product, which will allow us to spot dangerous bugs and other weaknesses. We will identify the red flags that you need to be aware of. 

Mitigating risks 

Our code audit also comes with a series of reviews to address vulnerabilities and risks connected to your code. We detect security flaws or database abnormalities that may lead to data leakage and other negative circumstances. We can talk about the different efficient ways flaws can be avoided or fixed. 

Improving performance 

Hidden flaws can cripple your system and influence scaling efforts at the worst possible moment. Through risk mitigation, we help your product perform at its best. Our code audit will identify possible issues and give you the time to make a proper judgment of how and when to address them for the sake of better performance. 

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How it works 

A code audit process needs both time and analysis of the source code lines by software audit services. We recommend coordinating automated and manual testing to keep the project development smooth. The following four steps will help while conducting a code audit. 

Request a code audit 

The initiation stage helps define the goals you want to achieve during a personalized code audit. We need information about current problems with software and project expectations. All the information can be shared during a one-on-one meeting or by questionnaire submission. 

Provide access to the repository 

A product owner should give access to all the files and services so that our specialists can inspect the source code and understand the inner structure. After providing access to a repository, it is also necessary to share the following: 

  • Files with source code 
  • Information about product development workflow 
  • Login credentials to extra services 
  • Access to servers 

We conduct a code audit 

Our experts check technologies, frameworks, and libraries. They then analyze the codebase manually by using code inspection software. They also review performance and complete security checks. 

Receive code audit report 

We prepare a final code audit report with all the issues indicated in the previous steps. We also add comments to our report indicating the reasons for critical security threats or vulnerabilities and whether they need to be fixed immediately. Our company makes the reports more accessible for customers by adding graphs and comparisons for a better visual description of the existing situation. 

When do you need a code audit? 

The true value of application security audit lies in finding out crucial information about the code. An audit report can shed light on potential integration difficulties, code flexibility, tech documentation, etc. To be more specific, here are several reasons why customers might need a code audit. 

Failing to scale up your project development Even the best engineers can miss some significant details, which is why double-checking is always a good idea. After receiving an external code review, you can get a professional opinion on the quality of code provided by your software developers who identify the issues and specify technical debt in advance when it is less expensive to make amendments. 
Having code management complications Code audits help you reach consistency in the way the code for your digital product is utilized. It ensures everyone in your team is on the same page in regard to how code should be written and utilized internally or externally. Code audits indicate any areas of improvement and adjustment, making the operations smoother to manage. 
Buying or investing in the new app 
After a business purchase or investment, you have an app or other type of digital product that needs to be audited. This way, you can find out how much time and money you need to invest in the product to make it work properly. If you are looking for investors or selling a digital project, performing a comprehensive inspection allows you to minimize possible market risks and support the necessary changes. 
Avoiding technical debt Code or tech debt describes what happens when mobile app developers make efforts to speed up the completion of a project. In other words, it’s the consequence of focusing on speed and leaving perfection in coding behind. Making future modifications to a product can raise technical debt if the process isn’t stringent enough. Ensure that whatever you are changing in software in-house or externally doesn’t cause issues. 


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What are software code audit services? 

A comprehensive analysis of source code offered by the development team of DICEUS is intended to discover bugs, security breaches, or violations of programming conventions. It is an integral element of the defensive programming paradigm, which aims to eliminate errors before the software launch. 

Why do I need a software code audit? 

For the smooth operation of your software product, the code must be viable. It is important to audit the code to detect weaknesses in the code, determine scalability, enhance the project security, and provide better maintainability. 

What benefits do software code audit services provide? 

IT software services aim to polish your software project from current flaws, whether it comes to internal architecture or security. They focus on high coding standards when assessing risk mitigation capabilities. After examining the existing performance of your software, they may offer ways to improve the code. 

How is a software code audit performed? 

The process consists of several simple steps. Customers request a code audit by providing detailed information on current issues and goals to be achieved and giving access to the repository. Our specialists then conduct a code inspection and create an audit report in the end. 

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