Data management services

What we offer

Data management services aim to provide organizations with enterprise data management solutions and platforms that enable efficient and safe collecting, organizing, and storing of business information. As an experienced and reliable data management company, DICEUS can cater to all the needs firms may have related to data handling by offering our data management as a service package which includes the following functions.

Types of data management

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Types of data management

Data architecture design

Often, data storages of small and especially big enterprises are like a lumber room where things wanted are always buried deep. We map out a transparent model of data architecture that ensures a robust system organization where data is easy to access, retrieve, and use. We also see that data architecture design aligns with the company’s strategy and goals.

Evaluation of existing data governance

It would be wrong to claim that organizations pay little attention to data management. However, their data governance policies sometimes fail to make the most of the information they possess. The experts of DICEUS audit your company’s current data management routine, assess its efficiency, pinpoint shortcomings, and identify risks the existing system can run into.

Data integration services

The exponential growth of the organization’s digital footprint results in the avalanche of data coming through various channels and scattered across different locations. Our specialists unite them into a single ecosystem that relies on software capable of drawing data from multiple endpoints to be hoarded under one virtual cloud-based roof and avoid being lost or duplicated.

Data quality assurance

Any business intelligence (BI) manipulations with data won’t provide valuable insights if the facts and figures the analysis is based on are inconsistent, inaccurate, incomplete, irrelevant, confusing, or outdated. Data managed services by DICEUS include QA procedures that will safeguard the exclusive quality of data to be further leveraged for decision-making and strategic planning.

Master data management

While the amount of information on its shop floor activities an organization utilizes is excellent, some core data are mission-critical for sustaining its operations. We make sure this master data is a top priority for the data management system of the enterprise, where it is preserved in apple-pie order, regularly updated, and spread across the departments to all stakeholders.

Data migration services

In our dynamic technological and business landscape, companies expand, change location, harness novel technologies, and adopt new approaches, resulting in the need to find a new storage place for their assets. Our experts assist enterprises in moving their data from one system to another, ensuring its security, completeness, and adequate functioning in the new environment.

Data warehousing consulting

Today, many enterprises know the inefficiency of keeping data in several disparate venues and think of assembling it within one data warehouse (DWH) to enable them to obtain the most value from its processing. Our database management company specialists provide a complete scope of consulting services on switching over to this data storage model.

ETL and DWH development

Being a vetted data management service provider, DICEUS does not only consult on data warehousing. We can handle the end-to-end design and implementation of a DWH for your enterprise, using state-of-the-art ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools that will enable the system to collect data from various sources and render them into formats convenient for the user to work with.

Cloud data management services

Old-school on-premises databanks live on borrowed time, unable to handle the ever-increasing amount of enterprise data and offering limited data analytics services. DICEUS will assist you in hydrating the cloud and augmenting your data-handling power by developing a comprehensive cloud data management strategy and helping to implement it on the full scale.

The contemporary business world is a data-driven one. Companies collect enormous amounts of data from dozens of sources – enterprise apps, CRMs, ERPs, Apache HTTP Server websites, etc. They keep it on-premises or in cloud facilities (such as AWS or Microsoft Azure). And all this multitude must be appropriately organized, adequately processed, and safely stored, which is a tall order for greenhorns in the realm.

DICEUS has the expertise and experience to provide high-end data management services to enterprises of all sizes and across numerous industries. With our help and guidance, you can improve your data-handling routine and achieve a new level of value-driven data usage.

Benefits of DICEUS data management services

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Benefits of DICEUS data management services

Benefits of our data management services

Despite the vital importance of high-quality data management, many companies don’t have in-house personnel with sufficient competence to tackle the endeavor internally. In this case, the wisest option is to outsource data management to a seasoned vendor in the niche. So why is DICEUS the perfect choice for a data management company to hire?

Dedicated data management professionals

A qualified workforce is a crucial success factor in any domain, and data management is no exception. Our high-profile personnel possesses a unique combination of the most advanced technical skills in programming and database management and an ability to collaborate and be flexible in meeting the client halfway to guarantee top-notch results.

12 years of experience in data management

Professional competence is essential, but it can carry the day only if it relies on a solid background in the respective domain. DICEUS has been an active player in IT data management for over a dozen years, which has become an excellent school and allowed us to accumulate a vast store of hands-on knowledge to refer to in future projects.

