Custom CMS development services 

Whether you run a large info portal or a basic e-commerce store, custom CMS solutions are necessary at the core of your software’s performance. At DICEUS, we understand the importance of a reliable CMS in managing your website's content. Our website development service team can build you a custom content management system — from a fully tailored and personalized CMS to one based on a popular platform like WordPress or Joomla. 

Custom CMS features we develop 

If you require custom CMS website development, DICEUS is a one-stop choice. We offer custom CMS development services where we build a platform from scratch or integrate a readymade CMS foundation with your existing workflows, focusing on incorporating custom features that meet your unique needs. We provide a range of customized CMS features, including: 

Content creation and editing

To organize your content in a structured manner, our CMS developers use content hierarchy taxonomy, indexing, and full-text search to help your users find what they’re looking for quickly. Furthermore, we offer AI-powered auto-tagging metadata creation to save time and improve accuracy. 

Content publishing

Our CMS creations come packed with features to enhance your website’s functionality and user experience, such as SEO-friendly URLs and integrated SEO features to assist you in reaching higher rankings.

User and role management

Our CMS development process is governed by an intuitive system for assigning user roles and permissions. You can give different levels of access to various users based on their requirements and responsibilities.

Media management

These include image and video compression to ensure that your website delivers a great UX with smoothly loading media files to your website’s pages and posts, giving you full control over your website’s look and feel.

SEO optimization

We provide keyword research and optimization, meta-tag optimization, and content analysis. Our custom CMS solutions also make it easy to manage your website’s sitemap, robot.txt file, and other important SEO elements.

E-commerce integration

Our website development services offer native facilitation of e-commerce features, such as creating landing pages and optimizing the checkout experience to increase conversions and profits.

Multi-language support

You can swiftly generate and handle content in several languages to appeal to users worldwide. Our CMS developers make it effortless to manage the language settings on your website, allowing you to switch between languages with a few taps.

Extensions and plugins

We provide the flexibility to add custom features, integrate plugins, and implement add-ons to your website. Whether you need to add a custom widget to your homepage or integrate a third-party plugin to enhance your website’s functionality, our CMS development team handles it all.


These include access control and multi-factor user authentication to ensure that only authorized users can access your website’s content and functionality, as well as role-based permissions, allowing you to assign different levels of access to different users based on their roles and responsibilities.

Content versioning

We also offer versioning and audit trail features, allowing you to track changes to your website’s content and functionality and restore previous versions if needed. Our CMS also includes content retention and deletion policies to help you manage your website’s content and ensure compliance with data retention regulations.

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CMS development process 

We have mapped out a typical CMS project to help you understand what our CMS developers can deliver in action. However, at our CMS development company, we know that every customer is unique, and we understand that your business has its specific requirements. This is why our CMS development services are always tailored to the workflow to meet your needs — the following stages help us provide a well-adjusted approach.  

Discovery phase

We carefully examine your company’s data structure and content management operations. By doing so, we can define your unique content management needs and outline a clear solution scope to meet those needs. Additionally, we take the time to specify the future CMS users and their roles, making sure the CMS solution we deliver is accustomed to your organization’s requirements and is easy to use for everyone involved.


As a CMS website development company, we create exceptional UX by designing content management workflows attuned to your business requirements. We start by drafting features and planning out simple user paths. It allows us to construct an optimized visual style for the CMS software. Our team then builds CMS prototypes, which are tested through usability testing to ensure they meet your needs.


We create a CMS test plan, test scenarios, and test cases. After that, we conduct comprehensive CMS testing to make sure your system functions correctly. Any defects detected during the testing are promptly fixed so that the CMS comes out polished, stable, and able to befriend and satisfy every user from the start.

Data migration

Our custom CMS development company sets the strategy that defines what data is appropriate for migration. We check the legacy content for errors, duplication, and inconsistent data. Once the content is transferred, we test it to see that all data has been migrated accurately. Our website development service team keeps your data secure, guaranteeing minimal disruption to your operations.

Training and launch 

As a CMS development company, we conduct training sessions for CMS users to help them get comfortable using the system. We perform user acceptance testing to ensure the system meets your requirements. We also collect user feedback and implement relevant improvements to enhance the solution further. Once the CMS is ready, we launch it into the production environment.


