B2B portal development 

According to Gartner research, 80% of B2B sales will be conducted online in the next few years. Similar forecasts and the broader trend towards digitization encourage entrepreneurs to explore B2B web portal development and provide a digital environment for businesses to conduct transactions with other firms. 

Types of B2B portals we build 

B2B web portal development is a crucial aspect of modern business. There are various types of web portals, each serving a specific purpose. The primary benefit of a web portal is that it lets companies integrate operations and improve communication with their partners, suppliers, and customers.

Marketplace platforms  

A B2B marketplace allows businesses to outsource products or services to service providers specializing in a specific field. Businesses choose, adapt, and employ them as mediators between vendors and clients. 

Unlike regular online retailers where customers browse products, make a purchase, and leave, B2C web portal offers customers a variety of valuable features that increase retention and improve user experience, such as user accounts, order history, e-wallets, tailored content, offers, and discount programs, and so on. 

Procurement portals  

When sourcing goods or services, businesses want options that fit their needs. That’s where the B2B procurement marketplace comes in, allowing companies to simplify their processes and gain an edge over in-house services.  

A dedicated platform allows businesses to work with the best providers, tackling everything from inventory management to labor and production. Using real-life filtration methods and access to service providers worldwide makes it easy to find the right vendors. Companies can achieve compliance, transparency, and audibility with greater volume and information about their business partners. 

Supplier portals  

Vendor or supplier portals play a key role in the success of any B2B business that collaborates with multiple suppliers. These portals serve as a central data hub for all parties involved in business operations. It’s a platform where suppliers can register and monitor the services and products they offer to a company.  

Distributor portals  

Distributors help you sell products, establish a presence in their territories, and bring new customers to business. To help distributors achieve more success, they must have access to the necessary information. The best way to provide this information is through B2B web portal development. A distributor portal on your website is an excellent way to streamline interactions with your distributors. 

Collaboration portals  

Online systems that allow organizations to exchange information and resources with their partners, suppliers, or customers are known as B2B collaboration portals. They can assist in increasing business-to-business efficiency, communication, and security. This is where the intuitiveness and overall convenience of the UI/UX are prioritized. 

Customer support portals  

This type of B2B web portal appeals to firms looking to improve customer experience and personalization. It is a self-service portal where clients may submit inquiries, consult knowledge bases, and go through onboarding. A great extra push that demonstrates how much exactly you value your customer base. 

Financial portals  

These websites or apps gather a ton of financial data and information in one place, making it easy for users to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends in the market. The best part is that these portals are often cloud-based and can be customized to meet the needs of both financial institutions and their customers.  

Partner portals  

Partner portals are intended for companies or entrepreneurs that use indirect sales channels to distribute products. This tool can help you manage your partner relations more effectively. The portal provides your partners’ salespeople with various resources, including marketing materials, sales information, training resources, certification materials, and technical tools like product configurators, price calculators, and order tracking features. 

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B2B portal development services we provide 

DICEUS is a B2B portal development company that designs B2B portal software solutions to meet your business demands and overcome individual obstacles. We aim to provide exceptional full-cycle software development experience that adapts smoothly to your project’s needs and budgetary constraints.  

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Benefits of custom B2B portal development 

The primary goal of any B2B web portal development is to provide each client with an exceptional online experience while making a profit. Let’s take a deeper look at the plethora of benefits such portal development can bring. 

Improve analytics 

It is important to understand the needs and preferences of your clients. By integrating improved analytics into your B2B web portal, you can stay up-to-date on which products or services are in demand or unpopular with your clients. Hence, letting you introduce discounts, fine-tune your marketing strategies, and ultimately increase your revenue. You can use analytics to make educated decisions that benefit your company and clientele. 

Enhance visibility 

Combining all your business systems and experiences in one web portal gives you a complete 360-degree view of your B2B operations, client journeys, interactions, and order statistics. This visibility will allow you to create an insight-driven strategy for your business that considers all the relevant data and information. It is an effective tool for staying ahead of the competition and making informed judgments. 

Expand operations

Expanding your business operations has always been challenging. Integrating a custom web portal for your B2B operations allows you to scale your business cost-effectively. You can quickly expand your services, data sources, vendor lists, and more by utilizing the right content management tools and integrations. This will allow you to grow your business and stay ahead of the competition. 

