Discovery Phase and MVP development of the Tribe fitness mobile app

  • MVP-developed

    MVP developed
  • Feasibility-analysis-done

    Feasibility analysis done
  • Idea-tested-before-going-to-investors

    Idea tested before going to investors

Project overview

Tribe mobile application is a community-based fitness and sports universe where users at all levels may engage. The primary project’s goals include developing a platform where athletes can create profiles and fitness trainers can create business pages to promote their services. Also, the app should enable fitness-related businesses and facilities like gyms to market their services to a broader audience. Simply put, Tribe app should serve as a marketing platform and tool for businesses to sell their services and products like apparel or equipment, for instance.

Client information

Tribe is a platform-based networking application to connect like-minded individuals and engage in fitness and sports-related activities.

Business challenge

The main idea of the app is to provide support and professional help to people who want to achieve better results. Empathy, motivation, and support are the main elements in the implementation of the application. Also, our client wanted to develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to test the business concept of Tribe application and publish it on the Apple Store. The idea was to create a universe-like app for athletes, trainers, and businesses to interact, find the needed services, and promote services and products in one place. The app must provide such features as creating a profile, posts, challenges, and communities and facilitating users to engage.

Technical challenges

Among the key technical challenges of the project were setting up an Azure database and Firebase, creating various APIs, and synchronizing back-end and front-end code.

Solution delivered

The project started with a discovery phase. As part of this phase, we delivered a scope of functionalities to be developed. Functionalities were developed for three main groups of users: main users, experts, system administrators and super administrators. The deliverables of the discovery phase also included use case diagrams, context diagrams showing data coming from each type of user, business requirements, and the value proposition canvas.

The team delivered an MVP of a mobile application and planned to publish it on the App Store. It is a fully functioning app with a basic set of features for athletes, trainers, and businesses to communicate with other users, and create their communities, challenges, and posts. The customer plans to continue the development of the application once he is ready with further steps, ideas, and branding and marketing strategy.

img Solution-delivered
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Key features

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  • User roles and characteristics

    Users can choose the type of account: Professional Page, Athlete Page, Business Page.

  • Sign in/Sign up

    Users can sign up by entering their email, nickname, first name, last name, and other details.

  • User verification

    Users should verify their account to finish registration by entering a 6-digit code.

  • Main user profile

    Users can view feeds, other users’ profiles, posts, and challenges. Also, profile editing is possible.

  • Posts

    People can create posts with text, images, and videos. Posts can be liked and commented on.

  • Challenges

    Users can create new challenges by specifying the number of days, activities, equipment, and location.

  • Communities

    People can create communities with specified activities and locations.

Value to our client

  • MVP developed

    Our customer has got a solution with enough features that early users can use and test. The app has a variety of features: sign up/sign in, user verification, user profile, posting, challenges creation, community creation, search by different parameters, etc.

  • Feasibility analysis done

    Speaking about the app’s feasibility, we can say that the app’s idea can be developed further. Technically, the product is feasible as it has already been developed with the chosen tech stack. Based on the MVP project outcomes, the customer can study the economic and operational aspects of feasibility analysis.

  • Idea tested before going to investors

    When the MVP is developed, the customer can pitch his idea to potential investors with confidence that the product’s idea is technically feasible, and that the app works successfully. Investors can test all the features and see how it works.

Our tech stack

  • tech thumbnail Java
  • tech thumbnail Flutter
  • tech thumbnail Microsoft Azure
  • tech thumbnail Firebase

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