Automation in insurance
Illia PinchukIllia PinchukCEO

How to automate insurance operations with technology 

The history of technological progress boils down to the slight decrease in manual labor and the gradual growth of machine involvement in workshop processes. The robust advent of Industry 4.0 has given a high-tech boost to this automation drive, with AI and ML solutions carrying the day in various industries. However, the insurance sector lags in this across-the-board digitalization crusade, with automation initiatives having a broad application field still unconquered. 

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Insurance digital channels

Insurance automation made plain

What did the shop floor routine in the insurance industry look like a decade ago? It was a paper-reliant realm where employees had to sift tons of paper-format data to arrive at results and oblige the clientele. In our IT-driven age, such an old-school approach spells inadequacy in tackling pipeline activities and ultimately losing in the cut-throat competition in the insurance sector today. In a 2020 survey, over 40% of customers announced they were ready to jump ship for another service provider if their current one doesn’t leverage digital channels in their insurance workflow.   

Consumer insurance statistics

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Consumer insurance statistics

The second reason behind the IT-powered transformation of the insurance domain is the aftermath of the global pandemic. As a result, people have begun to prioritize contactless and remote forms of interaction, which opened broad vistas for ushering automation into the industry on a large scale. 

Insurance automation means a set of software tools (aka insurtech solutions) employed by organizations in this field to streamline operations related to marketing, sales, renewals, and other core activities. Unfortunately, data and procedural complexities, pervasive third-party involvement, and a nuance-ridden character of request handling symptomatic of the domain are the significant factors currently hamstringing the agile onboarding of insurance automation solutions. Yet, harnessing state-of-the-art technologies can bring a lot of assets to the stakeholders in this sphere.  

Learn what experts think:

Interview with Chief Commercial Officer of Fadata: Implementing insurance process platform INSIS

Eight benefits of insurance automation

Insurance organizations partnered with DICEUS in multiple insurtech projects report numerous boons that automation has yielded both for insurers and their clients.

Benefits of insurance automation

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Benefits of insurance automation

Benefit 1 — Cost reduction  

Insurance companies process enormous amounts of data. If the human personnel is assigned to cope with this ordeal, the organization will have to pay through the nose for the qualified work of the numerous high-profile specialists. However, by implementing automation, they cut down on expenditures and thus increase their profits. Eventually, it will benefit not only insurers but consumers as well since the prices for insurance services will become more affordable.  

Benefit 2 — Surge in efficiency 

Insurtech solutions save not only money but also the time of both service providers and consumers. Tech-savvy companies will be able to speed up all IT-driven pipeline procedures and enhance the productivity of their work immensely. And clients will be able to spend less time on the red tape and get the desired outcome on short notice. 

Benefit 3 — Human error mitigation 

Finances are at the core of insurance operations, and any mistakes cost either organizations or policyholders money – and vast sums of money, too. Plus, a lot of headache if lawsuits filed by disgruntled clients are involved. Insurance automation can augment accuracy and keep errors to a minimum by excluding the human factor from the lion’s share of repetitive or redundant workflow operations and letting AI handle them. 

Benefit 4 — Competitive edge 

An insurance firm’s swift, seamless, and error-free functioning will let it stand out among rivals in the niche and attract customers in droves through the high quality of services it offers.  

Benefit 5 — Sales growth 

All the boons mentioned above translate into a superb business reputation for the brand, which bolsters lead conversion and triggers a steady influx of new customers. Besides, top-notch insurance automation solutions deliver valuable insights and enable companies to improve their decision-making and administer more knowledgeable marketing campaigns, which also considerably augments the customer base and drives sales.  

Benefit 6 — Accurate predictions 

With all historical data at their fingertips and an automated analytical prediction tool, insurers can evaluate potential risks, minimize potential losses, and take the oncoming trends in the niche in their stride. 

Benefit 7 — Fraud detection 

Like any other finance-related industry, the insurance realm is extremely attractive for fraud. As a result, the insurtech solution market focused on fraud prevention grows apace and is predicted to reach $10 billion in 2025, providing precise risk scoring, computer vision-powered claims processing, and other AI-fueled mechanisms called to outsmart perpetrators and protect companies in the insurance field as well as their clientele.

Benefit 8 — Improved customer experience 

Ultimately, this is what any business aims at. The easier and faster customers reach their goals and get the required high-quality service with a moderate price tag, the greater their satisfaction. Automation tools are an excellent instrument for revving customer engagement and, simultaneously, making insurance products super flexible in meeting every client’s needs halfway through offering personalized services.

With multiple perks, implement automation into various sectors and procedures of the insurance pipeline. 

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Insurance automation use cases

There are several mission-critical areas where insurance automation brings the most value. 

