AI in retail

What we offer

360-degree customer view

Engaging experience for your customers is what our AI retail solutions offer with a 360-degree customer view. The technology consolidates various customer data in one place. Typically, a 360-degree customer view feature is available in CRM systems. It helps your team get a holistic picture of your buyers. Quick access to any customer info allows your staff to create a highly personalized approach to each client.

Predictive analytics solutions

Predictive analytics helps you forecast the expected behavior of your customers via machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions for retailers we offer. Recognizing probabilities is possible through using well-chronicled data of what has been happening in the past. Big data provides retailers with a huge amount of customer info structured via AI-based algorithms. Our predictive analytics solutions can convert the knowledge about the shopping background of your clients into future results.

Recommendation systems

There are many sorts of recommendation systems for retailers. We can create highly customized ones relying on what your retail strategy is leaning toward. Searching patterns based on geolocation, age, gender (the so-called cumulative filtering), product preferences based on previous purchases (content-based filtering), suggestions on categorically similar products (item-item collaborative filtering), and the like. The AI-based recommendation solutions we develop can help your customers find the products they need in an easy and automatic manner.

Fraud detection solutions

Deep learning-based anti-fraud solutions can detect various sorts of fraud opportunities that are getting more numerous amid the current growth of the e-retail (e-commerce) sector. Identity theft, stolen banking cards, account takeovers, and many other threats can be effectively mitigated with AI algorithms that are able to automatically distinguish “abnormal” inputs of fraudsters from “normal” data of legal customers. Your profit depends directly on the number of false deals that can happen within your retail environment. We can help you decrease that number down to zero.

AI in retail

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AI retail solutions

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Benefits of artificial intelligence solutions for retail

Customer engagement

Not magic, but clever engineering stays behind AI-based customer engagement solutions. Recommendation systems built upon big data can drive the right people towards the right products because AI algorithms can figure out who looks for what. The entire mass of your buyers (both regular and random) appears meticulously sorted into groups according to their shopping behavior and preferences. This is what lets you find an individual path to each of them in an automated mode. Hence, your customers are never ignored, always satisfied, and permanently engaged.

AI-driven forecasting

To be viable in retail, predictions have to rely on certain shopping patterns. How to recognize such patterns? Every shopper leaves a lot of digital trails on the internet when making a purchase. Petabytes of data have to be aggregated, processed, and analyzed to forecast how buyers will behave. When trying to predict with your retail anytime soon, even the current weather conditions matter in addition to previous shopping experiences of your buyers, local events, price changes, and other pattern-forming factors. Don’t try to detect predictable patterns manually, this is beyond human capabilities. Leave forecasting to AI algorithms: processing big data is what machine learning is created for.

Operational efficiency

Reducing customer service workloads with chatbots, providing supply chain optimization through eliminating stochastic planning, preparing for order picking, making shelf replenishment precisely estimated, as well as many other retail-inherent operations belong to what we call cost-effective retail management. However, experienced your staff is, your operations always risk turning to a mess if only manual planning is practiced. Retail planning augmented with AI-powered solutions takes operations to another level of efficiency. This is about retail business automation that matters in the current conditions.

Data management

Everything able to enhance returns in retail belongs to various datasets nowadays. Not only are they huge as such, but they also keep growing continuously. Any data should be analyzed to have any value. Only processed data can turn to valuable insights on what to do to stay competitive among your rivals. Machine learning algorithms make AI retail solutions the best tool for data management, therefore. Relieve your brain from data-processing routines to let your creativity expand and make your retail business more successful.

Our AI retail solutions development process

Discovery phaseThe initial stage of any development process implies understanding by which technical means the customer’s goal can be achieved. Even though each software solution is unique, similar analogs are most likely available on the market. Analyzing them with customers our engineers figure out the amount of work to let the finished product see the light. They realize what technologies fit the desired features best. Such collaborative brainstorming is the power to imagine the future solution in action.
Solution architectureSoftware architects determine the solution structure in terms of programming languages, frameworks, and other software technologies suitable for building the product in a fast and cost-effective manner. The projected architecture is to show in which sections the AI-powered features are worth using. Besides, the architecture should allow the solution to resonate with the other infrastructural elements of the customer. The post-deployment maintenance, possible updates, and customer support are also considered at this stage.
Design and developmentWhen both the functionality and architecture of the solution are clear for developers, they start designing the product. In many cases, an MVP or a prototype appears first. It is reasonable when the product seems innovative, and the users’ reaction is hardly predictable. The same programming stage goes under numerous iterations (when the extreme programming method is used) and sprints (if Scrum is the selected project management method). Customers are always kept informed about the progress to check features and make amendments if necessary.
Testing and deploymentDebugging, testing, and other QA activities are essential to provide the uncompromised quality of software. However, to make QA bring desired results, test planning is to be a must-have. DICEUS creates test plans beforehand. All test results are meticulously recorded. We arrange the development cycle so that all stages run through a seamless transition from one to another. This is why we appreciate CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment) methods. This allows us to optimize deployments as well as deliver high-quality software.

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What impacts your project duration

Since no serial production is possible in software development, every development lifecycle happens to have an individual duration. After an approximate architecture of the future product becomes clear, our specialists can calculate the number of working hours they will spend to complete the project. To make such a calculation as exact as possible, they should take into account the following factors:

  • Project requirements
  • Expected deadlines
  • Team composition
  • Chosen technology and platforms

What affects your project costs

Similarly to the project duration issue, the cost of different software products can significantly vary. We always strive to achieve the most cost-effective process; whatever software is developed. At the same time, there are some cost-determining factors that any developer cannot ignore. Inter alia, they include:

  • Project scope and complexity
  • Chosen technology
  • Project completion urgency
  • Engagement model: Fixed Price, Time and Material, Dedicated Team

What we need from your side

It is normal not to get a clear software design specification from customers: retailers usually stay quite far from software development to create the SDS independently. Our team must collaborate with customers at the initial stage of development to clarify all the nuances we need to know about the desired software product. To optimize the stage, we usually ask our customers for the following info:

  • Project goals, vision, and a roadmap if available
  • High-level project requirements
  • Project-specific documentation if available
  • Client’s availability for weekly gathering session

Our tech stack

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Frequently asked questions

Can you help us choose the right artificial intelligence tools?

AI-based technologies are quite specific, but the effects they provide are not rocket science. Along with recommendations on the features available in your software, we can suggest what AI algorithms are worth using to make the features as efficient as possible. Predictive analytics, recommendation systems, fraud detection as well as other retail-relevant functionalities can be reinforced with corresponding artificial intelligence solutions. Just tell us what you expect from your future software, and we can suggest one or another AI tool to be successfully applied.

Do you provide IT project consulting for retail AI development?

DICEUS appreciates very much the keen interest our customers express to AI development. We practice both types of IT project consulting: the free one that goes along the whole period of software development when our customers tightly collaborate with our team, and the standalone IT consulting services going separately from any development process. The first one is present in our collaborative workflows by default. The second type is welcomed when retailers are just planning to order AI-powered software from us.

What are the advantages of AI technology for the retail industry?

Automation and efficiency are the two properties that allow the contemporary retail sector to keep the pace of life. Any successful retail business is highly digitized nowadays. But digital technologies never stop evolving. Artificial intelligence is the current stage of such an evolution. AI algorithms are not just applicable to retail activities but rather compulsory for many of them: effective inventory, data management, sales predictions, customer support, fraud detection, and the like can hardly work well without AI today. Retail generates petabytes of data every minute, nothing but big data-native algorithms can cope with the task best.

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