How to create customer journey mapping for insurance?
Illia PinchukIllia PinchukCEO

Customer journey mapping for insurance: Unlock the secrets of stunning customer experience  

Imagine being lost in a labyrinth of customer queries, policy details, and claim processes. Suddenly, you’re handed a plan that converts this intricacy into an intelligible roadmap. It is the essence of customer journey mapping in insurtech and traditional insurance. By placing clients at the heart of our strategies, this ingenious tool can convert even the most mundane interactions into something unforgettable, enhancing brand loyalty and streamlining operations. 

Customer journey mapping is a process of visualizing customer experience within your company, including customer needs, pain points, and expectations. It encompasses all the steps customers take to reach their goals and helps businesses identify gaps and difficulties in their processes. Thanks to the appropriate customer journey maps, the most critical functionalities can be defined and developed to simplify users’ digital journey. 

The customer journey in insurance is usually connected with the many steps a customer should take to choose and purchase a policy, report a claim, or get responses to their inquiries. Often, these processes are quite cumbersome, which makes customers annoyed or frustrated with the company.  

In this article, you will learn more about insurance journey mapping, its benefits, and the steps to creating the right map.  

Learn how to achieve omnichannel CX in insurance.

Why is CX important for the insurance sector?

As industries shift towards digitization and technology becomes more accessible, insurtech is poised to transform the traditional insurance landscape. However, the industry’s success will be determined by how well it can meet customers’ needs in a personalized manner while creating memorable experiences that build trust and loyalty. 

Customer journey map example

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Customer journey map example

To achieve this goal, CX has become an essential aspect of strategy for any serious player within the insurtech sector. It refers to all customer touch points in insurance, from first impressions on social media platforms to filing claims after an accident. It’s all about creating an ongoing relationship that satisfies customers’ needs, often through streamlined processes or personalized products. 

Here’s why CX is so critical in the insurtech sector: 

In a nutshell, CX is a powerful differentiator in the insurtech sector. Companies can exceed expectations by focusing on the customer journey, outpace their competition, and pave the way for sustained success. 

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Why should customer experience be considered at the beginning of the project?

When starting a new project, it’s crucial to prioritize CX from the very beginning. CX is not just about improving your product or service; it encompasses every interaction a customer has with your brand, whether browsing online for potential solutions or reaching out to address an issue. 

Incorporating CX at the start of a project is all about shifting the paradigm from product-centric to customer-centric.  

Let’s dissect the rationale behind this approach: 

Customer experience as part of SDLC

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Customer experience as part of SDLC

Therefore, considering CX at the project’s inception is a thoughtful gesture and essential to drive sustainable growth and profitability. By understanding needs and preferences right from day one – you’ll be well-positioned to capitalize on opportunities while avoiding pitfalls that could impede success. 

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What is a customer journey map?

A customer journey map is a visual narrative that chronicles an experience from the initial point of contact through the engagement process, all the way to developing a long-term relationship. Think of it as a graphical representation of a customer’s odyssey with your brand. It can be customized to suit different industries, target audiences, or communication channels. However, the essence remains the same – a comprehensive outlook at each stage in your customer’s interactions with your brand. 

In the context of insurtech and traditional insurance, a map would outline a typical customer’s interaction with an insurance provider, from researching options to filing claims. It highlights each touchpoint – where and how the interactions occur – along with any potential pain points or opportunities for improvement. 

Customer journey mapping serves multiple purposes: 

  1. Understanding the needs of clients. Journey maps allow you to get into the mind of your users and understand each stage in their experience with your product or service better. This understanding enables insurance providers to tailor services to meet individual expectations, increasing conversions while improving retention rates. 
  2. Identifying gaps. A comprehensive journey map can help pinpoint gaps between what customers expect and what they’re experiencing. These gaps are opportunities for improvement, offering the chance to enhance CX and outpace competitors. 
  3. Facilitating personalization. Companies can better tailor their communication and services to customer needs, enabling a more personalized, satisfying experience. 

