Mobile app consulting services

What we offer

Mobile app consulting services are provided to deliver the most effective app development strategy, UI/UX design, and functional and non-functional requirements for the current or future mobile application. DICEUS has been offering mobile development and consulting services since 2011. For more than 10 years, we have built digital products (mobile apps, web portals, chatbots, and messengers) for enterprises and fast-growing start-ups. We will accompany you from ideation and niche research to the testing and launching of your mobile solution with our guidance and recommendations. Here’s the scope of our iOS and Android mobile app design and development consultancy.

Mobile app consulting

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Mobile app consulting

Mobile app audit

If you’ve already got a mobile app and want to understand if it can be improved or whether upgrading it is hardly feasible, you should consider a mobile app audit. To see where your app underperforms and if its flaws are that serious, our app consultants put it under comprehensive scrutiny by checking its UI and UX, code, security, and compliance, as well as platform and device compatibility with this product of yours. Our CX researcher will also conduct user interviews and create user persona and customer journey mapping based on the research findings.

App modernization

If the audit shows that your app is still functional but requires upgrading, we roadmap the modernization strategy. Based on the analysis and other preliminary steps, our iOS or Android mobile app design and development consultants will come up with UX/UI redesign plan, perform feature prioritization, draw an architecture remodeling scheme and code refactoring plan, and take thought for re-integration and migration if either of the processes is necessary.

App development

Once revamping the existing app makes no sense (either technologically- or finance-wise), we can assist in building a new solution with similar business objectives and characteristics. This is the core of our app development consulting services, which includes recommendations on any aspect of the full-cycle app creation from the discovery phase and planning through wireframing and developing a prototype to delivering a fully functional product wholly aligned with your business processes.

App testing and QA

The app can’t be considered ready for deployment until it is thoroughly tested. Our app development consultant will advise on choosing the testing strategy and methods to suit your project. Moreover, they will brief you on the peculiarities of conducting multiple tests of various types (compatibility, accessibility, compliance, security, functional, etc.) in the automated and manual modes to ensure the final product’s performance quality and prove that it is safe to utilize.

Mobile app launch

Releasing an app isn’t as simple as it seems. In terms of an app product company, you should register a domain, create a landing page, shoot a promo video, define its success metrics and develop a dashboard to analyze it, submit the product to the app store(s), notify people on your email list on its launch, etc. In terms of an enterprise, you should do the same but also train employees and customers to use the app. Our app consultancy will ensure the organization and management of the launch routine are smooth and efficient.

App maintenance

Some people think any software product can be left alone once it is built and launched. However, it needs constant care and support. DICEUS provides consultations on how to keep it fully functional as long as it is in use. Moreover, we undertake continuously analyzing, updating, and modifying your apps to allow them to bring maximum satisfaction to users and an interrupted inflow of revenues into your company’s coffers.

The app development niche is a highly specialized field of the modern IT industry that requires high-profile expertise and close collaboration of all stakeholders. However, even seasoned professionals may face issues while working on a project. For example, they may wonder about the choice of the platform, technology, or coding language, the size and composition of the development team, or the most efficient testing methods to leverage in every use case. And this is where DICEUS steps in.

The gamut of our iOS and Android consulting services encompasses all possible aspects and stages of mobile app creation. By promptly and competently answering all the numerous questions and lending a helping hand in every predicament, we guide you throughout the entire process and enable you to make the most optimal decisions. As a result, you obtain the best possible product to yield the maximum return on investment.

Mobile app consulting services

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Mobile app consulting services

Benefits of mobile app consulting

In a world where mobile devices are twice as large as the global population, apps have become a premium tool for earning money and facilitating shop floor routines. The growing demand for such products caused the appearance of numerous software development companies that offer their services in mobile app creation. Our iOS and Android mobile application consultants can bolster their efficiency immensely and let your organization enjoy the following perks.

Cost saving

This is what customers look for in a software solution, first of all. Applying the latest methods of forecasting business prospects that the transformations and updates of an app may trigger, we can help you gauge the profitability of the solution you are building or revamping in a couple of working days. As a result, you keep abreast of the feedback and make knowledgeable decisions to get the quickest possible return on investment and maximize your profits.

