Web development consulting 

Web development services are the core activities of any modern IT agency. Having gained rich experience in producing websites, web apps, web portals, and other web-based software, the vetted team of DICEUS can help anyone needing web development consultation with qualified advice and timely recommendations. 

Our web development consulting and services 

Web development consulting is professional advice that covers an entire scope of operations with this type of software – from strategy road-mapping and the choice of architecture through the web design consulting and implementation of web solutions down to testing, support, and maintenance of web products. Here is an overview of the areas of competence the seasoned web developer consultants of DICEUS work in. 

Product discovery

Suppose you need to know whether your idea of a web solution holds water technically and business-wise. Our consultants will assist you in coming to grips with it. They will define the project scope, identify functional and non-functional requirements for the digital product, determine the necessary tech stack to create it and make a list of specialists with mission-critical expertise.  

UI/UX design  

The clients’ decision to stay on your site and buy something from you is conditioned mainly by the user and customer experience they get while interacting with it. By commissioning the services of a web design consultant, you will obtain the whole gamut of recommendations on the look and feel a web product must have to attract visitors, drive conversions, and ultimately increase your revenues.  

Architecture consulting  

A web product’s efficient performance depends on its back-end organizational pattern. After studying the solution’s requirements and scalability potential, our professionals will determine what architecture type (monolithic, microservices, serverless, cloud-based, or service-oriented) will be a perfect fit for the marketing and business tasks the product is meant to solve.   

Website development  

Website development consulting is the most-wanted service clients seek to receive. Why? Because nowadays, enterprises across all industries can hope to succeed only by launching their website. Website development consultants of DICEUS will advise you on any aspect of its creation and management, help optimize its content and search results, and more.  

Web portal development  

Today, many businesses and non-profit organizations establish their digital presence by creating a web portal as a platform with a single UI that draws data from multiple sources and presents only the most relevant information the user tries to find. We have the expertise to issue advice on how to build web portals of various kinds (sales, insurance, HR, patient, etc.) to cater to different target audiences.  

Web app development  

Apps reign supreme not only for mobile device users but for people and organizations leveraging products for laptops and desktops. The high-profile experts of DICEUS will recommend the tech stack necessary for developing web apps for internal workflow and customer interaction. They will also suggest ways for their integration into the digital environment of your enterprise.   

E-commerce website development  

Online trade has been gathering momentum for quite a long time, and the outburst of the global pandemic gave this business practice a powerful boost. Realizing the vast popularity of e-commerce initiatives among budding entrepreneurs, we can provide qualified advice on all aspects of creating fast, attractive, and smoothly functioning e-commerce sites dealing in all kinds of goods.  

Code audit  

Sometimes, companies have issues with operating web products they are already running. Our specialists will troubleshoot the database and the code employed at the solution’s front- and back end to pinpoint errors and vulnerabilities. Besides, they will identify coding standards violations that have a negative impact on the website’s speed, security, and maintainability.   

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Examples of web products we have expertise in 

DICEUS has been an active player in the IT market since 2011, aiming to satisfy the tastes and interests of numerous clients with our versatile services – from app building to data migration. For 13 years of our presence there, we have completed multiple web development projects, delivering high-quality products of different types to our customers.  


  • Customer portals 
  • HR and employee portals 
  • Marketing portals 
  • Insurance web portals 
  • Vendor/Partner portals

Web apps 

  • Online banking app 
  • Insurance web app 
  • Marketplace app 
  • Healthcare web app 
  • SaaS web products 
  • Enterprise web app 


  • E-commerce website 
  • Enterprise corporate website 
  • CMS solutions for complex websites 
  • Payment gateways integration 

Industries we mostly work with







Benefits of our web development consulting services 

The increase in demand for IT services (including web development consulting) has caused the appearance of hundreds, if not thousands, of outsourcers that cater to the needs and preferences of various consumer audiences. Trying to find the right vendor, you should opt for the firm that can bring maximum value to your brand. What advantages do enterprises get by commissioning web development consulting from DICEUS? 

Qualified advice 

More than 250 high-profile IT professionals are on our company’s staff. They possess multiple soft and hard skills that serve them as a store of expertise to draw upon in different web consulting use cases.  

Wide tech stack 

Being well-versed in IT tools and technologies (including cutting-edge know-how like AI, ML, IoT, blockchain, cloud, and more), our experts can recommend software that will be most effective in solving the tasks you face. 

13 years of experience

Our team has accomplished more than 130 projects since 2011. This background allows our vetted experts to apply web development best practices to new projects.  

