Cloud managed services

What we offer

Cloud managed services imply tools and techniques for managing the runtime environment, monitoring and securing cloud-based applications and services, and analyzing cloud-based data and analytics. As a result, cloud managed service provides a wide range of benefits for organizations and businesses, including greater flexibility and scalability, improved adaptability, and efficiency in managing and delivering both cloud-based and cloud-native solutions.

Our services help companies drive growth with smarter operations. We can simplify managing their critical IT processes to create more significant business value. As an experienced managed cloud service provider DICEUS helps customers boost innovations and disrupt markets when undertaking the complexities and workloads of their IT infrastructures.

Cloud managed services

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Cloud managed services

Cloud transformation

Cloud transformation implies a set of measures to develop and implement a long-term “go cloud” strategy that aligns with the client’s business goals. It guides how and where to focus investments and efforts on maximizing the value and benefits of a cloud-based approach. DICEUS helps customers leave the on-premises paradigm seamlessly with professionally executed cloud management-as-a-service assistance.

Cloud migration services

DICEUS helps customers move their on-premises IT infrastructures to the cloud smoothly with a complete set of steps applied. We begin by assessing current infrastructures to identify areas for improvement or optimization. Then, we develop a plan and timeline for implementation. The customer’s applications and data get cloud-based with the selected cloud infrastructure and appropriate migration tools. We keep training and supporting customer teams through the entire process.

Cloud maintenance

Cloud maintenance is critical for businesses and organizations reliant on cloud-based infrastructure and applications, as it helps ensure the smooth and continuous operation of cloud systems and keep them running effectively while avoiding downtime or service disruptions. Within our cloud managed services, we undertake tasks such as monitoring for issues, managing and resolving incidents and outages, ensuring performance, scaling infrastructure to handle growth and demand, performing updates and deployment, and ensuring compliance and security.

Cloud optimization

Cloud optimization is critical to the success of modern cloud infrastructure and systems, as it ensures the performance and scalability of cloud solutions while avoiding wasted resources and costs. Our cloud managed services provide fine-tuning of the customer’s cloud-based infrastructures and applications to improve their efficiency. We monitor and analyze cloud systems to manage and allocate resources wisely. In addition, we help optimize infrastructures by standardizing processes to automate security and compliance checks and controls.

Multi-cloud architecture

A multi-cloud architecture provides more excellent disaster recovery options and resiliency, as multiple providers can be used for failover or backup systems if one of the platforms experiences an outage or disruption in service. DICEUS helps customers use various cloud platforms or service providers to fulfill their computing and storage needs. In addition, it allows for greater flexibility and scalability in cloud infrastructure and operations, as resources from different providers can be used together across various systems and applications to manage and handle different workloads and scaling.

Cloud DevOps

Cloud DevOps helps address various cloud management challenges such as portability, scalability, compliance, and security and ensures proper deployment and operation of cloud infrastructure and applications. As an element of our cloud managed services, cloud DevOps includes various activities such as developing and implementing continuous integration and delivery pipelines, infrastructure as code, and other cloud-based management and deployment processes.

Focusing on business strategies rather than IT processes becomes easier when a managed cloud service provider cares about your infrastructure. DICEUS releases customers from numerous routines with managed cloud solutions that maximize clients’ investments in their specific value-bringing activities.

Our cloud experts guide customers to accelerate cloud adoption and deployment processes. We facilitate their workflows via thoroughly controlled and securely managed cloud computing, with our on-call support teams providing 24/7 assistance to mitigate any operational issues when they arise.

Cloud deployment models

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Cloud deployment models

Benefits of cloud managed services

Each of our cloud managed services has a clear value proposition. Their cumulative effect provides greater flexibility and agility to handle unexpected market demands without making costly and time-consuming investments in cloud infrastructure and operations. As a result, our customers achieve faster time to market for new products and services, leading to improved competitiveness and larger market share. Their scalability and capacity grow to effectively address the increased demand inside a rapidly changing business environment.

Expertise shared by cloud managed service providers

Our cloud experts possess a deep understanding of the client’s business and needs and the ability to translate those needs into a customized cloud managed environment and service offering. Since they are professionals trained and specialized in the specific cloud platforms and technologies the client uses, they help expand cloud management capabilities such as deployment and configuration management, auto-scaling, and cost optimization. Of course, any expertise requires substantial customer investment unless a cloud managed service provider shares it.

Reduced expenses on IT infrastructure maintenance

Our cloud managed services help customers build more scalable and optimized architectures to reduce overall infrastructure costs. It occurs more efficiently and effectively using servers, storage, and applications. Reducing manual management and maintenance tasks, such as patching and server management, is possible using more automated and self-service tools and processes. Downtime and maintenance costs can be reduced by using more robust monitoring and alert systems and by having expert support available on demand.

Scalability and flexibility of cloud resources

Cloud resources are scalable because they can quickly adapt to the dynamic needs of organizations. They allow for more excellent responsiveness to unplanned business demands while providing the freedom to scale resource usage based on specific requirements rather than being limited by the existing on-premises infrastructure. Cloud resources are flexible to be customized and tailored to specific business goals of organizations. They can be quickly adjusted to operational routines and workflow changes over time.

Enhanced security and data protection

Our cloud experts are the security professionals responsible for monitoring, managing, and protecting cloud infrastructure and data within a client’s cloud environment. They provide access to advanced security and data protection capabilities such as cloud security platforms and services, identity and access management solutions, network firewall and security hardware, advanced threat detection and analysis, etc. Besides, we can create custom cloud-native security solutions and features such as zero-trust security models, security automation, security analytics, etc.

