Data warehouse services

What we offer

Since 2011, DICEUS has accomplished more than 130 software development projects. Data warehousing services are among the top popular services asked for by our clients. We developed DWH solutions for enterprises from various industries, including banking, insurance, retail, and more. Data warehousing is critical for businesses nowadays.

Organizations rely on all kinds of information to obtain vital insights about their clients as the bedrock of their business intelligence (BI) and leverage analytics to help them step up their internal workflow. However, the main problem of working with significant amounts of data is that they are usually scattered across multiple virtual locations and have different formats and structures. The solution to this problem is migrating to the cloud and uniting data into one repository – a data warehouse (DWH). DICEUS, as a data warehouse company, can be your partner in this endeavor, providing the following services.

Data warehouse services

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Data warehouse services

Data warehouse consulting

We start by inspecting your current data ecosystem and providing a range of recommendations concerning all aspects of DWH functioning. Then, our specialists will advise you on DWH requirements engineering and solution architecture, business case creation, tech stack and cloud platform selection, data modeling, ELT/ETL (extract, transform, load)/(extract, load, transform) design, DWH optimization, etc.

Data warehouse audit

If you already use a DWH, our data warehouse experts will perform a comprehensive system audit. They will analyze its business needs coverage and optimality of its model, evaluate the architecture it is built on, verify the processes of DWH supplying, and assess the adequacy of tools utilized for data analytical services.

DWH candidate architecture

We will offer a detailed layout that describes the hardware, software, and network architecture of data storage and management for your organization. With this plan at our fingertips, our engineers develop a proper data warehousing strategy and data management roadmap that will suit your organization to a tee.

Data warehouse development

This task presupposes the creation of two vital elements of a data warehouse. First, efficient data management depends on a user-friendly dashboard and tools to interact with the dossiers at the front end. Smooth and safe DWH operation is conditioned by first-rate software, infrastructure, and security protocols at the back end.

Data warehouse implementation

Here, we materialize all data warehouse concepts we have generated. Such services embrace requirements analysis, platform selection, architecture creation, data modeling and migration, ETL/ELT design, building data warehouse solutions, quality assurance, and launch. As an outcome, you are left with a fully-fledged system tailored to your unique needs.

Data warehouse support

We don’t call it a day when a DWH solution is put into operation. Our specialists achieve its stability, monitor performance, and exercise troubleshooting and issue handling in case they crop up. Besides, the DICEUS team will do their utmost to optimize the functioning of the newly built data warehouse, ensure its maximum efficiency, and lower data storage and processing expenditures.

Today, businesses yield tons of data. How can commercial organizations across various industries navigate this ocean of information and use its vastness to have the edge over rivals in today’s highly competitive business environment?

The only answer to this question is the creation of a centralized data repository equipped with efficient analytical tools. Competent developers of DICEUS will deliver a top-notch DWH solution that will enable you to step up data handling and augment your company’s overall efficiency.

Enterprise data warehouse

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Enterprise data warehouse

Benefits of data warehouse services

There is hardly a person in the contemporary business world who doesn’t recognize the necessity of proper data management or the value its analysis brings to commercial organizations. Yet, many companies still underperform in this sector by relying on siloed data repositories kept on premises in disparate locations. So what assets can the onboarding of a unified cloud-based DWH create?

Data consistency

Bringing information stored in different formats into accordance is an endemic headache for all employees working with disparate data repositories. Uniting them under one DWH roof doesn’t only mean creating a single source of truth. It also presupposes the standardization of all data sets and transforming them into the formats that will be most convenient for hoarding and handling.

System scalability

The breathtaking speed with which the amount of information multiplies nowadays raises a question of storage space limits before entrepreneurs who rely on on-premises data banks. You can forget such fears with the cloud-powered DWH solutions we create at DICEUS. Our products are scalable and elastic to keep abreast of the growth and expansion of your organization and its shifting needs.

