Money transfer app development

What we offer

Money transfer functionalities

High transaction speed is not the only thing that allows money transfer apps to contribute to your financial freedom. In contrast to banks, the significantly lower transaction fees make money transfer apps much more affordable for users. Access to international payments is another advantage of the financial services provided by money transfer apps to those people who are deprived of conventional banking systems. Besides, money transfer app development offers many other helpful things such as payments stats, e-wallet features, 24/7 support, notifications, currency exchange, and even earning opportunities.

CRM and user management

A fully-functional money transfer application is something more than just an e-wallet. Quite a wide CRM functionality should be available to allow managing various sorts of customer relations. Otherwise, customer loyalty can suffer due to seemingly non-essential issues that may arise between your app and its users. Since DICEUS has a long hands-on experience in developing CRM systems, your money transfer application will be abundantly saturated with CRM features. Money is always a sensitive subject, whichever audience uses your app. Even the tiniest aspect of user management cannot be left to chance.

Reporting and accounting

Any successful business is hardly possible without comprehensive reports coming to business owners in due time. Fortunately, no extra staff is needed to generate professional business reports nowadays. Reporting is getting smarter with corresponding software solutions such as money transfer apps we develop. The same goes for accounting as well: create bills and invoices right in your app. Keep all your financial activities under the radar with the reporting and accounting features that we can develop according to your requirements.

Security and compliance

Money loves peace, as wise financiers are used to saying. With our money transfer app, your funds will be securely protected with the most advanced digital technologies of encryption. We use only those protocols of compliance that are accepted and recognized by the world banking system as global standards. Besides, we are very close to the distributed ledger technologies widely used both in the crypto space and legacy banking networks. Money becomes data in this digital age, and we know how to keep your private data bullet-proof secure.

money transfers fintech solutions

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money transfers

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Benefits of custom money transfer system development

Digital transformation

Money is a piece of code today, whether you like it or not. Finance keeps evolving to correspond to all the other digital routines of nowadays. Production, trade, delivery, education, healthcare (you name it) all are involved in digital transformation. Money flows have to circulate across highly digitized sectors. Money transfer software systems contribute to such a circulation as little else does. Instant payments in a P2P mode represent a clear sign of digital transformation that is here to stay. We provide seamless adoption of digital finance with tailor-made money transfer apps.

Cost effectiveness

High transaction fees are becoming a thing of the past slowly but surely. Money transfer digital solutions eliminate those numerous substages that have been making transactions expensive. Any business can benefit from lower transaction fees provided by P2P payment apps. This is a part of your loyalty program when the price of your product/service remains unaffected by the cost of money transactions your customers have to add to the price. A cost-effective money transfer application helps prevent your rivals from leaving you behind in the severe competition these days. Let your customers appreciate almost zero money transfer fees provided by the custom-made payment software from DICEUS.

Compliance with regulations

Financial transparency does not imply revealing your business secrets to others. On the contrary, the more transparent your financial activity is for fiscal entities, the more confident your customers become about your business. Money transfer software solutions developed by DICEUS meet all the local and international requirements regarding compliance with financial regulation. You’ll never be suspected of either money laundering or any other illegal financial activity if your transactions are conducted through a money transfer application created by DICEUS.

Integration opportunities

Standalone money transfer systems bring real value to your business only if they can be easily integrated with other essential types of software you use in your workflow. Any customer relationship management system can hardly do without a cost-effective and secure payment module. Many CRM systems have such modules out-of-the-box. However, your individual business needs can be much wider than the capabilities of a ready-to-use software solution. On the other hand, a bespoke money transfer application created in response to your specific business needs can be seamlessly integrated with any software system available in your digital infrastructure.

