Web application and website testing services

Nowadays, in the conditions of severe competition symptomatic of all IT-driven industries, the excellent quality of web solutions is what users and consumers expect from a website, portal, online shop, or web app. They hate waiting more than three seconds for the site to load and are likely to leave when it has issues with functioning or usability. Website and web application testing services are called to minimize such and any other problems and guarantee a satisfying user experience for consumers. 

Web testing services we provide

Website and web app testing services can become a game changer in the efforts to provide user satisfaction only if they are entrusted to a high-profile web app and website testing company. The competent QA team of DICEUS possesses sufficient skills and experience to conduct the entire complex of testing measures to enable your business site or web app to stand out among competitors by its fast response, superb navigation, and identical operation across various devices. This comprehensive procedure involves the following aspects. 

Performance testing 

When your web solution reaches the user audience, you want to be sure of its high speed, rock-solid stability, and broad scalability. These are vital KPIs we aim to achieve via performance testing. In the outcome, we guarantee that your website will respond instantly, run well under different workloads on different browsers, and operate continuously without any glitches. 

Functional testing 

This type of testing aims to check the proper interaction of the site’s front- and back-end components and is a must-have for web products with complex architecture. Our experts confirm the seamless operation of all features, search and eliminate broken links, verify navigation, and see to it that the site’s content is in compliance with the one provided by the customer.  

Usability testing 

Honed to bring utmost convenience for the site users, this testing procedure ensures they receive what they came here for. We guarantee that your site looks attractive and is easy to interact with. Also, the absence of usability issues helps increase conversion, figure out users’ motifs and priorities, and decide on introducing additional functionalities or improving the site design.

Web security testing 

In an age rife with cybercrime, customers want to be sure their personal data isn’t compromised and their finances aren’t tampered with. To allay their worries, we implement a reliable authorization procedure, perform source code review, and conduct penetration testing. These measures enable us to pinpoint system threats, identify vulnerabilities, and eliminate security gaps. 

Compatibility testing 

The contemporary technological landscape is extremely versatile, and you must be able to play well on all chessboards. A thorough compatibility test performed by DICEUS will verify your web software product’s ability to function flawlessly on all devices (desktops, laptops, tablets, or mobile phones) no matter what operating systems or browsers they are powered by.  

Accessibility testing 

To maximize your customer reach, you should make sure physically challenged people (those with visual, auditory, speech, locomotive, etc. disabilities) can handle your site or web app. Our QA experts will check whether your product is compliant with ADA, WCAG 2.1, or other accessibility standards to be comfortable for the broadest user audience.  

Load testing 

Being a part of performance checks, load testing can be ordered as a separate procedure. In this case, we employ the anticipated load (number of simultaneous users or requests per second), compare the obtained response time, resource usage, throughput, percentage of errors, and other metrics with the expected indices, and determine the adequacy of the current build.

Stress testing 

Whereas load testing aims to examine the site’s behavior during regular loads, stress testing leverages extreme loads to examine the upper limits of your solution’ performance and its ability to recover when returning to normal usage. Also, looking at the stress test results, we detect denials of service, security issues, slowdowns, and data corruption. 

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How it works

Normally, the strategy of running tests is conditioned by the type of test to conduct. We practice a universal approach to rendering application testing services of various kinds that has displayed its efficiency during 13 years of our presence in the niche. 

Requirements analysis In this discovery phase, we study the business and functional requirements of the solution we are going to test. It is crucial to do it early into the SDLC to forestall potential problems before they appear and avoid conventional pitfalls.  
Planning Now we are ready to outline the comprehensive testing strategy where we calculate the budget to allocate for the job, identify testing type(s), determine test coverage, choose tools and techniques to be leveraged in the process, define testing schedule, and appoint the team to do the task. 
Execution This is the most important part of the project that takes the longest to complete. During it, our QA experts set up the testing environment, create test scenarios, implement them, and expose inadequacies and malfunctions of the web product. 
Reporting and bug fixing With the list of bugs at our fingertips, we submit a detailed report to our client, where we prioritize the revealed issues according to their severity and deal with them on short notice. Also, we identify reasons for the problems and offer recommendations on how to avoid them in the future. 

Some facts about DICEUS

2011the year DICEUS was established
130projects delivered successfully
8offices around the world
GlobalDelivery Center in Poland
250full-time tech professionals
100IT services available

What challenges web testing solves

The management of modern enterprises always hurries to launch their web product as soon as possible, aiming to radically reduce its time to market. Yet, by meticulously testing web application or website, a far-seeing director or CEO will deal with multiple issues that may surface down the road.  

  • Website error minimization. When your solution crashes, takes forever to load, or is full of broken links, your prospective customers will flee you in droves and go spend their money on your competitors. Web testing can prevent such consequences by revving up the site’s quality.  
  • Compatibility issue elimination. Contemporary consumers interact with your website via various gadgets with different screen sizes, operating systems, and browsers. Web testing provides identical user experience, download speed, and picture quality no matter how people access it. 
  • Boosting website security. If you are careless about your site’s security, the huge odds are that hackers will exploit its vulnerabilities to damage both your organization and its clients. Web testing experts will detect and patch such weaknesses to guarantee the site’s safety.  
  • Website design optimization. Improper design decisions that ignore bandwidth restrictions or conditions of the hosting company can lead to slowing it down and extending loading time. Website testing lets you figure out what causes such problems and eliminate them by revamping your site design. 

Focus industries







Our benefits 

Ensuring the seamless functioning of a business website or web app is a no-nonsense job that should be entrusted to vetted experts in the niche. What makes DICEUS a perfect candidate for this role? 

Certified testers Our QA engineers have superb hands-on skills, which they constantly hone by participating in professional conferences, courses, webinars, and workshops. 
Cutting-edge tools We keep abreast of the latest trends in web software testing to leverage top-notch tools and techniques in our projects. 
Vast experience and knowledge baseWe have been providing web software testing services for over a dozen years, which allowed us to store a rich bank of professional wisdom to draw upon. 
Awareness of the peculiarities of special areasHaving performed software checks of websites and web apps for fintech, retail, healthcare, construction, and other organizations, we have learned their fine points inside out. 
Meticulous attention to detailIn testing, it is mission-critical not to miss even minor elements or items, and we are good at doing that. 
Flexibility of cooperationWe meet our clients halfway in the choice of communication media and schedule and gratefully accept any critical feedback. 

Our case studies


What is web application testing?

It is a complex of software checking practices aimed at ensuring the seamless performance of a web app, which should operate according to requirements. Typically, it is conducted before the solution goes live and includes usability, functionality, security, and other kinds of checks. 

What are website testing services? 

To guarantee flawless website performance, an experienced IT company provides a full scope of testing services. The core of them are performance, functional, usability, compatibility, and web security testing services. Optional procedures cover load, stress, and accessibility checks. 

Why is testing important for web applications and websites? 

By conducting thorough and comprehensive testing of a web solution, you can minimize functional errors and bugs, enhance its loading speed, ensure its seamless functioning across various browsers and devices powered by different operating systems, step up its security, and optimize design elements. 

What types of testing are typically conducted for web applications and websites? 

Each IT-driven entrepreneur aims to obtain an efficient and user-friendly website, web portal, or web application. This goal can be achieved by conducting out-and-out testing of the product, embracing usability, performance, stress, load, compatibility, functional, accessibility, and security checks.  

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