Flexible cooperation 

We are flexible in reacting to the customer’s feedback, accepting change requests, modifying the client’s requirements, or setting up collaboration schedules across different time zones.

Performance monitoring

Once your site is launched, we measure its performance as a whole, separate pages with their unique content in particular, monitor its search engine results, and keep track of consumer behavior when people interact with the site.  

Leveraging data-backed strategies 

Working on a hunch is not the DICEUS approach to its responsibilities. To provide surefire recipes for business success a web solution can usher in, we rely on data-driven insights as an outcome of a thorough analysis.  

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Web development consulting by DICEUS: How it works 

The long history of our cooperation with IT services consumers has taught us that the ultimate success of any project rests on meticulous planning. Web development consulting is no exception to this rule of thumb, where we rely on the four-step strategy of delivering such services. 

Step 1. Sending a request It is the only stage where we are on the receiving end. You initiate the cooperation with DICEUS by sending us a request where you mention the nature of the problem that requires expert advice. 
Step 2. Analysis We start to work on the problem by analyzing the area where you need help. Then, we identify its bottlenecks and pain points and map out the general strategy for solving the problem. 
Step 3. Signing the contract When the course of action is clear to us, we contact the client and discuss the future agreement concerning the scope of work, the project completion timeframe, and the parties’ responsibilities. 
Step 4. Implementing the project When the contract is signed, the team allocated to the project sets to work. Plus, its members can apply for assistance from the rest of the DICEUS personnel, who are always ready to share their knowledge. 

When choosing web development consulting? 

The highly competitive business landscape of the 21st century leaves enterprises with big-time aspirations with no choice but to harness the latest high-tech advancements and react promptly to challenges that crop up every day. The main obstacle to it may be the lack of expertise in some IT niches. Web development consulting becomes indispensable if one of the following situations is relevant for your company. 

  • You aim to establish a robust online footprint where engaging and compelling content can help you increase site traffic, generate new leads, and yield high conversion indices. 
  • You lack knowledge on creating web products and – especially – their UI/UX design to create a positive first impression and motivate consumers to cooperate with your brand. 
  • You are a cash-strapped startup that can’t afford to hire an in-house IT team but can handle the initial web development efforts with a little help from professionals. 
  • Your IT department, which is well-versed in some high-tech fields, needs advice in areas where they can’t boast sufficient expertise. 

Our web development process 

As the practice of our cooperation with companies enlisting web development consulting services from DICEUS shows, consultancy is only a part of web product development. By and large, our clients need our help not only to get timely advice but to deliver a fully-functional web product for them. What does the development process at DICEUS include? 

Discovery phase

This stage lays the foundation for the successful completion of the product development. We discover customer requirements and conduct thorough research to have a clear vision of the target audience and the problem the product must solve. 


We develop a proof of concept (PoC) and then a prototype to see what the UI will look like. After we ensure the idea is technically feasible, we submit the prototype for trial usage to determine how satisfied users are while interacting with the product. 


Our developers create the web product’s back-end and front-end sides. While creating the product’s features and characteristics, engineers check if those align with the business requirements specified in the project plan.  

Testing and QA

When the completed solution is done, it must be subjected to out-and-out testing. DICUES QA engineers run dozens of security, functional, compatibility, regression, and other checks in the manual and automated modes to make sure the product operation is smooth and bug-free. 


The deployment is performed according to the preferences of our clients regarding the platform, system, or cloud environment convenient for them. Besides, our specialists configure the server/hosting for the portal, website, or app and assist the owner with embracing the assets. 


Our experts monitor the first stages of the product’s operation and react to user feedback and queries. Moreover, they keep in touch with the customer to eliminate any unexpected issues and update the product when necessary. 

Our case studies

You might find it useful

What does a web development consultant do? 

Such experts provide professional advice covering any web development projects (websites, web apps, and portals) a company wants to accomplish or those which are already in operation. Typically, they offer recommendations on the choice of architecture, UI/UX design, front- and back-end development, software building tools, testing, and deployment. 

How much do website consultants charge per hour? 

There is no one-size-fits-all sum that you will have to allocate for web consultancy. The hourly rates differ depending on the scope of consulting, the complexity of the web product in question, and the service provider’s location. The best place to look for a web consultant with the optimal price/quality ratio is Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Poland, Romania, and the Czech Republic). 

What is the difference between an IT consultant and a web developer? 

By hiring these two specialists, you get different deliverables. Web developers offer end-to-end creation of custom websites, portals, and apps. Consultants don’t build anything. They analyze a company’s business and technical needs and suggest the most feasible ways to address them. The scope of their advice may also include the issues with the current web-based environment. 

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