We make your CMS software run smoothly by resolving any user issues that may arise post-launch. We also adjust the product of our CMS development to any changing business needs to guarantee it is always up-to-date. Our CMS website development company monitors and improves CMS regulatory compliance and provides regular reports on CMS health with improvement recommendations.

Benefits of CMS development with DICEUS

The benefits of CMS development are numerous, and it is critical to investigate how exactly it might improve your content strategy, boost efficiency, and strengthen your digital path.  

Easy maintenance

A straightforward way to update your website’s content and ensure that it remains updated.  

Cost efficiency

By automating and streamlining the content update process, you reduce the need for external help, cutting expenses.  

SEO-friendly functions

Built-in SEO tools enable you to easily improve the website’s content, metadata, and URLs, so your website can appear higher in search engine rankings. 

Increased security

CMS incorporates advanced security protocols and regularly provides updates to protect against cyber threats and vulnerabilities, giving you the peace of mind to focus on your business. 

CMS development solutions we offer 

Our website development service is meticulously designed to equip businesses with a hassle-free approach to managing their websites. Our solutions facilitate seamless updates and modifications to the website content, empowering you to keep your website up-to-date without going far.  

Custom CMS development  We carefully select a CMS implementation tech stack to achieve optimal performance and scalability. Then, we build a CMS framework and UX/UI that reflects your brand and meets user expectations. We develop and rigorously test the CMS solutions and offer on-demand CMS support and improvement to address any issues that may arise and keep your CMS in tune with the latest features and technologies. 
Out-of-the-box CMS implementation Our website development services also cover the need to integrate your CMS framework with external APIs seamlessly. We may connect as many additional features as required, expanding the system’s overall functionality and connectivity. Our team excels in connecting APIs to multiple CMS networks, such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. 
Stand-alone CMS module development We design the architecture, UX, and UI of separate CMS modules, providing intuitive and user-friendly extra tools. We have years of hands-on experience to deliver a custom module that exceeds your expectations. We provide rigorous CMS module QA to ensure that your module is free of any defects or issues and meets all specified requirements. 

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How much time does it take to develop or implement a CMS? 

The time required to develop a CMS solution depends on several factors, including the scale of the project, the demands of the business, the developers hired, the technologies used, and the budget allocated. Due to the unique nature of each CMS project, it is impossible to provide an exact timeframe for development. Our professionals boast extensive experience in developing CMS solutions of varying complexity and scale, which means we speed up the whole process organically where possible.

How much does it cost to develop a custom CMS?  

The cost of developing a CMS solution depends on various factors, including the complexity of the CMS features, the diversity of the content types, the overall content volume, the number and complexity of content management workflows and integrations, and more. We offer flexible pricing to find the most convenient option for you. However, our team of experts follows a well-adjusted approach to CMS development where we analyze each roadmap detail to give you the most closely approximate estimation and cut unnecessary costs where possible. 


What is custom CMS development?

A custom CMS is a powerful and personalized web solution designed to facilitate the creation, storage, and publishing of digital content. Investing in a custom CMS allows one to speed up all content-related tasks and processes, boosting the productivity of employees who handle the generation, storage, and processing of content. With a custom CMS, businesses can streamline their workflows, reduce manual tasks, and achieve greater consistency and accuracy across all digital content. 

Why do businesses need custom CMS solutions?

In addition to simplifying content updates, a CMS platform can enhance the overall user experience you offer by providing solutions such as responsive design, intuitive navigation, and personalized content. These stand-out features can help your website attract and retain more visitors while improving their engagement.

How do custom CMS services benefit my website?

A well-designed CMS enables you to focus on developing outstanding material for your audience rather than being slowed down by time-consuming administrative procedures. A CMS can also help you improve collaboration within your team. It can also give you useful insights into your audience and content. Data-driven decisions help improve your online presence and boost engagement. With a custom CMS, you can track and analyze key performance metrics. Armed with this information, you can optimize your content strategy and make adjustments as needed to make sure your online presence always matches your business goals. 

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