Cloud support services

Cloud support services from DICEUS provide customers with increased flexibility and scalability, allowing organizations to adopt cloud computing and expand their infrastructure to meet modern businesses' changing needs and demands. The cloud-based nature of the services helps our customers easily add or subtract IT resources if needed while reducing infrastructure and maintenance costs. 

Scope of DICEUS cloud support services 

Since 2011, DICEUS has provided professional cloud support services for businesses from various industries, including banking, insurance, retail, healthcare, and many more. Check out the scope of our services below.

Tech support services

Our technical support teams offer support and guidance to users with troubleshooting issues related to the cloud platform and services. This service plays a proactive role when our cloud support specialists monitor and analyze cloud applications and tech data in real-time to notify customers of any potential issues.

Cloud infrastructure management  

It is one of the core components of our cloud support services performed continuously to ensure that the cloud infrastructure is operating efficiently with no bottlenecks. Our cloud infrastructure team manages all related aspects, including physical servers, storage, networks, and databases.

Cloud application support  

We provide assistance and guidance to customers with issues related to their cloud apps’ use and functionality. Our experts can give their recommendations on how to utilize the cloud platform best to meet the individual needs and goals of the organization. Application support can be more proactive and ongoing or reactive and on-demand, depending on the specific needs and priorities of the organization.

Cost optimization  

Our cloud support services’ subscription-based and pay-as-you-go model can help organizations better manage and control their cloud spend while reducing hardware, infrastructure, and maintenance costs. Many options of our cloud computing support allow our customers to manage their IT budgets better while enjoying the numerous benefits of cloud computing.

Performance optimization 

Our performance optimization experts guide organizations in achieving the best possible results from their investment in cloud infrastructures. The service is accomplished through different means, such as regular monitoring and analyzing cloud performance, proactively identifying and addressing potential performance issues or roadblocks, and making adjustments and optimizations to ensure continued optimal performance.

Cloud migration support  

Our cloud migration support implies providing the customer with extensive documentation, consulting, and guidance regarding moving IT and infrastructure to the cloud and performing relevant routines to ensure an efficient and effective transition. Our cloud support specialists provide tools and resources to help customers transition to the cloud and are always ready to deliver assistance throughout the migration process.

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Our approach to cloud support services 

It is imperative to have a solid understanding of the overall needs and goals of the customer’s organization to provide a comprehensive and robust offering that meets those needs. Our proactive approach to cloud support services includes detailed planning, preparation, and analysis on the part of the service provider to ensure that our services are fully tailored to the customer’s expectations.

The approach involves establishing and maintaining clear and ongoing communication with the client and setting and achieving clear and measurable goals for each support activity. As a result, we develop a well-defined scope of work and project plan that are realistic and attainable, allowing for continuous monitoring and evaluation of project progress and success.

Understand customer needs We analyze customers’ requirements, their cloud infrastructure, and the specific challenges they face. 
Offer comprehensive support levels Our team provides different tiers or levels of support to accommodate varying customer requirements and budgets. 
Responsive communication We establish clear communication channels (emails, phone, chat, self-service platforms) and ensure timely responses to customer inquiries.  
Knowledge base  We also develop a comprehensive knowledge base and self-service resources that address common issues, provide step-by-step guides, and offer troubleshooting tips so our customers can quickly find all the necessary information. 
Skilled and well-training support staff DICEUS invests in continuous training of skilled support professionals who possess strong knowledge of cloud technologies and platforms.  
Regular reporting and metrics We monitor and report on key support metrics, such as project status, response times, resolution times, customer satisfaction ratings, and ticket volumes.  

Why use cloud services provided by DICEUS?  

  • 13 years of experience in cloud support services 
  • Strong expertise of DICEUS cloud consultants 
  • Google Cloud and Microsoft Partnerships 
  • Experience in cloud transformation for various industries 
  • Guaranteed project outcomes and on-time delivery 
  • Experience in various cloud deployment models

Some facts about us

2011the year DICEUS was established
130projects delivered successfully
8offices around the world
GlobalDelivery Center in Poland
250full-time tech professionals
100IT services available

Benefits of DICEUS cloud IT support  

Cloud computing puts business operations and IT infrastructures to the next efficiency level. By providing cloud IT support, DICEUS helps customers address their routines with advanced technical and organizational capabilities that are hardly achievable with on-premise infrastructures. The most critical advantages of our cloud IT support services include, but are not limited to, the following:

Flexibility and scalability 

Our cloud support services provide a more dynamic and adaptable infrastructure and operation that can better meet the needs and priorities of the organization. Flexibility in such a context is the ability to easily and quickly adjust and adapt to changing preferences and needs. At the same time, scalability allows for the simple and efficient addition or subtraction of resources and services as needed. These qualities are essential to the continued operation and success of the organization’s IT environment.

Easier adoption of new features 

Our cloud support services offer a centralized and simplified infrastructure that helps customers streamline the process of implementing and deploying new features and updates. We provide a proactive level of assistance, allowing organizations to quickly and effectively resolve any issues that may arise when implementing new features. Cloud IT support from DICEUS helps businesses to quickly and smoothly adopt new in-cloud features and enjoy the benefits and functionality they offer.  

