MVP development services 

In the conditions of the cut-throat competition symptomatic of most present-day industries, companies can't afford to waste their money and time on products no one will buy. MVP software development services are called to determine a software solution's marketable potential, gauge its idea's validity, and minimize risks related to launching a new IT product. 

Overview of MVP development services from DICEUS 

High-quality custom MVP software development is mission-critical for obtaining a mobile app, online shop, website, portal, or other solution to carry the day in its niche. As a vetted vendor with over a dozen years of presence in the high-tech realm, DICEUS offers versatile MVP development services for startups and blue-chip businesses across a wide range of industries. 

Product discovery 

Any MVP development company in USA, Europe, or Asia offers product discovery as a necessary initial phase of a software development project. We at DICEUS provide it as a distinct service where our first-rate experts work with the user audience and product owners to tap potential customers’ pain points and understand how they can be addressed.  


It is both on our MVP app development services list and comes as a separate job. Our team of competent UI/UX designers creates a simple-to-navigate architecture for your app and a visual representation of the MVP. Then, they build a wireframe to ensure the solution ticks all the boxes regarding usability and functionality requirements.  

MVP development 

Being a seasoned MVP development agency, DICEUS considers the full-cycle MVP creation to be the core of our minimum viable product development services. We will tackle an end-to-end MVP development, starting with the generation of a concept through the definition of features and prototyping all the way down to testing and launch. 


If your internal or outsourced team faces problems with MVP creation, you can always get timely advice and assistance from our competent mavens. Any software engineer, designer, QA specialist, or other professional will help them with recommendations in those areas of expertise where they lack theoretical knowledge or hands-on skills. 

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Benefits of MVP development 

In the world of contemporary business, it is crucial to know whether the product you are going to invest in holds water. An MVP, as a 1.0 version of it, is a second-to-none tool for obtaining such awareness, which allows companies to receive maximum boons in minimum functionality.  

Validation of product ideas 

By conducting surveys and questioning the potential user audience during the initial stage of MVP development, you will sound out the market prospects for your future solution and learn whether it is worthwhile to commit time and resources to build the full-scale version of the product. 

Risks and costs minimization 

When you have tested how your product-to-be operates in real-life conditions, you will understand what works well and where it underperforms and direct your efforts to doctor the inadequacies. In this way, you will save on costly revampings late into the development process or after-launch problem-fixing.  

Early user feedback gathering

The ultimate goal of any entrepreneur is the utmost customer satisfaction with the product they market. MVP creation involves user feedback collection, enabling developers to see what people enjoyed about your solution and – more importantly – what they didn’t and take remedial steps.  

Acceleration of time to market 

An MVP can be considered a blueprint for the future product. You will use it as a backbone of the full-fledged solution, upgrading it and adding new characteristics to the basic version. Thus, you will facilitate the delivery of the finished solution and see it hit the market much sooner. 

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MVP development process 

The success of MVP creation is, to a great degree, conditioned by the meticulous development process the project team utilizes. DICEUS, as a high-profile MVP development company, has a six-phase MVP building roadmap in place.  

Idea generation 

This is a departure point in any software development project, and MVP creation is no exception. First, we pinpoint consumers with a certain need or problem, understand how your product will solve it, and determine the benefits users will get by leveraging your solution – in a word, identify its value proposition.

Market research 

IT products are big-ticket items, so you can’t afford to act on a hunch while delivering them to the public. To rule out any unpleasant surprises, we determine the market size for the solution to ensure a solid ROI, study the niche to see if there is a similar solution around, and scrutinize competitor products to discover their fortes and downsides. 

Scope and features defining 

Here, we define functional and non-functional requirements for the product to be built and come to grips with the characteristics it will have. Since the MVP will contain only its vital features, we prioritize them and focus on those to be included in the MVP. To figure them out, we analyze user scenarios and user stories we have created. 

Testing and launch 

Although an MVP is only a pilot version of the product, it must still be fully functional. Our testers check it thoroughly to ensure its seamless operation and bug-free nature. When the testing is over, users have a chance to run the product in field conditions and provide feedback on all its aspects to be utilized as actionable insights for improving the initial concept. 


All the previous stages can be considered preliminary ones. Here, the team of developers gets down to the MVP creation process hammer and tongs, keeping in mind the alignment of its features and capabilities with project requirements. At the end of this procedure, they have a finished MVP on their table, ready for the final stage. 


Now is the time to create a visual representation of the product, aka prototype. Our UI/UX designers build a collection of clickable screens to model the solution’s look and feel. While doing it, they wear the users’ shoes and try to focus on what they want to see in the product and how they will interact with it in their user journey. 

Our engagement models 

Dedicated Team

By choosing this model, you obtain a complete team of proficient IT experts who become a part of your regular workforce as long as it takes to accomplish an MVP development project. You pay team members a monthly salary agreed upon in the contract plus cover administrative expenditures for project coordination. 

Time & Material

Here, the customer pays for the time developers spend working on the project on an hourly-rate basis and the resources necessary to accomplish MVP development. We make estimates as to the budget you will have to allocate, but the sum can grow depending on change requests and transformations of the original concept. 

What makes us a reliable partner for MVP development 

QualityThe quality of the product is our priority, so we conduct all kinds of tests and QA procedures to guarantee seamless performance and bug-free functioning of the solution.  
On-time deliveryWe understand how crucial a product’s time to market is; that is why we always keep within the time frame limit and deliver the software you commission as stipulated in the contract.  
250 full-time engineers onboardOur 250 staff of qualified and certified specialists fluent in English has a decade-long experience in developing MVPs of different scopes and feature rosters for enterprises across diverse industries. 
PMI-certified PMsA project manager appointed for each project assumes complete responsibility for the project completion and acts in the client’s interests, so you can contact them to monitor project status and deliverables, get key metrics and reports, and obtain any project-related information. 
Flexible cooperationWe are flexible and open to changes, which means that we adjust our communication schedule to the customer’s requirements, are ready to discuss rates and cooperation models, and can scale up the development team on short notice when the project pipeline or urgency requires it. 
Regular reportingWe value our customer’s time and resources, so they get regular reports on the project progress and expenditures on each module or feature to let them keep abreast of how much and for what they spend their money. 

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What is an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)? 

It is a pilot sample of the software piece the company is planning to launch. It contains only the core features necessary to run the solution, constituting its value proposition. After submitting an MVP for trial usage, you gather feedback and utilize it in final product development. 

Why is an MVP important in product development? 

It allows entrepreneurs to prove the validity of a business idea by investing a modest sum. You get user feedback on the functioning of your IT product which you can use as a collection of insights to improve the final version of your solution. 

What are MVP development services? 

They embrace the entire scope of activities related to creating a Minimum Viable Product. Such services have end-to-end development of an MVP as their staple but may also include its design or product discovery as standalone services as well as consulting of IT teams on various aspects of MVP development.

How can MVP development benefit my business? 

By building an MVP of their future app, website, or online store, companies validate their business idea, receive user feedback, grow their potential user base, pinpoint key value proposition, save money, time, and effort for the creation of the full version of the product, and train their development team which gets experience in creating specific elements of an IT product. Startups employ an MVP to find investors for their projects. 

How do I get started with MVP development services? 

The first step is to gauge your resources (IT workforce, hardware and infrastructure, tech stack, budget, etc.) and realize where you need assistance. When you come to grips with problem zones that need reinforcement, you select a reliable IT vendor whose employees have sufficient skills and experience to provide the MVP development service you require. 

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