Wellness and fitness app development services 

DICEUS is a fitness app development company with a rich portfolio of successful projects and years of field experience. We put a combination of well-proven methods and relevant innovations at the heart of business-pushing digital solutions. A good grip on the top tech tools and trends allows us to create unique applications that sharpen up your competitive edge. 

Types of apps we develop  

We build thoroughly planned solutions that help all sorts of user audiences keep fit and healthy. This includes native, cross-platform, and hybrid mobile and web apps that help efficiently organize goals, manage workout routines, provide instructions and tips, and intuitively direct any user set to improve physically and mentally. Here’s what we create. 

Exercise and workout apps 

A usual user coverage of wellness apps goes beyond one or two target audiences. Everybody needs to work out, and the products of our fitness app development services help keep fit at all times with rich features and useful content. We build apps to help plan training sessions, set goals, and do exercises the right, harm-free way. Our apps also help find the best workout places, track progress, share achievements with friends, and compete. 

Nutrition applications 

A dedicated app can assist users in tracking dietary habits, maintaining proper nutrition, and balancing one’s hydration. Users can record what they eat, track statistics, and calculate the calories they consume. A tailored app may offer custom goal-setting options, like weight loss, monitoring and cutting carbohydrate intake and gaining muscle mass. It may also pack handy product data tables, a calorie calculator, food diaries, and other useful tools. 

Activity trackers 

Our fitness tracker app development can be dedicated to custom activities to plan, manage, and track. With a custom tracker, users get clear, detailed info about the exercises they perform and the loads they endure at any time. They can track the number of steps taken and kilometers covered during the day, KGs lifted, running speed reached, and groups of muscles used. All via a simple, all-in-one mobile dashboard.  

Apps for sports clubs 

We provide solutions equipped with powerful marketing capacities. Integrated traffic trackers, user segmentation dashboards, and notifications all help dynamically adapt to market demands, attract new customers and partners, and push the business in other ways. For instance, sports club owners can organize remote training sessions for individual members and fitness groups. All physical gym counterparts are easily digitized.  

IoT-powered apps 

Our solutions allow you to monitor user activity via any smart device. We employ innovative tech across connected fitness devices, including NFC, to autonomously record sets, repetitions, weights used, rest periods, pulse rate, heart rate, and stress levels. This provides users with more precise and comprehensive tracking of their physical activity and other vital health data, granting a seamless and interconnected workout experience. 

Disease management 

We also build apps that monitor sleep, help establish healthy habits, offer timed meditation or yoga practices, etc. Our apps monitor sleep, help establish healthy habits, offer timed meditation or yoga practices, and include many other features. Users can monitor their overall physical condition through real-time data on blood sugar levels and other key health parameters, efficiently battling depression, anxiety, negative thought patterns, and burnout. 

Are you planning to develop a fitness or wellness app?

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Benefits of custom mobile apps 

We develop apps that shape high-quality fitness journeys for all types of end users. The apps are rich with personalized content, community support, virtual reality, and gamification. As a customer-centric fitness app developer, DICEUS guarantees: 

  1. High-quality development within deadlines with no hidden costs 
  2. Full focus on your business goals and CX 
  3. A broad user base warmed up for a new app 
  4. Inherent scalability 
  5. Simple monetization 
  6. Efficient support and tech issue resolution 

An efficient wellness app that really hits the spot for its users grants immense business value. Leverage it with the help of all the opportunities, insights, and strategies DICEUS gives you. 

Must-have features of wellness and fitness apps

To create an effective and appealing fitness solution for a wide range of users, we include all the basic plus very much sought-after functionality, like: 

  • User profiles 
  • Personalized filters 
  • Workout planners 
  • Meal planners and calorie calculators 
  • Activity trackers 
  • Progress tracking 
  • Gamification elements 
  • Push notifications 
  • Personal trainers 
  • Social features and chat 
  • Video and audio instructions, educational material 
  • Integration with wearable devices 
  • Integration with other services 

Our services 

We offer a big set of comprehensive fitness app development services that give our clients top-notch software products to conquer markets. Here’s what we handle.  

Product discovery 

The development process begins with conceptualizing to determine key aspects, timelines, and resources needed. It includes the study of your requirements and the market niche to understand what your app should be like to hit the demand among today’s users. We analyze project goals, describe target user personas, and determine the optimal platform and necessary app features. Based on that, we create a roadmap of the project. 