130 project accomplished

The solid portfolio of completed projects is the best proof of our value to our clientele since experience is worth anything only when it can produce real-life outcomes. Satisfied customers highly assessed our professional input and collaboration practices in over a hundred data management projects that we have delivered.

Guaranteed security of your data

Business, financial, or personal data can be a great asset and a source of trouble if its safety and integrity are compromised. The personnel of DICEUS is aware of the specifics of working with enterprise and customer data. It employs the best cyber security practices to rule out leakages and prevent third-party penetrations.

How we provide data management services

Even the most qualified team can botch the job if it approaches the task randomly, having no plan and acting on a hunch. Realizing this simple truth, we at DICEUS have developed a step-by-step strategy for providing data management services that displayed its viability and efficiency in the projects where it was applied. It consists of six stages.

Requirements gatheringOur input on the project can be positive only when we know what we are up to. That is why our project implementation’s departure point consists of listening to the customer. We learn all the client has to tell us about the project objectives, limitations, company specifics, staff responsible for data processing, data formats they work with, its sources, etc.
Planning and strategyWe can shape our actions when we know what the customer expects from the future project. We gauge the existing infrastructure and software the company utilizes and create a project roadmap where we set out the collaboration model, the anticipated deliverables, the strategy for achieving the goals, and milestones to observe.
Data collection and integrationThis is the first implementation phase, during which our specialists assemble all the organization’s data from corporate and external data sources. After the dossiers are collected, they are consolidated within one platform, thoroughly integrated to match each other in format, and easily susceptible to automated processing.
Data cleansing and QARaw data is often too confused, unclear, or unreadable to be used as a clue for decision-making. It must be trimmed to fix incorrect or corrupted items, update the obsolete ones, and eliminate duplication. When the data is thus cleansed, our experts employ quality assurance techniques and tools to establish its relevance and consistency.
Data solution implementationAs soon as corporate data is knocked into an adequate shape, the data management experts of DICEUS implement the specialized custom-tailored software that is honed to undertake data management across the organization. Moreover, such a solution also enables advanced data analytics to expose trends and anomalies within datasets.
Maintenance and supportAs a responsible IT vendor, we don’t break off our cooperation with the customer even after the data management system is launched. Our specialists supervise its performance during its initial functioning period and respond to incidents and personnel queries. We also contact the client to patch, troubleshoot, and update the system when necessary.

What impacts your project duration

Given the vast amounts of data to arrange and process, a data management endeavor can take quite a long time. To arrive at a more precise project length, we should know the following information:

  • Project requirements
  • Expected deadlines
  • Team composition and size
  • Selected platforms and tech stack
  • Change requests

What affects your project costs

Companies want to know the budget they must allocate before deciding to engage an outsourcer to do the job. It can be calculated after we consider the following factors.

  • Utilized technology
  • Project complexity and scope
  • The urgency of project completion
  • The chosen engagement model
  • The present state of the data

What we need from your side

Data is one of the most valuable assets of an organization, so CEOs and rank-and-file personnel should take an active stance in cooperation with IT vendors hired to maximize the efficiency of its management. A satisfactory outcome of the collaboration is achievable when we know the following information.

  • The project vision, goals, and roadmap (if they are available)
  • High-level project requirements
  • Existing project documentation (software architecture, mockups, etc.)
  • Project deadlines
  • Your weekly availability for requirements gathering sessions (typically, a couple of hours is enough)

Our tech stack

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Frequently asked questions

What is data management services?

These services cover all operations applied to the structured and unstructured data an organization utilizes in its workflow. Such operations include data collecting, validating, integrating, processing, and storing. The services provided by data management companies also ensure its quality, availability, security, and disaster recovery.

What are the four types of data management?

In fact, there are much more data management types. Still, the most important for organizations is data governance (which establishes laws for data management), data quality management (which controls the quality of data), data security (responsible for the safety of data), and data warehousing (in which storage facilities for data are created).

What are the benefits of data management services?

When competent experts provide data management services usher numerous boons to organizations. Thanks to such services, companies can make data-driven decisions, increase operational nimbleness, augment productivity, avoid data loss, minimize security risks, increase customer satisfaction, and enhance efficiency.

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