Healthcare digital transformation consulting

Today, an ever-increasing number of industrial areas – from education and entertainment to multiple business and commercial sectors – embrace digital transformation, and healthcare is no exception. Thanks to state-of-the-art tools and solutions, medical care institutions can stay abreast of contemporary consumer preferences, revolutionize the work and management of their facilities, and dramatically upgrade the quality, sustainability, safety, and speed of services they deliver. 

Challenges to address with digital transformation in healthcare  

The outburst of the global pandemic has put to test national healthcare systems worldwide and underscored the need for across-the-board adoption of medtech software by organizations in the field. However, many facilities still struggle with implementing healthcare digital transformation, the process of which is significantly hamstrung by a number of challenges they face. 

Internal resistance

As it happens in other conservative domains, innovative initiatives in medicine often have to overcome reluctance or at least the absence of due diligence from old-school clinicians and administrative staff, which hampers or slows down the digital transformation process.  

Data silos and interoperability

When medical information about a patient is kept in isolated (mostly on-premises) environments or legacy systems incompatible with novel solutions, it creates a block for the exchange of critical data between specialists or departments and doesn’t allow them to create a 360-degree view of people’s health. 

Data privacy and security

An exponential growth of the amount of data related to patients’ health, facilities where it is stored, and channels via which it is transmitted raise the issue of its reliable protection since wrongdoers can exploit such sensitive information in case of leakage.  

A shift in service delivery models

The practice of medical service delivery is increasingly drifting towards comprehensive telehealth harnessing when doctors and patients solve issues in remote mode via cutting-edge communication tools. 

Lack of tech skills

Modern medical specialists need adequate IT proficiency to handle professional digital solutions, which spells extensive training programs they have to undergo and complete.

Budget limitations

Digital transformation is a big-ticket item requiring considerable investment in medtech solutions that must display superb excellence since the life of people often depends on their seamless functioning. 

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Healthcare digital transformation consulting we provide 

Given such a multitude of potential bottlenecks and pitfalls, medical organizations can hardly hope to make a digital switchover without the professional expertise of healthcare digital transformation companies. Qualified healthcare technology consultants of DICEUS can radically streamline and facilitate the digital transformation process at your medical institution by providing the following services. 

New technology implementation 

If your healthcare facility plans to onboard a professional solution, we will help with its end-to-end implementation. Our digital health consultant will accompany you all the way from ideation and road mapping through design and development to deployment and maintenance by issuing professional recommendations and giving practical assistance. 

Cybersecurity strategy 

The safety of their personal data is a top concern for patients while addressing a hospital. Digital health consulting by DICEUS will help you live up to people’s expectations and create a reliable protective armor for your IT environment where no security gaps or system vulnerabilities will give cybercriminals a chance to compromise your digital assets. 

Data management and governance 

Medical institutions make use of tons of patient, technical, and pharmacological data in their everyday pipeline. If dossiers are kept in disarray, clinicians won’t be able to make head or tail of the information they contain. We will ensure efficient data availability, storage, processing, retrieval, and management within your organization’s EHR system. 

Digital apps and web portals 

Digital transformation involves not only revolutionizing the internal shop floor routine of a healthcare facility but also bolstering its patient-facing activities. By launching professional apps and setting up specialized portals, you will establish a constant communication channel with your clientele and enable them to obtain 24/7 access to your virtual footprint. 

Advanced analytics 

The data your specialists rely on in their work can be of any value only if it is properly analyzed. Our health IT consulting will let you choose and start using efficient data handling tools to turn your collection of unstructured records into actionable insights. It will take your medical services to a new level and guarantee your patients’ satisfaction.  

Cloud transformation 

The rapid pace of Industry 4.0 leaves organizations leveraging legacy on-premises solutions far astern in the competition for the consumer. Our high-profile specialists will help you hydrate the cloud in no time. They will evaluate your current digital assets, develop a roadmap for migrating software and infrastructure there, and advise on selecting an optimal cloud provider and pricing plan. 

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Why choose DICEUS as your digital transformation partner

Industry expertiseThe main thing an organization expects to get from an IT vendor is competence in the field of their specialization. Our 250 vetted mavens have delivered numerous projects in the healthcare domain, so they know this industry’s fine points inside out. 
Broad tech stackThe experts of DICEUS have top-notch qualifications in using a large roster of tools, technologies, and programming languages – both bread-and-butter and novel ones, including AI and ML, cloud computing, blockchain, AR/VR, and more. 
Сlient-centered focusWhile delivering digital transformation consulting services, we meet our customers halfway regarding the choice of interaction channels, time and frequency of communication sessions, and their preferred engagement model. 
Cost-effective pricing policyDICEUS is proud to keep our rates absolutely fair and transparent, which rules out hidden fees or overhead expenditures cropping up during the project. 

How to get started with healthcare digital transformation consulting 

The contemporary IT outsourcing market is oversaturated with various vendors. What should you do to find a qualified partner whose services won’t cost you an arm and a leg?  

Step 1. Understand your needs The first thing you must do is to get to grips with your requirements. Only after you know what deliverables you expect to get from a vendor you want to hire will you be able to start a focused and knowledgeable search. 
Step 2. Peruse the market Having a clear task for the future outsourcer on your table, you should get down to creating a shortlist of candidates. Comb out vendor rating platforms (such as Clutch or Goodfirms) to identify niche leaders with superb reviews and solid expertise.  
Step 3. Scan portfolios Visit the site of every vendor on your list to closely examine the projects in your industry and niche they have completed. You should also pay attention to other useful information presented there, like staff qualification and certification, the term of presence in the market, the tech stack they employ, engagement schemes, pricing policy, etc. 
Step 4. Consider rates Rates vendors charge are very loosely related to the quality of their services but are largely conditioned by the part of the world their company is based in. Check if the company has a rate card where you can see rates according to the developers’ seniority level and experience.
Step 5. Get in touch with previous customers As a rule, the vendor places clients’ testimonials on the site. Contact them and find out how satisfied they were with the cooperation process, collaboration style, and the outcome the project has yielded. 
Step 6. Communicate with the vendor in person  This is the last decision-making action. By talking to the vendor’s representatives, you can form a complete opinion of the potential partner’s soft skills and ability to showcase their previous projects and assess their eagerness for cooperation with you in general. In case they tick all the boxes, you can start discussing the terms of the future contract with them.

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What is healthcare digital transformation consulting? 

The robust advent of IT urges modern hospitals and other medical institutions to make a digital switchover. However, as often as not, they lack the necessary expertise to implement it. Competent vendors provide healthcare digital transformation consulting services to advise them on new technology implementation, data management and analytics, cloud migration, cybersecurity, and other aspects related to embracing digitalization. 

Why is digital transformation important in healthcare? 

By introducing cutting-edge tools and technologies in their workflow and patient-facing activities, hospitals will be able to boost the efficiency of their pipeline and improve the quality of services they provide, thus increasing customer satisfaction and obtaining a competitive edge over their rivals in the niche. 

How can healthcare organizations benefit from consulting services? 

Alone and unaided, medical institutions can never hope to devise and implement a sustainable and efficient digital transformation strategy. Qualified specialists in the realm can assist them in any aspect of this process and ensure they complete the transformation within the time and budget allocated for it. 

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