Software development for startups

What we offer

For two reasons, the fourth industrial revolution has become a godsend for business initiatives. The first is the almost global internet coverage that allows budding ventures to find and enter limitless markets in their consumer niche. The second is the arrival of professional solutions that can drastically streamline workflow management and enhance the customer experience. But while most entrepreneurs are up to the mark business-wise, the expertise in software development startup workforce is often substandard or non-existent. DICEUS is ready to step into the breach and provide a great scope of software development services for startups.


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Product discovery and consulting

Whether it is a mobile app, a web portal, an e-store, or a SaaS product, its discovery is the point of departure in any startup software development endeavor. We collect much data related to the project goal and its future consumers. We learn about their needs and pain points and see how their problems can be addressed with the help of specific functionalities of the solution-to-be. We also consult our clients on the technologies required to create these features.

End-to-end development

We practice a full-cycle approach to the creation of software. It means you don’t have to worry about anything when hiring the DICEUS team to build a solution. Our software development life cycle covers all the stages, from road mapping and planning through crew assembling, tech stack selection, and MVP creation to UI/UX design, implementation, testing, QA, deployment, and post-launch support and maintenance.

Standalone module development

Some tech startups have sufficient skills to handle the development of specific functionalities with which they plan to hit it big. But, as a rule, their expertise stops at that, leaving them unable to complete the product or attain the level of quality that will satisfy both the startup founders and their prospects. Our developers can step in at any stage to design and develop a separate module of any solution, thus bringing value to the project execution.

Product updates

The modern technological landscape is never at rest, with new know-how pushing its way in and novel approaches to solving age-long problems introduced. So, it may well happen that the solution only a little while ago turns out inadequate or obsolete in some aspect over weeks, not to mention years. Therefore, DICEUS will revise your product and update it to give another boost to its commercial potential.

Startup founders face many challenges in reaching any industry’s primary business league. The idea they strive to monetize requires a viable marketing strategy and adequate technical expertise to be implemented. Outsourcing this side of the project and focusing on their core responsibilities is one of the most feasible options.

DICEUS, as a startup software development company, has top-notch specialists who can tackle creating any software products – from apps to enterprise solutions of various types – that will impress you with smooth functioning and user-friendly design.

Startup development stages

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Startup development stages

Benefits of cooperation with DICEUS for startups

When looking for professional software, many well-established businesses go for off-the-shelf solutions, so they hire IT companies to improve those a little for their needs. Startups are a different pair of shoes since their original ideas require leveraging unique custom-made software products. Given this, DICEUS is a perfect choice for them. Why?

The long history of cooperating with startups

Having been present for 10+ years in the IT market, we have delivered numerous high-end solutions for behemoths in the business world and small companies that have just started their voyage to the bonanza shore. That is why we are well aware of the problems and pitfalls they encounter at the outset of their functioning and keep on the same wavelength with them.

An extensive roster of IT experts

The offbeat ideas that startups have as a foundation for their future product quite often require the contribution of various software experts with a broad range of qualifications and skills. DICEUS has over 250 developers with expertise in artificial intelligence, cloud transformation, digital transformation, cyber security, and many other areas.

Cutting-edge technologies

Startup products are almost always about breakthrough innovations. Their implementation relies on employing state-of-the-art technologies on the contemporary IT frontier. Our developers, architects, engineers, and designers keep abreast of all the latest developments in their competence and can employ their knowledge to enable your product to push the envelope.

Best practices for software development

Novel technologies employed by the most competent developers may have little effect if the software development process is poorly organized and inadequately managed. Therefore, our teams use Agile methodology, which allows specialists to keep vibrant communication between the stakeholders, increase the speed of delivery, and prioritize the quality of the final product.

How we develop software

Even the best software development companies for startups with the most qualified personnel can carry out their job badly if they randomize their efforts or rush things immoderately while executing projects. DICEUS never works on a hunch or tries to make short work of its tasks. Our philosophy of software creation is a step-by-step steady movement that rules out haste and minimizes post-launch correction.

Requirements gatheringWe begin with carefully listening to the client and taking down what they can tell us about their project objectives and the target audience whose needs they will cater to. After that, we draw a list of requirements the future solution should meet and come up with the list of features it should contain, basing our judgment on our technical experience in the field.
Design and prototypingArmed with the intelligence collected at the previous stage, we design the look and feel of the software product we are working on. Then, we create a proof of concept (PoC) to understand its feasibility from the technical standpoint and build a prototype of the product to visualize the UI it will have. Finally, the prototype is thoroughly tested and even submitted to real users for a trial.
Product implementationWhen we know what works and what doesn’t, we finalize the product plan and architecture to pass it on to the team of engineers and developers who start coding away and thus bring to life the outlined scheme. They create front-end and back-end features and characteristics, having in view the ultimate purpose of achieving functional goals and obtaining a fully working solution.
Testing and QAHowever meticulously our developers are doing their job, we never release a software product before we subject it to a comprehensive testing and quality assessment procedure. DICEUS test engineers run numerous automated, manual, functionality, security, user acceptance, and other types of tests to ensure the solution has no bugs and operates in accordance with expectations.
Deployment and launchWhen the product is proven entirely functional, we deploy it in the client’s system, platform, or cloud-based environment. Then, we assist in posting it in the app store (if it is a mobile application) or configure the server/hosting (if it is a web solution). In the latter case, we also help our customers take the first steps in embracing software assets completely.
Maintenance and supportDICEUS, as a responsible vendor, doesn’t call it a day even after the software product is deployed and starts being used by the audience. We monitor the performance of the launched solution for at least a month to ensure its operation is smooth and issue-free. Besides, we keep in touch with our clients to offer them assistance and advice in case they need it.

What impacts your project duration

Startups are always hurrying to market their product as quickly as possible. That is why they often wonder how long they will have to wait to see the finished product on the table. We can say something definite about the timeframe of execution only when we know the following:

  • Project requirements
  • Expected deadlines
  • IT staff composition
  • Platforms and tech stack
  • Change requests

What affects your project costs

Startups are notorious for having very tight budgets, so the question of cost is often a life-or-death issue. Knowing this fact, we can calculate the price they will have to pay for the solution in the most accurate way. But to do that, we need to know the following:

  • Chosen technology
  • Project scope and complexity
  • The urgency of project completion
  • The preferred engagement models
  • Release date

What we need from your side

However limited the tech competence of startup members may be, we still need their active participation in project implementation to speed up its completion and deliver a product that lives up to all their expectations. Notably, we need from them the following information.

  • The project vision, goals, and roadmap (if any)
  • High-level project requirements
  • Available project documentation
  • Project deadlines
  • Customer weekly availability

Our tech stack

Explore our case studies

Frequently asked questions

How can custom software development help startups?

As a rule, boxed solutions are more affordable than bespoke IT products and can be instantly employed, but they are not an option for startups. Why? Because the innovative concepts and offbeat approaches startups offer to the target audience require specifically tailored to that end unique software, which spells custom solutions only.

Do you provide IT staffing services for startups?

This is an essential part of our startup services package. Non-tech ventures usually opt for end-to-end software product development, but tech startups may have some IT experts in-house. If they lack specialists in any other sphere, the seasoned developers of DICEUS are ready to fill the gap.

Do you offer product discovery and market-fit analysis?

Of course, we do, since these stages of IT product development are called to answer the mission-critical question all startups face: “Does our business idea hold water?” Our experts conduct preliminary research to help the client understand if the solution-to-be has a value proposition for the target audience and fits the underserved market niche.

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