Back-end development services 

DICEUS provides backend development services to build secure and robustly functioning back end solutions for enterprises across multiple industries. As a high-profile back end development company, we are proud to deliver end-to-end server-side creation of software products and systems tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.

Back end development services DICEUS provides 

While the front end is the face and body of your software solution, the back end is the brain and nervous system responsible for everything that happens inside the product. If you hire the vetted back-end developers of DICEUS, you will enjoy the following roster of services in this niche.

Mobile app backend development  

Mobile applications are indispensable tools for enterprise workflow optimization and interaction channels through which organizations contact their customers. Being a top-notch backend app development company, DICEUS can create the back end of a native mobile app functioning on all platforms and devices.   

Web app backend development  

Any contemporary business has a slim chance for survival, to say nothing of going big time if it has no digital footprint. Our seasoned team can develop the back-end of a professional web app, website, or web portal that will impress you with smooth functioning, stable operation, and swift high-load performance. 

Custom software development  

Today, organizations employ dozens of various enterprise products (CRMs, ERPs, IoT solutions, data warehouses, and ETL, etc.) that help them enhance the efficiency of their shop floor operations. And startups come up with offbeat ideas for innovative solutions. We can be instrumental in developing the back end of the bespoke software you need. 

Back end solutions for cloud  

On-premises legacy software lives on borrowed time. Realizing this universal truth, forward-looking business owners and CEOs opt for hydrating the cloud in ever-increasing numbers. DICEUS, as a backend development company, will assist them in this endeavor and develop scalable solutions that will dovetail into the cloud infrastructure they choose.  

API solutions and integration  

Modern professional software products never operate as standalone units. Our experts will see to it that elements of your digital environment play well with each other via the set of custom APIs we will build. We can also integrate the systems you utilize with external apps, gadgets, or third-party services within one user-friendly interface.  

Code/software audit  

Very often, enterprises aren’t satisfied with the functioning of their existing solutions. Our back-end experts will closely view their server side to pinpoint inadequacies, detect bottlenecks, and identify vulnerabilities in their architecture and codebase that hamstring the efficient operation of the software you leverage. 

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Benefits of our back-end development services  

The ubiquity of high-tech products has caused a spike in demand for back-end engineers, which has resulted in the appearance of hundreds of vendors in this domain. What makes DICEUS stand out among numerous competitors in the niche? 

Top back-end developers

Among our 250 experts, we have specialists of all levels (from Junior to Senior and Architect developers) with skills to tackle any software product’s back-end creation. 

Wide tech stack

The competence of our mavens covers all technologies and programming languages currently employed for back-end development, including Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Go, and more.

High-quality code

The chief priority of our back-end development is the first-rate code the back-end experts of DICEUS write. To test and cross-review it and make sure it has the best quality, they use SonarQube. 

Well-organized SDLC

During our 13 years of presence in the IT market, we have come up with a meticulously arranged strategy of building the back-end of solutions that has proved its efficiency in numerous use cases. 

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Our development process 

The success of a software building endeavor is largely conditioned by the well-thought-out development procedure the project team follows. We at DICEUS have a seven-step time-tested strategy for creating back-end solutions.  

Discovery phaseThe first thing we do is find out customer requirements for the solution. We hold interviews with all stakeholders to collect the maximum information about the client we work for, their target audience, business goals, and the pain points the future product is called to address.
Planning With all the relevant data at our fingertips, we outline a plan for project implementation. Such a document contains specifications and requirements (both functional and non-functional), the architectural pattern of the server side, the tech stack to build it, and the team roster to handle it. 
Roadmapping When we have a clear-cut plan to follow, we create a roadmap for attaining the goal. It has a sequence of steps that must be taken to see the project through, the time frame of project completion, a work breakdown structure, major milestones, KPIs, deliverables, and the budget necessary for it. 
Execution Now the team of developers has to implement all outlined steps to obtain a fully-functional solution. While working on the back-end of a product, our developers align its features and characteristics with the project requirements; otherwise, customer satisfaction is impossible to attain.  
TestingAfter the lion’s share of back-end development is done, you must make sure the final product functions according to the expectations and that no security gaps or bugs interfere with its operation. Here, our testers and QA engineers step in to conduct multiple manual and automated checks. 
DeploymentWhen the high quality of the product’s back-end is established, it is time to make it available to the user audience. The solution’s deployment is performed according to the client’s preferences as to the platform, system, or environment convenient for them. 
Support and maintenance We don’t let the product we built out of sight. Our developers monitor its performance during the initial period of the solution’s functioning, assist in fixing issues that may crop up, update the code, and consult users on embracing the peculiarities of its operation. 

Our partnerships

Microsoft partner Oracle partner Google Cloud Partner Fadata partner Claim Technology Insurtech UK Swiss InsurTech Hub

How we cooperate  

We offer two engagement models for back-end development projects. You can either outsource the full-cycle back-end development of a solution to our vetted experts or hire some specialists to augment your in-house staff in case they lack certain expertise. 

Turnkey back-end development  

1) In-depth business analysis 
2) Established SDLC 
3) End-to-end project management 
4) Change request management 
5) Risk management 
6) Quality assurance 

Staff augmentation

1) Fast onboarding 
2) Transparent budget 
3) Broad expertise and vast skillset 
4) Seniority-level matrix 
5) Account management 
6) High personnel retention rate 


2011the year DICEUS was established
130projects delivered successfully
8offices around the world
GlobalDelivery Center in Poland
250full-time tech professionals
100IT services available
  • Our staff of qualified and certified developers with a range of hard and soft skills to handle a back-end development project of any scope and complexity. 
  • A dozen years of experience in the field enables us to use the hoarded expertise in new use cases and address challenges drawing upon it. 
  • Numerous completed projects (130) in finance, banking, retail, insurance, healthcare, logistics, construction, and other industries that showcase our competence. 
  • Adherence to Agile principles of project management and software development, allowing us to deliver high-quality back-end solutions quickly and efficiently. 
  • Easy project tracking — our clients can monitor the project’s progress in real-time and stay in touch with the development team 24/7. 
  • A flexible approach to cooperation with our customers, due to which we adjust the communication schedule to the client’s requests and embrace feedback to improve the final product. 

Focus industries







Our technology stack

Our case studies

Frequently asked questions

What are backend development services? 

Such services relate to the process of building and maintaining the functionality of a mobile or web app, website, enterprise software system (like CRM or ERP), or any other IT product. They deal with the entire scope of operations responsible for the seamless functioning of the solution on its server side. 

Which programming languages are used for backend development?

Back-end developers have a wide range of programming languages to choose from, the most popular of which are JavaScript, PHP, Python, Java, Ruby, Node JS, Kotlin, Golang, Perl, C++, and Rust. The choice depends on the solution’s nature and its functionalities roster.  

How to choose the right technology stack for backend development? 

The factors that condition the selection of the back-end tech stack are the size and complexity of the project, the product functionality and speed, system load requirements, and security considerations. Only competent developers can take all of them into account and make an optimal choice. 

Do you provide dedicated teams for software development projects?

We do. In fact, this is the most advantageous business model for companies that don’t have an internal IT department. Our dedicated team will work exclusively on the project you commission, and you can consider it a part of your in-house workforce as long as it takes to accomplish the task. 

Software solutions bringing business values

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