However, a word of caution: the journey map is not a one-size-fits-all tool. Clients are unique, and their experiences with your brand will vary based on numerous factors, including their demographic, psychographic, and behavioral traits. Therefore, companies often need to develop multiple journey maps that reflect the diverse personas of their customer base. 

How to create a customer journey map for insurtech?

Creating a CJM is a strategic process that requires careful planning, research, and collaborative effort across various departments within your insurtech firm. From the outset, it’s crucial to identify the specific touchpoints that are most critical and relevant for your customer’s journey. Below, we will provide a step-by-step process to create a practical map for your insurtech firm. 

How to create customer journey map for insurance and insurtech?

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How to create customer journey map for insurance and insurtech?

Step 1 – Set goals 

It all begins with setting clear, defined goals. It’s crucial to understand that this isn’t an arbitrary exercise; it’s a strategic process meant to provide actionable insights. So, before you embark on this endeavor, you must ascertain what you aim to achieve. 

Are you looking to identify gaps in your current customer service? Do you want to uncover potential opportunities for new products or services? Are you aiming to streamline specific processes to boost efficiency? Or do you want to ensure a consistent experience across all touchpoints? These questions are a starting point. Take your time and think through what you hope to gain from this exercise. 

Also, ensuring these goals are shared and understood by everyone involved is crucial. This shared understanding ensures all stakeholders are on the same page, fostering a unified, cohesive approach. 

Remember, customer journey mapping isn’t a one-time task. Your goals may shift as your insurtech company evolves. It’s a good idea to revisit them periodically and adjust your map accordingly. 

Step 2 – Conduct user interviews 

With your goals firmly established, it’s time to gather the raw material – insights directly from your clients. One of the most effective ways to do this is through user interviews that give you a first-hand account of your customers’ experiences, expectations, and pain points. 

The purpose of user interviews is to gather qualitative data. So, instead of asking your clients to rate your service on a scale of 1-10, ask open-ended questions encouraging them to share their stories. For instance, you might ask about their challenges when filing a claim or their experience with your support team. 

Be sure to interview a diverse range of clients to ensure your journey map reflects the various personas that interact with your brand. It could include long-term policyholders, new customers, those who’ve recently filed a claim, and even prospects who considered but ultimately didn’t choose your service. 

Step 3 – Create user persona 

A user persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal client based on market research and actual data about your existing customers. Creating these personas is vital as they add a human touch to the data, helping you understand your customers beyond mere demographics. 

To develop personas, you’ll need to gather quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data includes measurable, statistical information like age, income, and occupation, while qualitative data focuses on subjective factors such as motivations, fears, desires, and behaviors. 

You might identify different types of users interacting with your insurtech services in distinct ways from your user interviews. For example, you might have a “Tech-Savvy Tim” who prefers using your mobile app for all transactions or a “Traditional Trudy” who likes speaking with a support agent for her insurance needs. 

Remember, your goal is not to create an exhaustive list of personas but to capture the variety of experiences and expectations among your customer base. Therefore, aim for a manageable number of personas representing your customers’ broad spectrum. 

Step 4 – Define customer touchpoints 

These touchpoints are all the places and times clients interact with your insurtech company. It could be anything from visiting your website or speaking with a support representative to receiving an email or submitting a claim through a mobile app. 

To define the touchpoints, consider the entire customer journey, from initial awareness to final interaction. Then, consider every possible way a client could interact with your brand. Mapping these touchpoints will likely involve input from multiple departments within your company, including marketing, sales, support, and IT. 

Defining touchpoints helps you see your business from the customer’s perspective. It can reveal opportunities to improve the user experience. For example, you can simplify a complex process or provide additional support where customers feel uncertain. While listing your touchpoints, remember that not all will carry the same weight or importance. However, some will be critical moments of truth, shaping the overall perception of your brand. These key touchpoints require particular attention to ensure they deliver an exceptional experience. 

