BenefitNet insurance solution

  • 25%

    25% cooperation growth
  • 5+

    Over 5 regions
  • 3

    3 times less paperwork burden

Project overview

BenefitNet is a solution that automates the work of insurance brokers and serves a link between insurers and consumers. It allows segmenting insurance packages in accordance with the end-users employee positions, types of policies, and insurance providers.

Client information

TeamBase is a consulting and software services company that helps SMEs bring their business to a new level. They provide cloud-based solutions for insurance and HR, retails, and hospitality.

benefitnet claims management solution project overview

Business challenge

The main goal of our customer was to address the problems of insurers, HR departments, and consumers. All faced the challenges associated with high workloads, complicated processes, and unstructured data. Most HR departments involve a lot of human resources, time, and effort to plan and deliver employee benefits. Insurers, in their turn, spend a lot of time for underwriting processes. Employees can wait for days once their claim or inquiry processes. We had to develop a system that could automate that work, reduce the paperwork, and seamlessly connect insurers with consumers.

Technical challenges

When we were to develop the product, our customers have already had a first version of the system. Thus, the product had to undergo a complex reengineering and migration process to function properly. From time to time, we have to develop new versions of the product customizing it for different regions of the world. Besides, the system had to provide services for different types of end-users: brokers, HR managers, and employees. Each target user category required the development of unique features and functionalities. So, we had to choose the proper technology solutions to meet those needs.

Solution delivered

The final product is an online system that simplifies and automates the work of brokers, HR departments, and provides a comprehensive self-service channel for employees. It is a user-friendly solution that requires no specific computer skills. The system provides the features for the two types of end-users. The first target users are insurers and brokers, and the second one – employers.

benefitnet claims management solution solution delivered
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Key features

benefitnet claims management solution key-features
  • Back and front office management

    The system works 24/7 and makes it possible for brokers to administer and track consumers’ benefits in real-time. It serves as a centralized system for census management, claims management, invoicing and premiums. Moreover, users can benefit from powerful analytics capabilities that offer comprehensive dashboards incorporating the fullest insights about customers.

  • Self-service for clients

    BenefitNet provides a unique self-service for final consumers with access to their personal benefits suite. With this feature, users can track, change and edit members’ data, edit and process claims, track policies, etc. It is a centralized spot for effective collaboration between an employer and employees. Moreover, the system keeps data about the nearest medical facilities and allows members to easily find the best-suited treatment.

  • Member engagement and retention

    Users can leverage both web-based and mobile BenefitNet solutions to access details on benefits, claims, rewards, and wellness. The ability to personally track this data and participate in different loyalty programs ensures high members’ engagement and retention.

  • Multi X configuration

    BenefitNet allows the administration of multiple risk categories for every customer, such as medical, life, and disability involving flexible benefits schemes. Besides, it can be launched for your clients or your organization across multiple countries, multiple currencies, or multiple languages.

Value to our client

  • 25% cooperation growth

    Since the final product is a unique solution in the insurance market, the collaboration between insurers and brokers is growing by 25% each year. As a result of continuous improvements, brokers can offer new services to their clients. Ultimately, the product retains existing customers and attracts new prospects by delivering up-to-date solutions.

  • 5+ regions

    Due to its multi X configuration capabilities and new versions, BenefitNet is already available in UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, some Asian countries, and China. With robust localization processes, the solution can be adaptable to any region of the world. Our customer can enter new markets and broaden its market strategy. End-users from different countries can receive a unique offering for their customers, and, as a result, boost their revenue.

  • 3 times less paperwork burden

    Automation of the processes inside the insurance companies allowed to reduce the paperwork and operating workload. Thanks to a lot of useful features, employers require fewer HR specialists to process employee benefits programs. The system eliminates redundant activities, human errors, and manual work.

Our tech stack

  • net .NET/ASP.NET
  • angular js Angular
  • microsoftazure Microsoft Azure Cloud
  • 512px-HTML5 logo and wordmark.svg HTML
  • bootstrap Bootstrap
  • Telerik-Kendo-UI Telerik Kendo UI
  • Visual-Studio-1 Visual Studio
  • Git-Icon-1788C Git
  • NUnit NUnit
  • Selenium Selenium
  • jira-1 Jira
  • 480px-MS Project Logo Microsoft Project

Client feedback


The collaboration has increased by as much as 25% each year, thanks to DICEUS’ technical capabilities and quick feedback adoption. The team’s professionalism, cost-effective rates, and consistent delivery continue to support both the engagement and product end-users.

Robert Koval, Managing Director, TeamBase DMCC

Software solutions bringing business values

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48 reviews

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