Healthcare data analytics services

Healthcare is a data-driven industry, with tons of patient, financial, clinical, and other information accumulated by medical facilities. Yet, data is of any value only if it is properly stored and processed. DICEUS, as a leader among data analytics healthcare companies, specializes in healthcare data solutions that will help your organization efficiently handle any information. 

Healthcare data analytics solutions we offer 

Our company will tackle an end-to-end development of standalone health data solutions or a comprehensive healthcare data platform focusing on the following products. 

Big data analytics 

Healthcare analytics solutions we develop will retrieve and store huge amounts of data from various sources (EHR, portals, apps, the network of medical devices, etc.). Special tools honed to process these records (both historical and real-time furnished by telemedicine solutions) will expose patterns in them and pinpoint dominating trends, thus presenting doctors with insights to be further employed for formulating individually tailored treatment plans.  

Predictive analytics 

Our ML-hinged solutions are extremely useful not only in disease prediction and diagnosis validation. Predictive analytics products by DICEUS will enable enhanced management of healthcare facilities, where demand forecasting, uninterrupted supply chain support, health insurance fraud prevention, etc., are the bedrock of a hospital’s efficient functioning and stable revenue stream.  

Business analytics 

Hospitals are intricate business mechanisms where smooth operation is no less important than the medical care services people obtain there. Business analytics solutions we provide excel in facility maintenance, claims management, personnel scheduling, and optimization, performance monitoring of staff members, pharma data processing, financial issue handling, and more. 

DWH solutions 

Data silo is one of the scourges of contemporary medical service providers. The data warehouse products we offer eliminate barriers in data flow between an organization’s departments, provide a united venue for storing information, ensure data synchronization across various endpoints (if you need to change healthcare data entry), and limit access to it to the pool of authorized persons only. 

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Our services

No matter what type of healthcare data solution you select, we can provide the following IT services. 

Custom development 

Despite their cost-efficiency and universality, an off-the-shelf healthcare data analytics product may turn out to be a misfit for your organization. DICEUS will create a bespoke solution for you that will contain the only features you need and provide you with the kind of analytics you require. 


Whether you commission a custom product or want to tailor the existing solutions to meet your requirements, we will offer such services and guarantee their seamless integration with your IT environment. Besides, we provide post-deployment maintenance and multi-level support of your infrastructure. 


If you still rely on the on-premises products, we will assist you in migrating your database, records, and software to the cloud. During the process, we prioritize the security of your facility’s data and infrastructure. 


The functioning of legacy solutions many hospitals leverage is often substandard, to put it mildly. The vetted experts of DICEUS will upgrade and fine-tune them to improve their operation and ensure their compliance with current security regulations and HIPAA standards. 

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Options for healthcare data analytics development 

You can choose any of the following options depending on your goals, budget, and deliverables you expect to obtain. 

  • Software development from scratch. We perform end-to-end data analytics solution development, starting with marketing, business, and technical research and ending up with delivering a full-fledged product that plays well with your current IT environment. 
  • Embedded solutions. We can create a separate data analytics module or several modules to be integrated into your existing infrastructure. 
  • Platform customization. We modify and tweak a third-party analytics platform (for instance, Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, or Oracle BI) to dovetail into your business and operational needs. 

Benefits of using data analytics in healthcare 

Today, healthcare facilities are snowed under the deluge of data that comes to them from different quarters. If medical organizations learn how to analyze it efficiently, they will enjoy the following benefits. 

Boosting research in the fieldIf specialists sift through numerous data from EHRs, patients’ charts, and personal and public healthcare records, they will be able to make diagnosing more accurate, obtain new insights into the causes of disease, and determine factors that increase the risk of contracting an illness. 
Improvement of treatment outcomesThe thorough analysis of patient data allows physicians to reduce errors and customize treatment plans to meet the unique needs and requirements of a person, thus enhancing the overall quality of treatment. 
Optimizing the operation of the facilityBy making the appropriate use of pipeline data, hospitals can reduce waste, increase their capacity, improve scheduling, and cost-effectively employ technology. 
Augmented personnel managementDigging deep into staff data, healthcare providers can analyze workforce performance, identify staffing issues, and introduce changes to the practice of onboarding and training employees. 

Why choose DICEUS 

Efficient information handling is the key to success in medicine. That is why you should make sure the IT healthcare data company you recruit is the right fit for its mission. What makes DICEUS your number one choice for this role?

  • Over 13 years of presence in the healthcare software development realm. Having cooperated with numerous medical service providers, we have acquired in-depth knowledge of this industry. 
  • 130 projects delivered. With such a quantity of high-end projects we accomplished, we have hoarded vast hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge to draw upon in our further work. 
  • Profound data science expertise. We know how to handle data science projects from end to end and what tech stack to use for implementing them.  
  • The client-first approach we rely on. Whatever our customers’ wishes (and even whims) are, we are ready to oblige our clientele to the utmost to guarantee a smooth and efficient partnership. 
2011the year DICEUS was established
130projects delivered successfully
8offices around the world
GlobalDelivery Center in Poland
250full-time tech professionals
100IT services available

Our partners

Microsoft partner Oracle partner Google Cloud Partner Fadata partner Claim Technology Insurtech UK Swiss InsurTech Hub

Our case studies


What are healthcare data analytics services? 

They embrace an entire range of services related to handling data by healthcare organizations. Typically, these include developing, modernizing, and implementing big data and predictive analytics solutions, building hospital data warehouses, migrating their digital assets to the cloud, and more. 

How do healthcare data analytics benefit healthcare organizations? 

Thanks to implementing high-end data analytics and predictive tools, healthcare facilities can boost medical research, improve treatment outcomes, personalize their services, optimize the shop floor routine of the organization, step up workforce management, etc.  

What types of data are typically analyzed by healthcare data analytics? 

These cover all information types a healthcare facility operates. Here belong various patient and clinical data (demographics, test results, medical charts), internal workflow data, financial data, pharmaceutical data, personnel data, etc. Each type requires a special tool for analysis. 

What is the cost of healthcare analytics solutions? 

The sum you will have to allocate for a custom healthcare analytics product is conditioned by several factors, among which are the size of the organization, the volume of data, the urgency of project delivery, the scope and complexity of the solution, the technologies used in the development, etc. Although it is never nickels and dimes, the investment is well worth it, given the weighty boons a top-notch data analytics solution ushers in. 

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