UI/UX design 

At this stage, we create an eye-candy yet intuitive design. We define functional and non-functional requirements, design a use case diagram, and determine the architecture and layout of the application. The choice of technology stack is based on the project’s characteristics and requirements. We will make sure your app stands out and doesn’t resemble any other.


This stage includes creating an MVP and studying market feedback to make your application a best-seller. DICEUS guarantees clean code and the selection of the most suitable language, platform, environment, external databases, libraries, and other tools to ensure an efficient development process. We provide support for various screen configurations across different devices. The result is a 100% customized solution that meets all client and user requirements. 


DICEUS utilizes APIs to tap into the device functionality and extra integrations, enabling your app to find the best running routes, track calorie consumption more accurately, maintain user motivation, and more. We help integrate geoinformation techs, activity feeds, and chat features connected to wearable smart devices. Whether it’s a workout journal, nutrition information, GPS maps, or Google Maps, proper integration allows users to seamlessly track their path to fitness success and better health. 

Testing and QA 

DICEUS ensures code stability and error-free software, making testing an important part of the product development process. Our specialists will handle your application deployment, so you can rest assured that you are about to see an app launch with a bang. We use functional and integration testing to ensure that the application is error-free and its functionality matches its real characteristics. And thorough QA allows us to test things out from the user’s perspective.  

Support and upgrades 

The DICEUS team consists of highly qualified specialists who do their utmost to deliver your application within the set timeframe. We will help you gather customer feedback, enhance the product, and apply the best marketing strategies. We will continue to monitor the application’s performance to identify areas for improvement. By constantly refining and optimizing your application, you get to enhance its appeal and alignment in line with user preferences. 

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2011the year DICEUS was established
130projects delivered successfully
8offices around the world
GlobalDelivery Center in Poland
250full-time tech professionals
100IT services available

Our development process

Fitness and workout applications designed by DICEUS are usually fast to gain popularity because we employ well-tested workflows proven by the success of our business clients. These workflows include the following stages.  

Defining a data model Our experts systematically create several data models, including conceptual, logical, and physical ones. This approach to health and fitness app development allows us to encompass the maximum functionality in the created application, sourcing data sets from users, exercise sessions, workout programs, and progress trackers. To give you all this data, we provide convenient dashboards that help visualize all the data and its impact in real-time. 
Creating an app’s business logic At DICEUS, we put a ton of focus on this stage, utilizing visual business process constructors and other advanced tools. Namely, we employ a drag-and-drop interface, streamlining the process and ensuring clean and efficient logic. We will thoroughly examine your goals and requirements to accurately define the backend logic of new application components. As a result, authentication, user and exercise management, as well as other functions, run flawlessly. 
Developing the app This task gets maximum effort from our team. Understanding the importance of high-quality UI, we first conceptualize interactions between the user and the application (UX). We then create MVP and finalize the product for the target platform, utilizing a wide range of readymade tools as well as our unique solutions. Our client-centered take on fitness mobile app development results in a feature-rich, user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing product to hit high demand. 
QA and further support DICEUS takes care of the application’s compilation and deployment on various platforms, and manages the necessary migrations and documentation. We conduct iterative testing at all development stages to ensure the application meets the client’s requirements. Our testing arsenal includes various types of testing, such as system, integration, usability, performance testing, and more. We consistently support our products throughout their entire lifecycle. 


Discovery phase

Architecture and design


Testing and QA



Our cases


What is wellness and fitness app development?  

Wellness and fitness app development is the process of planning, designing, creating, testing, and deploying software applications aimed at people interested in a healthy lifestyle and tracking their physical, psychological, and behavioral well-being. The development defines the process of creating an application according to a certain underlying methodology.

What features can I include in a wellness and fitness app?  

With the application designed for users interested in wellness activities, the following features are usually covered: 
1) A view of exercise routines 
2) Personalized workout plans 
3) Progress tracking 
4) Nutrition program exploration 
5) Information about nearby fitness centers, gyms, and stadiums (e.g., location, distance, working hours, etc.) 
6) Integrated Google Maps for route planning 
7) Access to articles on various types of exercises, including cardio workouts and yoga 
8) Communication with like-minded users 

How much does it cost to develop a wellness and fitness app?  

The cost of an MVP version, an early product version, is shaped by a number of factors, including a feature set, interface complexity, integrations, cross-platform compatibility, required work hours, developers’ location, and more. To calculate the total cost, project requirements need to be considered in-depth, and product specifications need to be drawn up in detail.  

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