Our money transfer system development process

Discovery PhaseBespoke solutions differ from one-fits-all products with just an individual approach to development. The discovery phase is aimed at figuring out what exactly a customer expects from the future money transfer system. Besides, our engineers can deliver some insights to customers in terms of functions worth using in the future app: cryptographic encryption, face ID, AML compliance, etc. The trouble-free operation of any money transfer application is rooted in the thoroughly conducted discovery phase that leaves no room for guessing, biases, and misconceptions.
DevelopmentOur development engineers possess various types of agile development methods. They select a certain type individually, following the functionality to be available in the future money transfer application. We always strive to reduce the development period to avoid burdening our customers with redundant working hours to be paid. At the same time, compromises in code quality are never an option for us. Each iteration is open to check by the customer: our specs make no secret of languages, frameworks, and agile methodologies we use in software development.
Testing and UATOur QA process starts way before the first line of code is written. We prefer proactive testing that covers the entire SDLC beginning from the very prototyping stage. Our developers and testers together create the testing schedule in advance to determine what tests should follow each iteration. We widely use DevOps methods with automated tests that allow saving time and money for our customers. However, we invest enough time in manual testing where full confidence in quality cannot be otherwise achieved (user experience and the like). And all conducted tests are meticulously recorded, of course.
DeploymentDeployment of a finished money transfer system is hardly less important than all previous SDLC stages. This is a critical moment for the further successful operation. We never leave customers alone in it: our own reputation is at stake if the application appears out of service. Besides, functional and load tests can be conducted only in real conditions. Our specialists examine the customer’s IT infrastructure to mitigate possible incompatibilities. We provide post-deployment support over the entire life period of all software products we deliver.

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What impacts your project duration

To provide our customers with quite precise calculations of working hours necessary to develop a custom money transfer system we need the following factors to be taken into consideration:

  • Project requirements
  • Expected time-to-market
  • Team composition
  • Chosen platforms and technology stack
  • Integration needs

What affects your project costs

Every custom software system is unique. That’s why the cost of each solution is to be calculated individually. The following factors have a significant impact on the price:

  • Project scope and complexity
  • Chosen technology
  • Project completion urgency
  • Engagement model: Fixed Price, Time and Material, Dedicated Team

What we need from your side

To accelerate and simplify the calculation of both the scope and cost of the future money transfer software, we ask our customers to deliver the following info, if available:

  • Project goals, vision, and roadmap if exist
  • High-level project requirements
  • Project-specific documentation if available, for example, software architecture and mockups
  • Client’s availability (a couple of hours per week for requirements gathering sessions)
  • Project deadlines

Our tech stack

Explore our case studies

SmartValor blockchain app development

SmartValor blockchain app development

  • Switzerland
  • Financial Services
HCM data management system

HCM data management system

  • Germany
  • Financial Services
VAT SaaS app for accounting

VAT SaaS app for accounting

  • Australia
  • Financial Services

Frequently asked questions

What are the key challenges related to money transfers today?

There are three areas where money transfer systems should demonstrate advanced functionality. The first one is security related to the private data of users and info about each transaction. Cryptographic encryption technologies effectively mitigate the challenge. The second aspect relates to compliance with regulations. The requirements of a local fiscal system along with the international AML rules should be covered with corresponding features of a money transfer app. The third critical moment belongs to the transaction fees: P2P payment protocols should correspond to the latest standards of global banking networks.

Do you provide consulting on money transfer system implementation?

We are always happy to deliver valuable insights on money transfer software to our customers. Our expertise allows making tough issues simpler to understand: we can explain how to implement a money transfer system into the existing IT infrastructure of our customers. Besides, we can recommend what features should be available in a certain custom-made money transfer app. We prefer an individual approach to each customer that allows adopting digital P2P payments in a smooth cost-effective manner.

What are the basic functionalities of a money transfer system?

Almost instant peer-to-peer payments conducted in a couple of clicks allow contemporary money transfer apps to outperform conventional banking transactions in both speed and cost. Users need no specific financial data of their counterparties to send/receive money through a money transfer app: either a telephone number or a credit card number is usually enough to make a transaction. The e-wallet functions of money transfer systems are supplemented by financial reports, accounting features, notifications, currency exchange, and even earning/saving opportunities.

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