Outstanding performance

The more aged and extensive the on-premises data storage is, the lower the speed of adding, accessing, retrieving, and analyzing the information it contains. However, entrepreneurs can’t afford to waste their precious time in the fast-paced business environment. Therefore, DWH is honed to manifest a high data processing rate, thus accelerating all related workflows.

Augmented analytics

Unlike old-school data banks with legacy tools, a state-of-the-art data warehouse has an entire roster of analytical functionalities allowing you to sift through historical and current data, generate reports, and build predictive models. As a result, you can enjoy more knowledgeable decision-making and shape your marketing strategy correspondingly.

How we provide data warehouse services

Designing and implementing a robust data warehouse is a job that can be entrusted only to qualified professionals in the IT realm. However, we at DICEUS have a number of completed projects in the niche that enabled our mavens to develop an efficient strategy for creating high-level DWHs within the stipulated time and budget. So how do we tackle tasks like this?

Designing DWH architectureIt is the backbone of any data warehouse project. But, first, we study business requirements for a future solution and develop a model that will perfectly fit the particular use case. At this stage, our specialists should select the architectural pattern for the database warehouse (one-tier, two-tier, or three-tier), which is conditioned by the volume of stored data.
Creating the front endFor users, this is the most important element of the data warehouse, which provides seamless data management. Therefore, it should contain an easy-to-operate interface that gives foolproof access to the data analysis tools. Besides, the personnel working with DWH must be able to share the repository items and the results of their analysis with all authorized stakeholders.
Developing the back endOn the server side, a data warehouse is not only a storage place per se with its peculiar structure where the information is aggregated, standardized, and dimensionalized. It also contains a meta-data unit and a collection of APIs that ensure the integration of all sources of raw data (enterprise apps, CRM and ERP ecosystems, IoT devices, etc.) an organization utilizes in its pipeline activities.
Testing and QANo solution can be called ready for employment until it is thoroughly checked. Therefore, our team runs tests of various types (manual, automated, compliance, security, etc.) to provide consistent and error-free functioning of the developed data warehouse. If its operation is substandard, they expose malfunctions or bugs and eliminate them immediately.

What impacts your project duration

The length of the period during which the project will be implemented is conditioned by five factors:

  • Project requirements
  • Anticipated deadlines
  • Team size
  • Chosen platforms and tech stack
  • The complexity of the solution to build

What affects your project costs

The precise calculation of the future project cost can be performed only in case we are aware of the following information:

  • Onboarded technology
  • Project scope and complexity
  • The urgency of project completion
  • Engagement model you are going to opt for (Dedicated Team or Time and Material)
  • The cloud platform you will choose for the DWH

What we need from your side

When we start on a project, you can be sure it will be delivered on time and within budget. However, to increase its implementation speed and improve the quality of the future solution, we expect close cooperation on your part. It means that we would appreciate it if you provided the following information:

  • The project vision, goals, and roadmap, if any
  • High-level project requirements
  • Existing project-related documentation
  • Expected deadlines
  • Customer’s accessibility for requirements gathering sessions

Our tech stack

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Frequently asked questions

What is a data warehouse?

A data warehouse is a centralized information storage venue that regularly draws data from an organization’s various external and internal sources, including its transactional systems, enterprise apps, CRMs, and ERPs. There, the data is translated into a single format to be further processed with the help of special analytical tools and utilized for more informed decision-making and business intelligence.

Which services can you use to process data warehouse?

The list of such services depends on the cloud provider whose facilities and software resources are used for hosting a particular DWH. However, the most typical set of functionalities consists of various storage tools (for storing data in multiple formats), numerous processing tools (to perform all kinds of processing operations with the data), and a collection of analytic tools (for business intelligence and data interpretation).

What is the difference between a data warehouse and a database?

A data warehouse is conventionally viewed as a more advanced database version. While a database is understood as a repository of current information drawing upon a single source and honed primarily for storing it, a DWH can extract both current and historical data from multiple sources, bring them to a common format, and process them via the employment of high-end analytical tools.

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