Claim processing 

This is an exceedingly time-consuming, detail-focused, and document-sensitive routine. Moreover, its reliance on data in various formats collected from multiple sources traditionally required a significant amount of manual intervention. However, by implementing an automation system that utilizes natural language processing and optical character recognition, insurers can quickly obtain accurate input data, identify fraudulent claims, and rule out errors, thus accelerating payout and keeping customers satisfied. After all, the efficient handling of claim processing is the tipping factor for 87% of people to opt for an insurance vendor.  

Consider insurance claims management software development to automate and digitize your claims processing processes.


The chief task of underwriters is to evaluate the risks involved in insuring people’s life and property. Automation software can be employed at all stages of this process, streamlining and facilitating: 

Regulatory compliance 

Strict protocols and ordinances govern the insurance industry. The legislation in the sphere is often amended and amplified, so keeping track of these changes is quite challenging for insurance companies. Automation solutions will help you avoid regulatory breaches by: 

Billing and payments 

This component is crucial for ensuring consistent payments and supporting loyal customers. To achieve these objectives, automation software can: 

Customer service 

Modern automation tools can take the interaction of insurance organizations with clients to a new level. For instance, by launching a chatbot, they can promote customer onboarding, notify clients about the latest developments, provide round-the-clock support and consultations, collect client feedback, and speed up query handling. And if you build an insurance app, your brand will acquire one more communication channel with the clientele and cater to the requirements and preferences of the vast audience of smartphone users. 

To automate insurance operations efficiently, you should take the right approach to integrate proper solutions into your company’s workflow. 

View from the top:

Podcast with Khaled Gharaibeh, Business Intelligence Director of a bank

How to automate insurance operations

As a seasoned IT vendor with long-time experience in developing top-notch insurance automation tools, DICEUS knows that implementing insurance automation is a no-nonsense job for any organization in the sector. What is the best way to tackle it?


Steps to automate insurance operations

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Steps to automate insurance operations

Step 1. Discover where you stand 

Start with evaluating the current condition of your company to pinpoint areas and processes which can be automated.  

Step 2. Prioritize goals 

First, identify several aspects susceptible to automation. Which should you begin with? The rule of thumb is to first aim for the processes that bring your organization the most value. Next must come the areas where you underperform and which need improvement badly. 

Step 3. Come to grips with expenses 

Any high-tech transformation isn’t a chump change issue, so you must invest first to reap benefits later. First, ensure that the scale of automation you envisage matches your budget for each process you will automate. Typically, more elementary and repetitive tasks are cheaper to automate, so it makes sense to kick off with them. 

Step 4. Draw a roadmap 

Now that you know in what direction you would channel your efforts, you should diagram the process to be automated. In this way, you will obtain a clear-cut automation flow to implement. 

Step 5. Standardize before you automate 

Automation proceeds quicker if the tasks you are going to upgrade follow a boilerplate procedure. Otherwise, you will be distracted by lots of minute details you must bring into accordance on the hoof instead of smoothly moving from stage to stage along the pre-determined route.  

Step 6. Train employees 

It is not only about teaching personnel how to use a dashboard or find their way about an app. It goes without saying. You should realize that any large-scale transformation will fail if its participants don’t see the necessity of the change or – worst of all – resist it. That is why you should focus on fostering a work culture that would keep the staff open-minded and open to innovations.  

Step 7. Implement the solution(s) 

After all the preparatory stages are over, you can embrace automation hammer and tongs. Start small. For instance, utilize AI to predict entries in standard forms or employ RPA to pull data from spreadsheets and emails. When you are a confident user of these low-level automated procedures, move on to more sophisticated assignments like predicting risk profiles or introducing dynamic pricing and situation-tailored policies. And remember to monitor the performance regularly and fine-tune the instruments to maximize efficiency. 

The success of your insurance automation campaign crucially depends on the software your harness for it. Of course, there are plenty of boxed tools (Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer, Intelligent Document Processing by Automation Anywhere, and Document Understanding by UiPath, etc.). However, while choosing the one, you should ensure they are foolproof in usage, play well with your environment and legacy systems, and have cloud-based accessibility.  

Yet, off-the-shelf software is a tool with an average roster of features that you may find inadequate for your company’s needs. A wiser approach is to opt for a custom insurance automation solution.  

DICEUS, as an expert in creating insurtech software, can develop a tool that will dovetail into your organization’s business goals and requirements and will be flexible to upscale when the growth of your brand demands it. 

Drawing a bottom line

In the age of ubiquitous digitalization, insurance companies with big-time aspirations have no choice but to harness professional software. Bespoke insurance automation tools will enable them to curtail expenditures, eliminate errors, forestall fraud, step up all workflow procedures (from claims processing and underwriting to billing and payments), enhance efficiency, and augment customer service, thus gaining a decisive edge over their competitors in the niche. 

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