Top-notch expertise

High-profile specialists with profound competence in the field can become game-changers in any project and guarantee the efficiency of consulting services. Our seasoned mavens have the necessary skills and experience to provide valuable tips related to your business niche and perform an in-depth analysis of the issue you are facing. Besides, they are qualified to recommend the optimal tech stack for the project that best fits your business requirements and budget.

Risk minimization

Having rendered consulting services for a decade, our experts know the domain they work in. That is why they can predict risks and anticipate bottlenecks customers face in implementing and using mobile apps. In addition, they will conduct exhaustive market research in the niche to reinforce the existing expertise. It helps them identify principal competitors, optimize your business requirements, and suggest your product’s most efficient business and marketing strategy.

Comprehensive approach

Once you contact us, you won’t need to look for separate specialists to solve various problems and advise you on different issues related to the app creation process. Our competent and versatile team provides the whole scope of consulting services, whether it is budget planning, tech stack selection, project completion estimation, or development pipeline optimization. We will start working on your problem at once and keep in touch with you as long as you need our help.

Our mobile app consulting process

The departure point of our cooperation with the clientele is the preliminary negotiations. By collecting the maximum number of specifications and requirements, we minimize possible change requests and ensure prompt service delivery. What steps do we take to attain the overarching goal we pursue – the customer’s success?

Initial researchAlso known as the discovery phase, this kick-off stage aims to clarify the roster of problems the client faces, technical and business challenges symptomatic of the sector, and deliverables they expect to receive. Here we also perform an in-depth analysis of the market and competitor products to pinpoint their fortes and inadequacies.
Strategic planningWhen our experts have obtained all the necessary data on market trends and flaws of existing solutions in the niche, they map out the strategy they recommend the customer adopt to reach their business goals and outstrip rivals. At this stage, we conceptualize the framework of the future app and select the technologies to leverage in app creation.
Implementation and testingThis is the longest phase to accomplish since it is now that you must translate all your plans into actions. After the product is completed, you should check its performance and make sure it has no bugs or glitches that disrupt the user experience. However time-consuming the process may be, we guarantee to keep within the stipulated development time.
Support and maintenanceDICEUS is a reliable vendor that stays with the customer after the app is deployed as long as our consulting services are needed. We not only monitor the performance of the solution but also recommend optimization and customization measures that will enable the app to keep up to date with changes in the business and technical landscape and remain the product that sells itself.

What impacts your project duration

Each project is unique in the time it will take to complete, but all of them are subject to the same factors that condition their duration.

  • Project requirements
  • Scheduled deadlines
  • Team structure
  • Selected technologies and platforms
  • Change requests

What affects your project costs

The precise budget you will have to allocate to see the project through depends on the following:

  • The urgency of project completion
  • Its scope and complexity
  • Selected tech stack
  • The engagement models
  • Release date

What we need from your side

Collaboration is the bedrock of efficient consulting. We can guarantee a high-quality outcome if you provide the following information:

  • The project vision, goals, and roadmap (in case it is available)
  • Exhaustive project requirements
  • All project-related documentation you have
  • Expected deadlines
  • Customer accessibility (several hours per week to set up requirements sessions)

Our tech stack

Explore our case studies

Frequently asked questions

What are the deliverables of mobile app consulting?

Since mobile app consulting is an on-demand service, its deliverables are conditioned by the needs of a particular client. These may include business deliverables (insights into the market niche, analysis of competitor products, viable marketing strategy), product deliverables (advice on UI/UX, prototyping, or wireframing), and technical deliverables (recommendations on the selection of the tech stack, architecture type, or testing methods).

What is the scope of mobile app consulting services?

Ideally, a service provider should have expertise in all domains related to app design, creation, launch, and marketing. Thus, a competent vendor offers such services as market research, competitor analysis, mobile app audit and modernization, consultation on custom app development, testing, and quality assurance, app launch and deployment, and its support and maintenance.

Do you help in choosing the right tech stack to build a mobile app?

Tools, frameworks, APIs, and programming languages are mission-critical elements of mobile app development, responsible for the solution’s seamless performance and satisfactory user experience. Vetted developers of DICEUS have completed dozens of mobile app projects. As a result, they possess sufficient knowledge and skills to advise you on the technologies that will best fit your app in terms of its functioning and UX.

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