Telehealth and telemedicine app development services

What we offer

Telemedicine mobile apps

A telemedicine mobile application of your own can serve as a great, highly demanded product for sale for hospitals and medical facilities. Or it can become a perfect extension to your existing healthcare services workflow. A dedicated app ultimately simplifies almost all aspects of remote communication and interaction with patients while also granting in-depth patient monitoring and alerting abilities. A telemedicine app helps patients in any condition stay in touch with their doctor at all times while getting insights into their diagnostics and treatment progress instantly.

Electronic Medical Records

EMR or Electronic Medical Records implementation helps optimize the paramount processes of storing, organizing, and managing important employee, administration, and facility data. This approach enables convenient centralization and immediate access to the required records via multiple user rights levels. EMR systems and applications grant firm reliability and safety of the records storage. At DICEUS, we can develop a custom or integrated solution that will give you versatile interactive medical records storing and managing capacities free of manual routines.

Electronic Health Records

EHR or Electronic Health Records is an EMR counterpart type of systems that deal with patient data assets, including administrative/registration data, clinical records, personal history, etc. A proper dedicated EHR application helps avoid unnecessary paperwork routines, store all the records more reliably in a digital format, access any required information immediately via a centralized database, and easily share the important data between doctors and management for joint treatment and diagnostics purposes. All this and more comes with a single telehealth app.

Clinical management systems

Managing healthcare is an effort-intense, complex process on its own, considering multiple departments within a single healthcare facility that require thorough monitoring, management, and collaboration opportunities. Then, there are all the files and patient management routines. We can combine EMR, EHR, and other specific management capabilities in a single telemedicine app development solution. For this, we can create a fully or partially custom system with powers based on the most relevant managerial aspects for your specific workflow.

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Benefits of our telehealth app development services

Feature-rich solutions

With a custom approach, we can pinpoint exactly the abilities, tools, and features you need for your particular workflow and implement as many of them as your application can reasonably fit. We also work based on the detailed requirements and market niche specifics, but we can develop a multipurpose healthcare management platform with a range of features that tackle various workflow aspects.

Quick API integration

With years of field development practice under our belt, we can also help you rapidly deploy and connect your healthcare solution with other software and necessary gateways or plugins. Thus, we can quickly integrate the required API(s), be it with the purpose of connecting to the existing system, enhancing system capabilities with third-party plugins and services, expanding software accessibility, and more.

Customized UI/UX

The structure and performance of the user interface coupled with the overall level of user experience make up a huge essential chunk of the whole solution’s convenience and overall success among users. We can fill your telemedicine app’s UI/UX with custom elements that emphasize a specific approach to handling healthcare services, with every aspect done based on the best market practices.

Complete security

We guarantee the full security and transparency of all processes taking place during our collaboration and project completion. We provide well-tried-and-tested expertise, our pool of specialists consists of reliable professionals, most of whom have proper certificates, we are ready and willing to seal all deals with proper agreements and contracts, and we have a rich history of past projects.

Our telehealth software development process

AnalysisThe initial stage of any project is a thorough analysis of requirements, client’s business niche and operation specifics, related market environment, direct and indirect competitors’ workflows and products, etc. The proper analysis helps our telemedicine app developers lay the smoothest possible ground for all further processes. At this point, we also gather and discuss all the client requirements, specifications, goals, needs, and desires. Having the complete vision of the project in line with the client’s opinions and expectations is paramount to granting top quality.
DevelopmentWith all the preliminary discussions, research, and analysis well-structured and out of the way, we set off the following in-depth technical part of project completion. This requires the most intense effort and expertise input from our specialists, as, during the development phase, we outline and create the design carcass of the product based on the most relevant UI/UX trends and fill it up with the required functionality. This is where, depending on the project, we may hardcode tools, features, and interactive elements from scratch or integrate readymade aspects.
QA and testingJust in time with wrapping up all the main project implementation efforts, including the preparation, design, and development of the whole solution, we set off thorough quality assurance and testing phases. These help us polish up the product and finalize it in order to launch an all-around perfectly functioning solution. This is where we combine multiple QA approaches as well as manual and automated testing methods in order to identify and fix any possible errors and flaws before sending the finished solution into the release phase.
DeploymentAt DICEUS, we provide full-cycle product development services which include, among other things, software deployment as the project finalization stage. This means that we don’t drop the software product we create right after it goes through all common stages of development. We also help you deploy it properly in the required operational environment. Our specialists will deploy the software according to the specifics of the target environment and mend all the holes that can potentially appear in the process. This stage grants perfect post-release performance.

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What impacts your project duration

The total duration of every other project depends heavily on the underlying specifics and scope of the workflow. We have the expertise it takes to provide telemedicine app development services quite rapidly. But here are the main factors influencing the duration of your project.

  • Project requirements
  • Expected deadlines
  • Team composition
  • Chosen technology and platforms

What affects your project costs

The final cost of your end product depends on multiple deciding factors. We can help you achieve the most optimal pricing ratio based on your particular needs. Keep in mind that the following aspects mostly form the pricing.

  • Project scope and complexity
  • Chosen technology
  • Project completion urgency
  • Engagement model: Fixed Price, Time and Material, Dedicated Team

What we need from your side

We take full responsibility for every stage of the process. Our specialists have enough experience and are savvy in initiating and finalizing major project workflow stages. But you can help us achieve the best results by timely providing the following input.

  • Project goals, vision, and roadmap if exist
  • High-level project requirements
  • Project-specific documentation if available
  • Client’s availability (a couple of hours per week for requirements gathering sessions)

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Frequently asked questions

Do you provide software integration services for existing apps?

DICEUS has an extensive pool of profiled specialists that provide a wide range of software development, optimization, customization, and enhancement services. If you already have an existing telehealth application that requires further expansion of features and capabilities, we can dedicate our expertise to properly scaling it with the help of proper integrations and configurations.

What features can be developed for a telemedicine app?

A telemedicine application can have a varying scope of features depending on the particular needs and requirements of a healthcare provider. It can be a basic app dedicated to a certain field of tasks like healthcare facility employee management or an extensive telehealth platform with multiple user access levels, specialized dashboards, interaction and communication tools, and any other integrations the client may wish to see in the end product.

How long does it take to develop a telemedicine app?

The terms of completion of a telemedicine application strictly depend on a range of product specifics, including client requirements, scope of features, technical complexity, etc. DICEUS is a telemedicine app development company that offers streamlined project performance, but we can say for sure that creating solutions for the field as complex and responsible as healthcare may take more time than a regular eCommerce or office management app would take.

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