Healthcare IT consulting services 

Unleash the full potential of medical facility workflows with the help of consulting by DICEUS. We provide directions for optimization and improvement to help healthcare providers perform at a reasonable budget, with cutting-edge medical tech at the core. 

We offer healthcare IT consulting services focused on assisting in the modernization of clinical systems and healthcare business platforms. We also help build and introduce new digital solutions, recommending the most suitable innovations and initiatives. 

How can IT consulting improve patient care in healthcare? 

We lead you through all the nuances of adopting the most relevant tech innovation. Our goal is to help you achieve a healthcare customer experience that puts your service at a new level of quality and profitability. What exactly do you get with our consulting? 

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Services we offer 

We help hospitals, caregiving teams, pharmacies, and health tech companies deliver top-notch services and products to a wider audience. DICEUS is a trusted consultant to boost your organizational competence, streamline processes, align internal platforms, and maximize total growth potential. Here’s what we do. 

IT infrastructure assessment 

An in-depth analysis of the systems you run currently unveils where you need to improve in order to leap ahead of your competitors. We’ll help you identify system strengths and weaknesses, crafting a roadmap for implementing necessary changes. With well-guided infrastructure modernization, you can cut costs, enhance healthcare services, and boost both staff and patient satisfaction. 

IT strategy development 

Our healthcare IT consulting specialists help ensure HIPAA compliance by optimizing the existing solution in line with the demands or creating one from scratch. We’ll assist in composing a business strategy based on your particular vision of goals. As a result, you get to steer clear of pitfalls, address previously unresolved issues, improve the existing business model, and forecast future growth.

Healthcare solution consulting 

We have tons of firsthand experience tackling all possible IT challenges you may face. To help you get rid of them once and for all, our team focuses on data analysis and extraction of relevant insights to direct the implementation of your next solution. We let you embrace tailored solutions designed to enhance patient care, streamline processes, and achieve stellar outcomes. 

Custom software development 

DICEUS offers a full range of services, from ground-up product design and development to prototyping and cost-effective add-ons. We’re well-versed in adhering to HL7 standards. Our healthcare software consulting team and specialized QA professionals prioritize user-friendliness and compliance with regional and industry standards in your products. 

Types of solutions we develop 

With the 360-degree, round-the-clock perspective on your healthcare workflow, your patient interactions become ultimately personalized and your business more competitive. We give you that perspective by creating a range of productivity-boosting medical solutions. 

Electronic Health Records

Enhance all aspects of your customer data operations and cut paperwork burdens with tailored EHR/EMR and CRM systems. We’ll help you swiftly transition from paper-based systems to secure, efficient, and compatible electronic medical records, improving accessibility, reinforcing data confidentiality, and complying with industry requirements. 

Our EHR/EMR related services

Remote patient monitoring 

Deliver high-quality healthcare outside of physical clinics and access real-time patient information. We’ll assist in moving your IT infrastructure to the cloud, ensuring proper scalability and security. By leveraging our consulting, you can enhance data accessibility and storage, collaboration, and resource optimization. 

Telemedicine applications 

Offer patients more options and boost the rates of customer satisfaction. Our specialists excel at creating custom IT products tailored to unique needs. Our portfolio includes virtual consultations and remote patient monitoring, which enable healthcare providers to expand the scope of services, reach patients more efficiently, and enhance overall productivity. 

Explore telemedicine app development

Custom mobile apps and web portals 

Our medical IT consulting workflow guarantees data security while complying with GDPR across all custom applications you implement. You get to craft personalized mobile and web solutions that hit the spot for intended users. You can also automate routine tasks and optimize workflows, easing your staff’s workload with handy apps and portals. 

Data management and analytics 

We help facilitate access to and improve the compatibility of medical data. For this, we recommend scalable solutions that use predictive analytics methods to identify trends. We also help develop custom analytical dashboards and reporting systems for monitoring key metrics. As a result, you can proactively identify risks, optimize plans, and enhance treatment outcomes. 

Medical device software 

Enhance the speed and quality of healthcare by securely exchanging critical data within your medical organization. Implement robust security measures and guarantees to protect confidential data and track patients locally and in the cloud. We grant advanced methods and full compliance with industry regulations. 


2011the year DICEUS was established
130projects delivered successfully
8offices around the world
GlobalDelivery Center in Poland
250full-time tech professionals
100IT services available

At DICEUS, we assist healthcare providers, hospitals, laboratories, drug manufacturers, and medical product suppliers in implementing intelligent solutions that enhance the quality of service and grow the general business value. With us by your side, you can: 

  • Streamline department and organizational coordination, ensure better patient safety, and automate everyday tasks. 
  • Improve pharmaceutical production efficiency and resource allocation, reducing payback time, enhancing integrity, and ensuring product compliance with safety requirements. 
  • Establish processes covering each iteration of document processing and management with full regulatory compliance. 

Other services you might need  

Our consulting expertise spans numerous strategic directions of digital transformation, including mergers and acquisitions, managed services, IT operations and service management, infrastructure and application modernization, and much more. 

Our knowledge and experience may help you ultimately unify digital platforms and data exchange beyond your clinic’s walls. Here are some extra services you may leverage. 