Step 5 – Map current states 

With a clear understanding of your user personas and their touchpoints, you’re now ready to map the current state. This stage is about accurately capturing your customers’ experiences as they are now. Mapping the current state involves illustrating each persona’s path through all identified touchpoints. It’s essential to include every interaction, whether a potential client visiting your website for the first time or an existing customer contacting support for assistance. 

You must use the data collected during user interviews and other research methods to create an accurate, current state map. This map should represent the customers’ feelings, motivations, pain points, and moments of delight at each touchpoint. 

Step 6 – Map future states 

The next step is to envision and map the future state. This process involves visualizing what you’d like the customer journey to look like in an ideal world. It’s about taking the insights from your current state map and your business objectives and expectations to create an aspirational vision of your customer experience. 

Here’s how you go about it: 

A future state map gives you a goal to strive for, a vision of what an outstanding customer experience in your insurtech company looks like. Remember, it’s a dynamic document that should evolve as your business grows and customer expectations change. 

Check what we offer for insurtech and insurance:

Insurance digital channels

The key benefits of customer journey mapping for the insurance sector 

Customer journey mapping offers many benefits for the insurance sector, contributing to its evolving landscape by adding a layer of customer-centricity.  

Here are a few key advantages that underscore its importance: 

These advantages allow insurtech and traditional insurance companies to leverage customer journey mapping. As a result, insurance providers can continuously improve their services, streamline processes, and tailor their products to individual needs. 

Learn more: How to improve customer engagement for insurance

DICEUS expertise

DICEUS has extensive experience working with clients from the insurance industry, providing end-to-end software development services and CX strategy. From business analysis, software architecture, and design to testing and technical support, DICEUS offers a range of services to meet the diverse needs of insurers.  

Read a related case study:

CX strategy for insurance company UNIQA 

In particular, our company can assist with customer journey mapping, a critical tool for companies looking to enhance customer experience. Our team can help you create customer journey maps, from conducting user interviews to developing actionable plans.  

Contact us today to learn how we can help you unlock the secrets of the incredible customer experience. 


What is an insurance customer journey map?

Insurance customer journey maps represent the whole customer lifecycle within a particular insurance company, starting from the first connection with the company and ending with policy renewal. The map includes all the processes customers are involved in when interacting with your company, challenges they face, their pain points, emotions, goals, and expectations.

Why is creating a customer journey map important for insurance companies?

By create a map, insurers can see where they have gaps in the processes. By analyzing these gaps, a respective digital strategy should be created. For example, if your customers complain about too time-consuming claim reporting process, you should think of the ways to simplify it with the help of technology, by adding more convenient communication channels like a mobile app or a. chatbot, for instance.

What stages are typically included in an insurance customer journey map?

Typically, user journey maps in insurance include customer awareness (when a person becomes aware of the need to buy a policy), research (when a person searches for the information about different insurance products), consideration (a person considers the pros and cons of various providers and coverages), purchase (contacting an agent, filing a website form, etc.), onboarding (familiarizing with terms and conditions, learning about payment methods, etc.), usage (making claims, modifying policies, asking for support, etc.), renewal (prolongation of a policy), and advocacy (leaving positive reviews and feedback on the company).

How does the awareness stage of the customer journey map work?

Potential customers become aware of the need for insurance or the existence of specific insurance companies through various touchpoints such as advertising, social media, word of mouth, or online searches. This stage is crucial as it sets the foundation for further interactions with the insurance company. Effective marketing strategies, including targeted advertising campaigns and informative content, help capture the attention of potential customers and educate them about the benefits of insurance coverage, prompting them to move to the next stages of research and consideration. 

How can insurance companies identify pain points in the customer journey map?

Insurance companies can identify customers’ pain points by collecting feedback through customer surveys, analyzing complaints and feedback, conducting customer interviews, and utilizing data analytics to track interactions across touchpoints. By closely examining customer experiences at each stage of the journey, insurers can pinpoint areas of frustration, confusion, or dissatisfaction, enabling them to prioritize improvements that enhance overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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