Disaster recovery and business continuity

We create and implement advanced monitoring and alert systems to quickly identify faults and outages in cloud environments to respond promptly to incidents and prevent downtime. Using them parallel with backup and data replication services allows our customers to restore or recover data and applications. In addition, our technical teams share their expertise to guide cloud operations and provide assistance in addressing data security issues when our customers face incidents threatening their business continuity.

Focusing on core competencies

Our cloud managed services let our customers shift their focus away from driving and maintaining their cloud infrastructures and instead concentrate on their core competencies and activities. They use our cloud management-as-a-service to save time and resources invested in their key areas and business specialty. Such a redirection of focus allows them to derive more value from their specific businesses. At the same time, they keep benefiting from the speed and agility of the well-managed infrastructure and operations.

How we provide managed cloud service

Our managed IT cloud solutions rely on the long-standing experience gained when servicing numerous customers with their specific needs and goals. Over the years of successful cooperation, we have honed our mastery in handling and optimizing different cloud infrastructures within various sectors and industries. Such diversity allows us to develop a universal collaboration formula consisting of several unified steps and approaches.

Understanding the customer’s businessDiving deeper into the specifics of the customer’s activity helps guide the design and implementation of a managed cloud solution tailored to the customer’s needs. Making no mistake in the operational requirements of every customer is critical to provide real business value from the resulting higher efficiency of cloud management. Additionally, understanding a client’s business allows the managed cloud service provider to create a more personalized approach to the client when fostering trust and customer loyalty over time.
Developing a cloud transformation strategyA cloud transformation strategy must be built to provide a clear and comprehensive vision for the organization’s journey to the cloud. It can be developed through regular communication with key business stakeholders, who provide vital input on the organizational goals and objectives. They deliver a clue on what success will look like once the organization has fully migrated to the cloud. The strategy includes a clear timeline for implementation, with an overview of each step in the migration process and key milestones along the way. The strategy also describes the necessary resources and support to successfully migrate to cloud-based environments and operations.
Designing architectureAlthough different architectures can significantly vary in the implemented features and services, a designing process typically involves such steps as defining business requirements and use cases for the cloud environment, identifying cloud infrastructure and applications such as servers, storage, and web services that are scalable and capable of meeting those requirements and use cases. We design cloud management and monitoring systems to ensure optimal performance, usage, and security, along with redundancy and failover systems to ensure reliability, high uptime, and protection for data integrity and recovery. Besides, systems for backing up and archiving data for future reference, recovery, and analysis are always available.
Implementing, deploying, and integratingWhen the designing stage is completed, our expert teams progress to implementing, deploying, and integrating all the systems and services the customer approves. Whatever functionality is deployed, we always leave a backdoor open to roll back and return to previous instances if the function’s value appears questionable in the changed operation scenarios. Hence, we maintain a reversible implementation process to make our managed cloud services as agile as possible. Besides, we strive to achieve the smoothest cloud integration when our customers’ business processes keep running without interruption.
Maintenance and supportDICEUS always protects customers’ interests by providing the required maintenance and support within the scope of all managed cloud services. We can establish a dedicated 24/7 support team for immediate response to issues and outages. Our experts monitor and analyze cloud system performance for adjusting and fine-tuning the resource usage over time as well as providing technical assistance and guidance for troubleshooting and identifying the root cause and resolution of a system outage or incident. Our support division executes regular and ongoing maintenance and updates to cloud infrastructure and applications to ensure optimal performance and availability over time.

What impacts your project duration

Any transition to the cloud is individual in terms of the customer’s requirements. However, the slowing factors can be considered typical for any project.

  • A lack of buy-in and understanding from key business stakeholders
  • A lack of internal resources to migrate and manage cloud-based infrastructure and operations
  • A lack of a well-developed transition strategy
  • A wish to hold the existing on-premise infrastructure running in parallel with in-cloud operations
  • The cloud architecture design complexity

What affects your project costs

Although every customer has specific priorities and goals, the costs of any project are usually affected by the following:

  • The project scope and architecture complexity
  • Applied technologies and services
  • Service pricing of a particular cloud provider
  • The project implementation deadline
  • The engagement model

What we need from your side

To diminish various factors impacting the duration and cost of the project, we expect our customers to provide us with the following:

  • The customer’s priorities and project goals
  • The project’s schedule and estimated deadlines
  • Available supporting materials like architectural schemes
  • The overall transition strategy, if available
  • Stakeholders to be available for weekly communication

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Frequently asked questions

What are cloud managed services?

Cloud managed services are provided by a third-party team of experts specialized and knowledgeable in cloud technologies and platforms to help businesses and organizations build, deploy, manage, and operate cloud-based infrastructure and applications. The cloud managed service provider can offer guidance and support in all aspects of cloud setup, implementation, and operation, including architecture, design, deployment, testing, monitoring, management, maintenance, troubleshooting, and support in case of issues or outages.

Why are companies moving to the cloud?

Companies are moving to the cloud to achieve greater flexibility for their businesses. They can scale and deploy resources quickly and efficiently to meet changing needs and grow and expand in an agile manner. The cloud transition provides higher speed and efficiency in managing and delivering applications and services. In addition, cloud infrastructures and platforms make organizations more sustainable in their growth due to the diversity inherent in managed cloud services.

What are the components of cloud managed services?

Cloud managed services typically include advanced monitoring and alert systems to monitor and handle issues and outages, backups and redundancy systems for data, performance, uptime, and automation tools and processes to streamline and optimize cloud architecture and operations. Besides, advanced security and compliance tools should ensure compliance with standards and regulations and protect against cyber threats and data breaches. Teams of dedicated and experienced cloud experts to guide, manage, and support cloud infrastructure and applications 24/7, 365 days per year, can also never hurt.

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