HR software development 

DICEUS is a reputable software development company that specializes in providing a wide range of services, including HR software development. With a team of experienced developers and a focus on delivering high-quality solutions, DICEUS can assist businesses in creating custom HR software tailored to their specific needs.

HR software solutions we develop 

DICEUS, as a high-profile HR software development company, considers its overarching goal to deliver robust and secure solutions that facilitate and streamline various shop floor processes. The bespoke HR systems we build will enable you to perform the entire scope of tasks dealing with personnel recruiting, onboarding, learning, tracking, benefits management, payments, etc. 

Human resource information systems (HRIS) 

HRIS is the core of an enterprise’s digital human resource environment honed to increase the productivity of managers and rank-and-file employees. Our HRIS software development efforts will allow your company to synchronize personnel data across the IT ecosystem and automate the lion’s share of the related routine.

Human resource management systems (HRMS) 

Human resource management software development services we provide enlarge the power of regular HRIS solutions with extra functionalities. Thus, HRM software development products also include features such as employee attendance, talent management, performance management, and document management.

Applicant tracking systems (ATS)

Hiring personnel is a long and laborious task consisting of sifting out dozens of resumes. We develop and implement Applicant Tracking Systems that can look for keywords matching the job description. Thus, you will be able to sort a limitless number of application forms, screen the candidates, and view their progress through the recruitment pipeline.   

Payroll software 

By commissioning a payroll solution, you will eliminate the payment issues forever and eliminate paycheck errors. Such systems manage HR records related to time and attendance and automate the calculation of salaries employees receive. While doing this, they maintain compliance with all financial regulations and tax legislation.

Employee engagement software

You have a qualified team of vetted experts, but their performance leaves much to be desired? By having an employee engagement solution in place, you will ensure the overall commitment of your personnel, promote your organization’s mission, values, and goals, retain a competent workforce, and dramatically boost their job satisfaction.

Benefits administration software

By leveraging self-service dashboards, admin management capabilities, and payroll integrations, you will have a complete vision of the benefits your employees are entitled to. Thus, your workforce will obtain compensation for health, disability, and dental expenditures, sick and parental leaves, and enjoy their vacations and paid time off.

Time and attendance software 

As a separate module built during HRMS software development, this solution collaborates closely with payroll software. It automatically tracks employee attendance, working hours, and leave and has special shift management and reporting tools. Such systems rule out the need for double entry and monitor employee efficiency.

Onboarding software 

Usually, it takes some time for the newcomer to blend in and learn the internal ropes of the organization. The onboarding solutions DICEUS develops minimize this time and facilitate the onboarding process. New employees get into the swing of things fast while the enterprise’s workflow runs smoothly, uninterrupted by any distractions. 

Looking for effective HR software?

We’ll help you develop a custom solution or implement a ready-made one.

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Why choose DICEUS for HR software development? 

In the contemporary IT-driven world, the demand for software products has caused a spike in the appearance of high-tech vendors offering their services to global consumers. Why is DICEUS the perfect choice for outsourcing HR software development? 

  • 13 years of delivering high-quality software development services during which we have stored a vast amount of experience. 
  • Numerous completed HR software projects for enterprises in insurance, retail, banking, hospitality, healthcare, and other industries. 
  • 250 competent and certified engineers who command a wide range of hard and soft skills to complete any project in the domain. 
  • A well-organized SDLC that has been vindicated by successful implementation in multiple use cases.  
  • Broad tech stack which covers various programming languages, front-end and back-end tools, and cutting-edge know-how (AI, ML, BI, blockchain, etc.) employed by our developers. 
  • Flexible cooperation with clients where we adopt the communication schedule and channels our customers are comfortable with. 
  • Agile methodology in software development and project management enables us to develop high-quality custom solutions swiftly. 

Our partnerships

Microsoft partner Oracle partner Google Cloud Partner Fadata partner Claim Technology Insurtech UK Swiss InsurTech Hub

The scope of our HR software development services 

By partnering with DICEUS, you can obtain everything you may need to step up your HR management routine and usher in a profound digitalization of the related pipeline. 

HR software development consulting

If you have your own in-house IT team but it lacks expertise in the creation of HR software, we are ready to lend a helping hand. Our specialists in this field will consult you on any HR mobile app, SaaS, or other software product you are going to develop or onboard. 

