Healthcare mobile app development services 

DICEUS provides healthcare mobile app development services and offers solutions to improve clinical workflow and enhance patient outcomes. Our app development company designs software solutions with an emphasis on scalability, reliability, and security.

The expansion of technology has encouraged massive investments and stimulated innovations in the healthcare industry. Many custom software solutions have helped hospitals optimize administrative and financial operations and change the way people receive care these days. 

Mobile app development for healthcare: Types of apps we offer 

Healthcare is an extensive industry with many different layers and facets. And so are the types of apps that support it. Here are the main software solutions meant to add value to medical services. 

Telemedicine apps

These mobile applications allow medical professionals to set up appointments and conduct consultations through messages and video calls. No need for physical presence at the doctor’s office. Individuals can receive medical care whenever and wherever they need it. 

Patient portals

Secure websites are set up by healthcare facilities to get quick access to medical records, set up appointments, communicate with medical professionals, and pay medical bills. They are mainly available through a traditional web browser but can also be used via a mobile app. 

Patient-doctor portals

Doctors can log in and provide expert opinions, check the patient’s EHR (Electronic Health Record), and provide special recommendations. Patients can complete forms and review their diagnoses and lab tests. Each type of portal’s user can access only authorized information that remains under full protection. 

mHealth apps

These tech solutions aim to enhance interactions between patients and physicians. They can help improve health outcomes, optimize healthcare services, and strengthen health research. By transforming the smartphone into a medical device, they help users learn more about a specific illness and proceed with effective self-monitoring. 

Fitness and wellness apps

Healthcare app developers offer special tools to empower individuals to take charge of their health by offering regular exercises, nutrition tracking, sleep monitoring, etc. Users get an opportunity to set health goals, follow their progress, and receive personalized recommendations for improving their well-being. 

IoT apps

Mobile IoT solutions help healthcare providers offer customized care via interconnected devices. They can observe chronic conditions and personal well-being to enable timely interventions in case of critical health changes. 

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Key features for healthcare mobile apps 

To develop healthcare software that individuals would want to use, medical app developers include features that captivate users and provide tangible benefits. The internal functionality may cover a wide range of medical services, such as health tracking, fitness training, or remote patient monitoring.  

There are specific components that every healthcare software must have to guarantee a smooth user experience, such as: 

TelemedicineNew tech connects patients with doctors, allowing for providing and receiving healthcare services under real-time control. This is especially important for people who live in remote areas with limited access to physical hospitals or those who have disabilities and cannot easily visit a doctor when needed. 
Appointment schedulingSuch applications optimize the scheduling process and help users quickly make appointments with any medical professional in their area. This makes it easier for physicians to manage their timetable and see how patients follow their prescriptions. 
Push notificationsSpecial reminders help individuals manage their appointments on time and allow doctors to be more efficient. They also reduce administrative work and save operational costs. 
Communication channelsPatients have different preferences when it comes to interactions. It is important to ensure the safety of chats, audio calls, video consultations, and other communication channels as they might involve private data that cannot be leaked (e.g., by using well-tried chatrooms and messengers, encrypting live calls, etc.). 
Symptom checkerUsers can describe their symptoms in a separate area to receive the most accurate medical recommendation. This feature usually includes AI chatbots that gather initial information and later refer the user to a specific medical specialist. 
InsuranceA personalized medical insurance portal inside your app provides crucial information on individual treatment plans. Health insurance functionality enables faster settlement of medical reports, responsive customer support, medical claims, etc. 
PaymentsUsers can use different online payment methods to pay for healthcare services. Standard billing for doctor consultations, emergency rooms, hospital admissions, and other medical services may also be conveniently settled via smartphone. 
Medical recordsA database for patients can also be developed as part of a healthcare app. Users can save their medical information, including analysis results, reports, and other files, within your software solution. 

Benefits of custom healthcare mobile apps 

Our healthcare app development company promises numerous perks to patients and medical facilities alike. Our mobile apps are meant to increase healthcare delivery, patient outcomes, and individual involvement in healthcare services. Here are the key benefits to consider: 

  • Task-centric approach. We focus on developing user-friendly software tailored to specific needs. This approach ensures that medical staff can efficiently complete their assignments, avoiding unnecessary complexity. 
  • User-friendly UI/UX design. We have sufficient experience to create unique design patterns. Thanks to a convenient interface and seamless navigation, medical employees can perform tasks without checking multiple screens, which can be tiring and time-consuming. 
  • Integration with multiple internal systems. Our mobile health applications are designed to add value to your organization by serving as a gateway to other solutions within your infrastructure. This includes Electronic Health Records (EHR), practice management, scheduling, and other mechanisms. 
  • Safety policy. We recognize the strategic significance of data protection in medical software development. We ensure that only authorized personnel can get access to medical data strictly within the bounds of their authority. 

