Front-end development services

Looking for reliable front-end development services? You are just in the right place: DICEUS professionals can empower your business or project with top front-end solutions that fully satisfy you and your end users. Years of experience enable us to implement tasks of any complexity guaranteed to meet your needs. 

Front-end development services we offer 

Need to enhance the user experience of your website or web application? You need skilled front-end developers to transform your design concepts into reality. We have specialized dedicated teams that provide top-notch frontend services that cover all essentials.  

Product discovery

Product discovery is a vital stage in product development. It involves understanding users’ pain points and validating the most effective approach for development. 

Before diving into actual coding, DICEUS tech experts conduct in-depth product discovery research. Its purpose is to uncover valuable insights and determine clear steps for moving forward. Our specialists take on the role of “market detectives,” searching for clues about user desires and needs to create a solution that meets those needs. 

Product discovery is precious for those seeking to validate the viability of their product idea and determine if it is worth investing resources and efforts into further development. Consider it as the process of transforming your idea into a tangible product! 

Product discovery benefits

1. Verify the product-market fit and ensure that your idea addresses the problems faced by your target audience.

2. Avoid wasting time on assumptions and confirm the feasibility of bringing your idea to life.

3. Gain a clear understanding of what and who is required to build the product effectively.

4. Define the necessary steps for future development and initiate the process in the most productive manner possible.

IT staff augmentation   

IT staff augmentation is a widely demanded service, and we at DICEUS are ready to help you optimize and smooth it out as much as possible!

The worldwide software revenue is continuously growing, so if you need high-quality solutions, DICEUS professionals will make your plans come true.  

Staff augmentation is an outsourcing model that uses temporary workers to fill short-term job positions within your company.

IT staff augmentation allows organizations to hire external talent as needed while maintaining direct management.  

We will help you select front-end specialists with the required tech stack in 2-4 weeks. Our recruitment and HR teams are responsible for sourcing, hiring, onboarding, and employee retention.

Benefits of IT staff augmentation 

1. Filling workforce gaps. Organizations can expand their IT teams by hiring skilled tech talent globally, temporarily or long-term, to fill gaps in their workforce. 

2. Cost savings. Hiring temporary workers through staff augmentation helps save money compared to employing full-time staff, as you only pay for the required resources. 

3. Time efficiency. Staff augmentation saves time by eliminating the need to create job postings, interview candidates, and handle the paperwork for full-time hires. 

4. Control over existing staff. With staff augmentation, organizations can maintain control by choosing a temporary team to work with and deciding project leadership and priorities. 

5. Avoiding geography issues. Unlike outsourcing, staff augmentation allows on-site collaboration, eliminating concerns about working with teams in different time zones or distant locations. 

Dedicated teams  

The Dedicated Team model is a business arrangement where a service provider offers long-term software development professionals to a client.

The specialists are selected based on the client’s requirements and skills. The client can choose to manage the team themselves or have a project manager from the service provider handle communication. Typically, the team works from the service provider’s office. 

Dedicated developers are well-suited for projects with flexible scopes and evolving requirements. This model allows the client to hire a team that compensates for any expertise gaps and seamlessly integrates as part of their team. 

UI/UX design  

UI and UX design both play crucial roles in the product development process. UX designers focus on creating a positive user experience with a product. They aim to make products functional, accessible, and enjoyable to use.  

On the other hand, UI designers focus on designing the visual elements of mobile apps, websites, and digital devices. They aim to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.  

UX and UI designers collaborate closely with each other and developers to ensure a seamless and engaging user experience. 

Have you been looking for properly qualified specialists that can adjust their workflow to your business and brand specifics and deliver top-quality results in reasonable terms and at reasonable rates? Look no further, DICEUS specializes exactly in this.

We can gather a team based on individual criteria and requirements, set up a custom workflow, and tackle the most individually important development purposes and goals. All you need to do is contact our front end development company and discuss your project specifics.

Front-end development services

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Front-end development services

Most popular technologies for front end development 

Many diverse technologies can be used for front-end development, but we have selected the most relevant options that we also excel at for you to take a look at. 

AngularAngular is an open-source JavaScript framework written in TypeScript and maintained by Google. Its primary focus is on building single-page applications. Angular offers several benefits as a framework, including a standardized structure for developers, making creating and maintaining large applications easier. 