System integration 

Our consulting strategies are based on meticulous planning tailored to client needs and legislative requirements. We employ the latest data exchange standards for HIE to support safe data sharing with external partners. Our deep technical knowledge will help you assess and optimize the most relevant and safe integration mechanisms. 

Legacy software modernization 

DICEUS is committed to improving the efficiency, security, and user-friendliness of out-of-date systems. Our consultations help eliminate ineffective or erroneous diagnostics and treatment occurrences. We take care of data management simplicity, system scalability, and engagement of innovation, turning legacy tech into a business-driving foundation. 

Stand-alone module development 

DICEUS specialists can direct your developers in creating custom modules for all purposes. Namely, we can point out the most relevant ideas, analyze what parts your system lacks and what it could easily lose, and recommend tools for module creation. We’ll also help check modules before integrating them to ensure they perform tasks safely and reliably. 

Cloud transformation 

DICEUS is one of the few healthcare IT consulting companies that can seamlessly guide your organization into the cloud. We will preserve the functionality of your system and enrich it with entirely new cloud capabilities. Our consultations will enable you to confidently handle application migration and peak workload in a new environment. We also provide personnel training and technical support, ensuring a smooth transition. 

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How IT consulting works 

The secret of fruitful DICEUS consultations lies in our client-centric approach and well-segmented workflows. We offer collaborative conditions built on mutual respect while our experts go by time-tested, efficient consultation stages. 

Business analysis First off, our team engages in a personal conversation to understand all the ultimate goals and needs of your project. Establishing the right foundation for a sustainable workflow involves: 
1) Assessment of business needs and the existing IT ecosystem; 
2) Market analysis, competitor evaluation, and definition of the target customer segment; 
3) Identification of product requirements, planning of features, and setting of priorities; 
4) Gathering software compliance requirements with applicable standards. 
Exploration of solutions With experience and a well-adjusted approach, we deliver several suitable tool options or optimization initiatives. The final decision is based on your preferences and a precise understanding of your company’s market standing. 
Architectural design The choice of the most appropriate technology stack and integration design is made based on in-depth analysis. We go through all relevant industry trends, target audience pain points, and competitive decisions. 
Planning We calculate costs and determine the necessary steps for project implementation. The software delivery schedule planning is fully shaped by budget calculation and investment profitability. 
Configuration and setupsWe help configure and deploy newly created/integrated products and tools so that everything is aligned with your specific use case and customer objectives. As a result, you get a simpler way to achieve a fully operational system, application, or platform. 
Testing and launch We thoroughly test and fine-tune software tools before their implementation to ensure optimal efficiency. You can start using the new/modified product without any loss of functionality. 
Support We provide all development documentation and monitor the effectiveness of the solutions we offer long after their full launch. If necessary, we make adjustments to minimize identified shortcomings. 

Why the discovery phase is important 

Business analysis offers a real chance to refine the project’s big picture and gain a better understanding of the product’s environment. Existing functionality is thoroughly checked to identify fitting optimization paths. 

At this stage, compiling user stories and process diagrams into early mock-ups saves developers time and allows for a deeper grasp of the product’s business logic. Particular attention is given to identifying non-functional requirements, as it’s the best way to learn about most of the product’s constraints. 

The discovery phase allows us to calculate the MVP’s scope and subsequent releases (if talking about a full-on EHR or CRM implementation). By prioritizing the discovery stage, we help the client strike a balance between development speed, cost, and critical functionality. 

More details about the discovery phase


Our case studies


What is healthcare IT consulting? 

A healthcare organization may seek healthcare IT consulting in order to obtain external expertise in implementing solutions that consolidate business growth and customer benefits. Specialists in this field have the necessary education and experience working with laws, industry rules, and policies to assist healthcare organizations effectively. 

Why do healthcare organizations need IT consulting services?  

In the age of total digitization, IT consulting services are essential for healthcare providers because they provide: 
1) A better understanding of vulnerabilities in the existing IT system 
2) Access to the latest healthcare technologies 
3) Streamlined internal workflows 
4) Patient-centered care 
5) Investment profitability 
6) Increased security and compliance with legislation 

What are the benefits of outsourcing IT consulting in healthcare?  

Healthcare IT consulting services offer numerous advantages, allowing healthcare organizations to flexibly and accurately navigate the evolving landscape of modern healthcare. Among other things, they get to effectively manage the budget, avoiding significant infrastructure and staffing costs. 

How do healthcare IT consultants ensure data security and compliance?  

Some of the best practices for ensuring data confidentiality include consultations regarding: 
1) Access control and multi-factor authentication 
2) Encryption and anonymization 
3) Regular system updates and backups 
4) Employee training and awareness 
5) Minimizing stored information volumes 
6) Data exchange agreements with third parties 

What is the cost structure for healthcare IT consulting services?  

The final cost of acquiring consulting services is shaped by a number of factors, including the following: 
1) Technological tools used 
2) Number of hours of expert consultations spent 
3) Required level of customization 

How long does it typically take to see results from healthcare IT consulting initiatives?  

Results are usually visible almost immediately after implementing the specialists’ recommendations. It all depends on the scale of the required changes in the healthcare organization and customer relationship systems. 

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