Decrease sales cycle time 

Clients must have the most efficient purchasing process possible. That’s why providing them with self-service web tools like web demos and catalogs, A-to-Z order management tools, and dashboards is a great way to speed up the process and simplify their experience. You can create the entire journey online for simple B2B transactions. This will help you slash the length of your sales cycle and close more deals in less time. 

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B2B portal development process 

The B2B web portal is significantly more complicated to create than a normal consumer website. Organizations must consider their whole business strategy to build a successful interface that meets and surpasses user expectations. From our side, we provide the following services: 

Requirements gathering If you’re wondering whether your web solution idea is feasible from a technical and business standpoint, our consultants can help you. We’ll define the scope of your project, identify all the functional and non-functional requirements needed for your digital product, determine the necessary tech stack to create it, and even compile a list of specialists with mission-critical expertise. 
Planning and architectureHaving the right back-end organizational pattern is crucial when creating a successful web product. We will analyze your solution’s requirements and scalability potential to determine the best architecture type. Whether monolithic, microservices, serverless, cloud-based, or service-oriented, we’ll ensure it fits your marketing and business goals.
UI and UX designBy working with a web design consultant, you can get expert recommendations on how your site should look and feel to attract visitors, drive conversions, and increase your revenues. We will consider everything from the layout and colors to the fonts and imagery, creating a cohesive and engaging experience for your users.
Development We offer expert advice on all aspects of creating and managing your website, including optimizing content and search results. Their guidance can help ensure that your website is successful and delivers results. 
Testing At times, companies encounter problems operating web products they have already implemented. We will examine the database and code employed at the solution’s front- and back-end to pinpoint errors and vulnerabilities. Also, we will look for coding standards violations that might negatively impact the website’s speed, security, and maintainability. Testing services are also available to ensure that the website functions as expected. This includes automated tests for larger and more complex projects. 
Integration and trainingThe portal enables customers to access relevant information quickly and easily, while customer support integration ensures high levels of customer satisfaction. This automation streamlines transactions, making them much more efficient than manual processes. Automating tasks makes customers more likely to complete transactions quickly and efficiently. 
Deployment and launch After completing the testing cycles, we will develop a detailed deployment plan and conduct an environmental analysis to ensure a smooth deployment. Additionally, we will fix any technical issues that may arise before the deployment date to avoid any potential setbacks or complications. 

Our tech stack 

How long will it take to build a B2B portal? 

It is vital to acknowledge various factors that can affect the duration of a web portal development project. Some of the main factors include:  

  • The complexity of the project 
  • The number of features required 
  • The number of people working on the project 
  • The budget 
  • The delivery time 
  • Any technological issues that may occur

How much will it cost to develop a B2B portal? 

If you want to develop a B2B portal, you’re probably wondering how much it will cost. The pricing will vary based on the specifics of your project. That’s why sharing your requirements with a B2B portal development company is important.  

Doing so can obtain a reasonable time and cost estimate for your project. This will help you make an informed decision about whether or not to move forward with your portal development. Find the list of factors that typically influences the pricing of any project: 

  • Dedicated Team or Time & Material
  • Deadlines
  • Chosen technology
  • Complexity and scope 

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What are the key features of a B2B portal?  

To be a useful element of your business, your B2B website must include the following features:  
1) Product or service characteristics, pricing, etc. 
2) Process planning, manufacturing, or serving capacity 
3) Customers and competitors 
4) Product sales and Marketing suppliers 
A business-to-business portal must facilitate the proper electronic communication of standard business documents such as orders, bills, credit approval, shipment details, and confirmation papers between the firms involved in the transaction. 

How is B2B portal development different from B2C portal development?

B2B and B2C portal development is quite different. A B2B portal’s development often entails more advanced capabilities, like customized pricing, order administration, and connectivity with back-end systems such as ERP. A B2C portal, on the other hand, is often focused on user-friendly design, simple navigation, and straightforward purchase processes. 

What technologies are commonly used in B2B portal development?

We employ cutting-edge IT technology to create online portals, ranging from artificial intelligence to blockchain. In terms of tools, each specific toolset is determined by the budget, terms, and aims of product realization. Regarding technology, we utilize HTML + CSS, Angular, React, Vue.js, Electron, JavaScript, TypeScript,.NET/ASP.NET, Java, NodeJS, PHP, Python, and Ruby on Rails for development. 

Can a B2B portal be integrated with existing ERP or CRM systems?

Simple answer – Yes. B2B organizations can benefit from a deeper understanding of their consumers’ demands. Because of the complexities of client interaction, comprehension is vital in the B2B business.

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