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Why choose DICEUS as your healthcare app development company

Why do healthcare institutions choose DICEUS when they need help with the technical realization of their plans? Here are several benefits of working with us: 

  • Industry expertise. We have refined our expertise in healthcare application development services throughout the years in the market. We know how to eliminate or minimize physical paperwork and optimize administrative processes for medical providers. 
  • Innovative technology. We rely on the latest technology trends, including AI, Machine Learning, and IoT. This allows us to create healthcare development solutions that are both functional and innovative, making you stand out from the crowd. 
  • User-centered approach. We pay special attention to the user experience throughout the healthcare web development process. Our approach to healthcare software is intuitive, user-oriented, and designed to meet the current needs of your target audience. 
  • Scalability and flexibility. Our team recognizes the dynamic nature of healthcare apps. We create technological solutions that can be readily modified and improved to align with the changing industry demands. 

More about DICEUS

2011the year DICEUS was established
130projects delivered successfully
8offices around the world
GlobalDelivery Center in Poland
250full-time tech professionals
100IT services available

Our healthcare application development services 

As one of the leading healthcare technology solution providers, we aim to assist the medical industry in delivering high-quality products. Check out the medical app development services that we offer. 

Consulting on medical and healthcare apps

Our expert consultants discuss different aspects of technology development and implementation in advance. This may include app development, system enhancement, cloud migration, or anything else. Using our deep experience, we consider your organizational maturity and strategic preferences to give you the best advice. 

Legacy app upgrade and modernization

We help healthcare businesses update their existing software applications with newer technology so that workflows are streamlined, integrations enhanced, and features added to support both current and future needs. It may involve updating the data center, migrating data to the cloud, reworking code, etc.

Additional features development

We can help healthcare companies expand the functionality of their software to draw as many users as possible. We make a list of additional features to build and integrate after the first version of the application goes to the market. To achieve better productivity, we collect feedback from users and stakeholders to ensure the quality of the final product. 

Integration with existing software

Seamless integration with ready-made applications is crucial for healthcare app development. We ensure interoperability across different IT systems. This way, patient data can be easily exchanged between different platforms, which provides a more comprehensive view of health. 

Healthcare mobile app development process 

Mobile app development for healthcare requires a systematic approach, prioritizing quality and security. At DICEUS, we are committed to following stringent standards throughout the development process to deliver reliable and compliant healthcare software. Here are the major steps for building a healthcare mobile application: 

Consider product discovery and strategic planning First, we try to comprehend your healthcare software goals. We need you to specify the requirements and provide specifications for the future product. To better understand the target audience, we may conduct market research and analyze similar software solutions. Once we have enough information, we create a project plan revealing the key milestones of the app-building process. 
Get UI/UX designed Our design team transforms ideas into tangible forms. It helps us understand what features will and will not make it into your healthcare software. In this context, we again consider the target audience, whether it comprises medical staff, patients, or the general public. 

We then develop the user interface by trying to make it visually appealing. Animation, iconography, and other visual tricks are utilized to increase conversions. We also check how the application will appear on different devices. 
Complete the development process Our healthcare mobile app development company follows the Agile methodology in project management and execution. This means we stick to the project plan using the best coding practices and achieving solid results in a short time.  
We initiate the creative process by breaking down the app’s features into modules or sprints. Our developers work in iterations and regularly test the app’s functionality, compatibility, and overall performance. We stay in constant contact with clients to discuss tasks and write code based on initial instructions. 
Quality control and testing Once your telehealth app is finalized, we look out for bugs and monitor its performance. We perform quality control testing at different levels. Unit tests automatically check the new code, while beta tests ensure that the application works the way it should. Security measures, design compliance, mobile responsiveness, page loading time, and other performance elements are taken into consideration during quality control. 
Launch Once your software has been tested, it is time to introduce it to the audience. We give you the code to complete your business tasks via the healthcare app. Track its success using the in-app analytics established at the development level. If needed, we can monitor its performance and make improvements over time. 

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What are healthcare mobile app development services? 

These services are focused on designing, developing, and deploying mobile applications specifically for the healthcare industry. They help healthcare providers streamline workflows, improve patient communication, and provide real-time personal data access through convenient tailored apps.  

How can I find reliable healthcare app developers?

You can find a lot of healthcare mobile app development companies on the web. Apart from the traditional browser search, you can use freelance platforms, remote networking, design portfolios, and social media to find a professional team of developers. Feel free to contact DICEUS, which has a great talent pool, ready to deliver results and value to your business. 

What is the cost of developing a healthcare mobile app?

Based on DICEUS’s experience, the cost of developing a healthcare app may sometimes exceed $250,000, depending on the product’s complexity. The major cost-determining factors include software functionality and integrations with healthcare systems. 

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