Custom development from scratch

Seasoned mavens of DICEUS can tackle the end-to-end development of a human resource management solution of any scope and complexity. Being a client-focused vendor, we guarantee tailoring the HR product to meet the unique requirements of our customers. 

HR system optimization

Today, many companies employ HR software in their organizational workflow, but its efficiency may be substandard. We troubleshoot the existing system, pinpoint its bottlenecks and inadequacies, map out a strategy for its optimization, and provide its full-cycle implementation. 

Cloud transformation

On-premises HR solutions can’t give you the flexibility and scalability necessary in the modern dynamic business and technological landscape. DICEUS will assist you in hydrating the cloud and recommend a cloud provider (AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, etc.) which will be the best fit for you. 

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How long does it take to develop a custom HR system? 

Developing a bespoke HR solution is a no-nonsense task requiring steady step-by-step progress. To figure out a precise timeframe for the implementation of the project, we need to know the following information. 

Project requirements 

Project requirements 

Anticipated deadlines 

Anticipated deadlines 

IT team composition

IT team composition

Platforms and tech stack chosen

Platforms and tech stack chosen

Change requests 

Change requests 

Custom development/Ready-made solution

Custom development/Ready-made solution

Business values of custom HR software 

In our highly digitalized world, enterprises with big-time aspirations can’t hope to enter the major league of business without a powerful IT ecosystem. If you make bespoke HR software a pillar of this environment, you will reap the following benefits.

Augmented recruitment and onboarding pipeline

By fine-tuning your HR system’s onboarding and ATS modules to dovetail into your organization’s personnel policy, you will streamline and upgrade your application, interviewing, assessment, and selection procedures. 

Absolute control and scalability of the solution

As the only owner of the HR solution you commission, you are free to fill it with the functionalities you need, provide its absolute compatibility with other IT products you use, and envisage a significant upscaling potential for it. 

Top-notch system security

Your employees’ personal and financial data belongs to sensitive information that, once compromised, can cause much damage to them and the company as a whole. Bespoke HR software allows for implementing the strictest protection mechanisms that will rule out such setbacks.

Transparent employee performance.

A custom HRMS can be equipped with high-end performance monitoring and evaluation tools that will enable you to keep track of the staff’s KPIs, motivate them to embrace the company’s culture, and realize their full potential in it. 

Explore our case studies

Our technology stack


How to develop HR software? 

The strategy is the same as for any other enterprise software. You should identify your organization’s needs, list project requirements, allocate a budget for the solution, finalize the functionalities roster, determine the specialists necessary to tackle the task and hire a vendor to implement the HR software project end-to-end. 

What does HR software do? 

Such products allow their owners to automate, streamline, and improve the HR pipeline. It includes storing and processing personnel data, controlling employee working time and attendance, facilitating recruitment procedure, optimizing payroll and benefits management, enhancing employee engagement, etc. 

What is an HRIS developer? 

Specialists in Human Resource Information Systems collect all related data, analyze them, and use them as insights in the process of improving HR workflow and suggesting ways to step up the productivity of HR departments. With such data at their fingertips, IT experts can create HR software to address these challenges.  

Which is the best software for HR? 

There are several boxed solutions that enterprises can utilize. Yet, if you want to stand out among the competitors in the niche, you should commission a custom HR system. In this case, you will be able to equip it with the features you need (and pay only for them!) and make provisions for its future scalability.  

How much does it cost to develop a custom HR solution? 

Several factors have an impact on the HR solution cost. These include the scope and complexity of the project, the tech stack which will be used for its creation, the urgency of the solution delivery, the engagement model you opt for, the composition of the development team, and the hourly rates charged by the vendor. 

What are the key features of HR software? 

A good HR solution should address all organization’s personnel management needs. It can be achieved by inclusion into HRMS a time and attendance tracking mechanism integrated with payroll management, an ATS, an onboarding module, and employee engagement and benefits administration units.  

Why is HR software important for business? 

A high-quality HR solution boosts managing people, data, and processes within an organization. Thanks to it, businesses can accelerate recruitment and onboarding, automate payroll management, monitor employee performance, and keep personnel information secure, all of which translate into greater productivity and increased efficiency. 

What technologies are commonly used in HR software development? 

There is a standard set of programming languages and tools used for the UI/UX design, front-end and back-end development of HR software. Yet, the final product will beat the spread if you involve AI-powered chatbots and job post writers, HR analytics, Big Data tools, ML mechanisms, and AR and VR technologies. 

Software solutions bringing business values

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