The frameworks enhance web development efficiency and performance by providing a consistent structure. They save developers time by offering additional features that can be incorporated into the software without requiring extra effort or starting from scratch.  

Who uses it: Angular is used by Mixer, Santander, Gmail, Forbes, and more.  
Vue.jsVue.js is a popular JavaScript framework created by Evan You, designed for developing interactive User Interfaces (UIs) and Single-page applications (SPAs). It is highly regarded for its lightweight and adaptable nature in creating interactive UI elements. Vue.js follows the Model View-View Model (MVVM) architecture pattern and is known for its simplicity of implementation. 

Using Vue.js requires knowledge of HTML and CSS. It focuses primarily on the view layer, making integration with larger front-end development projects easy without complications.  

Who uses it: Prominent websites and applications like 9GAG, GitLab, Nintendo, Behance, and Laravel have been developed using Vue.js. 
ReactJSReactJS, or React, is a popular JavaScript front-end library for building interactive and dynamic applications and enhancing UI/UX design. It focuses on managing the view layer of an application. Initially created and maintained by Facebook, it has been used in prominent products like Instagram and WhatsApp.  

React can be extended with frameworks like Next.js to develop various types of applications, including single-page, mobile, and server-side applications. It promotes efficient debugging by organizing code into reusable components. 

Who uses it: Major companies such as Apple, PayPal, BBC, Dropbox, Reddit, and Netflix rely on React for their applications and websites. 
JavaScriptJavaScript is a versatile tool that enhances website functionality in various ways. Firstly, it enables general interactivity on a website, empowering the creation of interactive UI components like image sliders, pop-ups, mega menus for site navigation, form validations, tabs, accordions, and more. 

In addition to these visible features, JavaScript can also perform subtle operations. For example, when you click a checkbox on a form, it can trigger a pop-up with another question based on the selected checkbox.  
JavaScript adds functionality that goes beyond the capabilities of HTML and CSS alone. It allows webpages to respond to user actions, dynamically updating content without requiring a page reload. This enables a seamless user experience with real-time changes in appearance and behavior. 

Who uses it: True giants love JavaScript, including Microsoft, LinkedIn, Walmart, and Uber. 
TypeScriptTypeScript is a JavaScript-based statically typed language. It was created in 2012 by Microsoft. TypeScript was developed by Andres Galesberg (the same one who was the lead architect of C# and Delphi and also created Turbo Pascal). 

JavaScript is designed for writing small web page scripts. The larger the application, the more cumbersome the JS code becomes. That’s why TypeScript was created to make it easy to develop large-scale applications. 

Who uses it: The solution is used by Slack, Tech Stack, and Accenture. 
Flutter  Flutter is a mobile UI framework developed by Google. It’s free, open-source, and was launched in May 2017. In simple terms, Flutter enables you to build native mobile applications using a single codebase. This means you can use one programming language and one code set to create apps for both iOS and Android platforms. 

Who uses it: Alibaba Group, eBay, Toyota, BMW, iRobot, etc. 
HTMLHTML, short for HyperText Markup Language, is a standard language for creating web pages. It provides a structure for organizing sections, paragraphs, and links using elements like tags and attributes. Areas of its application are very diverse: web development, Internet navigation, and web documentation.  

It’s important to note that HTML is not classified as a programming language as it lacks the ability to create dynamic functionality. Instead, it focuses on defining the structure and content of a web page.
Who uses it: Google, Facebook, Amazon, Tencent, Baidu, and YouTube, among others. 
CSS  CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is a language used to style elements in HTML. It separates the content of a website from its visual appearance. HTML provides the foundation and structure of a webpage, while CSS takes care of the design and aesthetics.  

It allows developers to define colors, fonts, layouts, and more to create attractive and consistent web designs. In simple terms, HTML builds the structure, and CSS adds the style to make websites look good. 

Who uses it: Netflix, Apple, Instagram, Twitch, etc. 

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DICEUS — Front-end development company 

The market is full of software development companies offering front end web development services, so why should you choose DICEUS? First of all, our top priority is an individual approach: we respect your time and do our best to meet your needs.  

