Customer portal development 

Throughout more than a dozen years of our presence in the IT outsourcing market, DICEUS has accumulated vast knowledge and a range of hands-on skills in customer portal design and development. Having such expertise under our belt, we can build customer portals of any complexity that will function seamlessly and provide outstanding customer experience to their users.

What we offer 

B2B customer portals 

Business-to-business trade has its fine points and peculiarities; our developers know them. Their competence in this domain allows them to create a customer portal that will enable the efficient management of relations between partner companies and enhance the speed and productivity of their collaboration.

B2C customer portals 

The across-the-board digitalization has turned the entire planet into one huge consumer market, and enterprises with big-time aspirations can tap into it, leveraging special software. B2C portal development services by DICEUS will deliver a high-quality platform with a 24/7 reach, various payment options, and a smooth buying procedure.

Benefits of customer portal development 

Bespoke customer web portals are excellent tools for discovering offbeat ways to engage and satisfy your clients and ushering in the following boons. 

Maximum accessibility

Alongside showcasing the product in the demos of its usage, portal visitors can obtain other relevant information, such as company data, FAQs, troubleshooting lifehacks, and more.  

Increased sales

A safe, intuitive, and easy-to-operate portal is a surefire recipe for attracting more visitors who will eventually make a purchasing decision. In this way, portals drive sales and augment the brand’s revenues.  

Reduced expenditure

When equipped with efficient self-service and automation tools, customer portals rule out the need to hire a large workforce for the customer support department. Instead, clients will do the lion’s share of your job.

Enhanced customer satisfaction

The clockwork functioning of the web portal with its transparent buying pipeline, multiple secure payment options, and personalization of services spell satisfied clients who will stay with you for a long time.

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Most popular features of customer portals 

You can make the most of a customer portal only if it contains the roster of capabilities ensuring maximum value to its owner. 

Account management

Usually placed in the administration menu, this feature allows users to manage their addresses, contacts, and other personal information from one interface. 

Order history and tracking

Here, portal users can monitor in real-time the status of their current order as well as refer to the information about their previous purchases. 

Self-service support

This is what a customer portal is basically for: to let people solve problems themselves without the intervention of the company’s support team. 

Communication channels

These should cover a wide choice of means (email, live chat, text messaging, phone calls) with the mandatory inclusion of social media. 

Payment and billing

In the portal, consumers must enjoy a foolproof billing procedure and have several payment options to select the most convenient (cryptocurrency included). 

Product and service information

People can’t make a knowledgeable buying decision without having access to complete information about the product or service they pay for. 

Mobile accessibility

In an age when the number of mobile devices is twice as much as the planet’s population, ignoring consumers’ mobile experience is a felony. 

Analytics and integration

Business owners must be able to analyze the portal’s performance and visitors’ activity there and integrate third-party software to boost customer experience.  

Start with a discovery phase

Product discovery is a surefire way to success!

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Customer portal development services we provide 

Our 250 competent and certified IT experts are qualified to handle any project related to building, upgrading, and maintaining customer portals across various industries.  

Custom development of portalsCome to us with an idea of a web portal of any scope and complexity, and we will tackle its full-cycle implementation in absolute alignment with your business goals and unique requirements.
Off-the-shelf portal integrationIf you are currently using some IT environment and want to marry it with a boxed portal you have acquired, we can guarantee their seamless integration and unhindered functioning of the combined ecosystem. 
Portal optimization servicesThe existing web portal may be giving you a pain in the neck because of its substandard operation. The seasoned professionals of DICEUS will assess its performance, identify inadequacies, and doctor them. 
Legacy software optimizationIn our fast-paced technological landscape, software and infrastructure get obsolete very fast. We will troubleshoot your legacy IT products, reveal the problem zones, and fundamentally revamp the solution. 


2011the year DICEUS was established
130projects delivered successfully
8offices around the world
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250full-time tech professionals
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Frequently asked questions

Why do businesses need a customer portal? 

The overarching goal of customer portals is to provide clients with relevant and available round-the-clock resources and tools that they can employ to address the problem they face. In this way, companies spare their employees the majority of customer support tasks. 

How do I ensure the security of customer data in the portal? 

Encryption and SSL are the two most efficient mechanisms that protect customer data from being compromised. By having reliable encryption certificates and algorithms in place and enforcing HTTPS for all pages, you will attain a high degree of security for your portal. 

Should I build a custom customer portal or use an existing solution? 

The available boxed solutions are cheaper and have a garden-variety roster of features. Yet, they can’t give you a competitive edge in your niche. By commissioning a bespoke customer portal, you will obtain a product tailored to meet your unique needs and dovetail into your business goals.  

Which technologies are commonly used for customer portal development?

The toolset for building a customer portal includes some back-end and front-end programming languages and frameworks (Java, Python, PHP, HTML, CSS, Angular, React, Vue, Ember, etc.), a CMS (for instance, Drupal or WordPress), and a CRM (Salesforce or Hubspot). 

How do I ensure the customer portal is user-friendly and intuitive? 

To guarantee maximum user satisfaction, you should make the portal mobile-friendly, include navigation and search capabilities, provide social media integration, keep the design simple, optimize for speed, and hire a vetted UI/UX expert to implement these tips into life. 

Can I integrate the customer portal with my existing systems? 

Not “can”, but you should, in fact. Your portal’s visitors should have all relevant information at their fingertips. Since such information in the customer portal is taken from multiple sources, you must see to it that the portal is linked with your ERP, СRM, and other data systems via APIs. 

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