Simplification of processes 

Our cloud IT support helps customers eliminate unnecessary complexity and redundancies in their IT environment. Our engineers keep processes and procedures clear and concise by making routine tasks easier to automate. Cloud services and tools from DICEUS also help simplify operation processes allowing the organization to focus on more critical activities. We help customers adopt cloud computing to make their workflows and procedures more efficient.

Reduced IT staff 

We help reduce IT staff by offloading much of the responsibility and workload traditionally performed by IT departments to DICEUS. This offloading can result in a significantly reduced workload for customers’ IT engineers, with our team of professionals providing the support and assistance that is typically required. The reduced workload can decrease the customer’s overall resource requirements and help organizations free up more time and resources to focus on other priorities. 

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How we provide cloud support 

Over the years in cloud support, we have developed a particular algorithm of actions to execute various cloud support services efficiently. We see the entire process divided into several stages. Each stage is critical in ensuring that the cloud platform and services are effectively utilized and optimized for the customer’s organization and needs. 

Our cloud technology stack

To build and operate cloud-based applications and infrastructure, we use the following technology solutions and services:​

Infrastructure layer

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Microsoft Azure

Platform layer

  • Heroku
  • OpenShift
  • Google App Engine

Application layer

  • Applications built and deployed on the cloud infrastructure and platform layers​

Management and monitoring layer

  • Terraform
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • Datadog
  • New Relic
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Azure Resource Manager
  • Azure Active Directory
  • Google Cloud Security Command Center
  • Jenkins
  • GitLab

How migration assessment process at DICEUS works

The assessment aims to create a solid and comprehensive understanding of the client’s current environment and resources and how they could be transitioned and integrated into a cloud environment. These steps are crucial in ensuring the successful and smooth migration of the client’s IT infrastructure to the cloud and preventing potential problems or issues that may arise during and after the migration. 

Gathering data from the clientTo grasp the customer’s proprietary database traits and configurations, our engineers revise the current database and applications regarding possible opportunities to modernize the app code and handle data layers.  
Data analysis and recommendations  After analyzing the customer’s collected data, we deliver insights and recommendations on addressing the complexities of the database migration process in the context of the applications’ modernization and database transition to the cloud. 
Migration service delivery  Allowing our customers to adopt cloud database technologies successfully, we develop and implement an ideal algorithm with all the necessary support and assistance from our team. 

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What factors affect the cost of cloud support services?

There are some factors capable of affecting the cost of cloud support services that should be taken into account, including:

The scope and complexity of the cloud infrastructure and services required 

The scope and complexity of the cloud infrastructure and services required 

The duration of the agreement between the cloud service provider and the customer 

The duration of the agreement between the cloud service provider and the customer 

The level of support and assistance needed from the cloud service provider 

The level of support and assistance needed from the cloud service provider 

The size and capacity of the customer's existing IT infrastructure and resources 

The size and capacity of the customer’s existing IT infrastructure and resources 

Any unexpected or unforeseen factors that may arise during the project 

Any unexpected or unforeseen factors that may arise during the project 

Frequently asked questions

What are cloud support services? 

Cloud support services provide various support and assistance to organizations using or migrating to a cloud computing environment. They include setup and deployment of the cloud environment and infrastructure, ongoing monitoring and management of the environment and services, as well as technical support and guidance for the users and app owners. Cloud support services aim to ensure a smooth and successful transition and operation of the organizational infrastructure in the cloud environment and provide continued support and assistance as the environment and services evolve over time. 

What are the 4 main cloud support services?  

In most cloud computing solutions, the main cloud support services include: 
1) Infrastructure and platform support. The service provides setup and deployment of the cloud infrastructure and platform to support IT services and applications in the cloud environment; 
2) User and account management. The service provides the creation and management of user accounts and permissions, as well as management of the overall user experience and operation in the cloud ecosystem; 
3) Security and data protection. The service provides security policies, protocols, and standards, and backup and disaster recovery solutions, to ensure the ongoing safety and integrity of the data and applications in the cloud environment; 
4) Performance and availability. The service includes monitoring and analyzing the platform and services to uncover potential gaps, problems, or issues, proactively resolve them, and maintain optimum performance and availability.  

What is the biggest benefit of cloud support services? 

Cloud support services help customer organizations alleviate much of the cost and burden of migrating to the cloud and provide a comprehensive and proactive level of support during and after the migration. Ultimately, cloud support services offer a wide range of benefits to organizations and can help to support and ease the transition and operation in the cloud environment. 

What are the examples of cloud support? 

The range of cloud support is vast and abundant. It can include but is not limited to the following activities:  
Setup and deployment of the cloud platform and infrastructure. Ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the platform and services. Technical support and guidance for the users of the platform and services. Security and data protection measures and protocols. Backups and disaster recovery solutions. Scalability and flexibility of the platform and services. Cost-effective and efficient operations in the cloud environment, etc. 

Are cloud support services secure? 

Cloud support services are secure, especially with DICEUS offering a variety of security and data protection measures along with our services. These can include strong authentication and authorization measures, comprehensive cybersecurity policies and protocols, and cloud-based backups and disaster recovery solutions. Overall, when paired with solid cybersecurity practices and protocols, cloud support services can offer high security and protection for data and applications in the cloud environment. 

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