Quality first

Our dedicated team of test engineers and developers diligently work together to ensure your software is developed with the utmost quality. We conduct thorough code checks, addressing errors to deliver a bug-free product.  

Timelines met

We understand the importance of meeting deadlines and delivering your product on time. With us, you can trust that we keep our word and deliver as promised. 

Budget control

We provide comprehensive reports on the progress of your project, giving you a clear understanding of your spending at any given moment. Additionally, we offer detailed insights into the cost breakdown of specific features or modules, empowering you to make informed decisions. 

Direct cooperation

Your project will have a dedicated Project Manager who will be your reliable point of contact. The Project Manager will assist you in tracking deliverables, monitoring project status, and providing regular reports and metrics.  

Professional developers

Our rigorous hiring process ensures that only highly skilled developers join our team. Each candidate undergoes interviews conducted by our HR specialists and tech leads to provide their expertise that aligns with your project requirements.  

Quick team extension

We understand that project needs may evolve, and we are prepared to adapt quickly. Leveraging our extensive talent pipeline, which comprises many professionals, we can rapidly scale up resources or provide specific expertise within a matter of weeks. 

Industries we have the best IT expertise in







Our approach to providing front-end development services 

DICEUS front end development agency professionals stick to the step-by-step procedure when providing front-end services. Following these steps, we deliver high-quality front-end development services that meet your needs. 

Requirements gatheringWe start by understanding your project requirements, goals, and design preferences. At this stage, everything is pre-discussed in as much detail as possible.  
Creating a prototypeWe create a visual prototype of the user interface to help you see how it will look and function.  
DevelopmentOur skilled developers work on your project and bring it to life, meeting timelines. 
Quality assuranceWe thoroughly test your front-end application to ensure it works well and delivers a great user experience. 
DeploymentWe prepare your front-end application for launch, following industry best practices. 
Support and maintenanceWe provide ongoing support and maintenance to address any issues and keep your application running smoothly. 

What impacts the duration of providing front-end development services

Project duration is very individual for each single case. We do all we can in order to accelerate processes. Here are the major aspects that can help us do that.

  • Project requirements
  • Team composition
  • Expected deadlines
  • Chosen technology and platforms

What affects the cost of front-end development services

The project budget is another individual aspect to estimate based on specific inputs. We offer a variety of ways to optimize all the underlying expenses. If we have the following aspects in line, however, we can achieve the most profitable results.

  • Project scope and complexity
  • Project completion urgency
  • Engagement model: Time and Material, Fixed Price, Dedicated Team
  • Chosen technology

What we need from your side

We have enough expertise and experience to handle the most essential aspects of your project and help you figure out the specifics. However, there some important things you can help us with.

  • Project goals, vision, and roadmap if exist
  • High-level project requirements
  • Project-specific documentation if available
  • Client’s availability (a couple of hours per week for requirements gathering sessions)

Our tech stack

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Frequently asked questions

What are front-end development services?  

Front-end development is the creation of a user interface on the client side of a website or application. It includes everything the user sees when they open and interact with the web page. 

How do front-end services differ from back-end development?  

Simply put, the backend is developing the server side of web applications and websites. It is responsible for the operation of databases, servers, and the logic that occurs on the server side. Frontend, on the contrary, means creating the client side of web applications. 

What makes the front-end development work effective?  

Finding a reliable developer is the key to success. The professionals you choose must have enough knowledge and expertise to provide the solution you need. Always check case studies before considering cooperation. 

What is an example of front-end development?  

In a McDonald’s analogy, the front-end is like the waiter interacting with customers, focusing on the user interface. The back-end is like the cook in the kitchen, handling complex tasks behind the scenes. They work together to deliver a satisfying experience for the customers. 

How much do frontend development services cost?  

The cost may vary a lot depending on various underlying factors, which include: project complexity, tech stack, collaboration model, etc. DICEUS professionals are ready to consult you and set the budget in advance.  

Is front-end development the same as UI?  

Front-end development covers the implementation of a software application’s user interface (UI). UI design focuses on creating a visually appealing and functional graphical interface. When these two areas, front-end development, and UI design, work harmoniously, it leads to satisfied users and upper management alike. 

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