A football manager mobile game for Aeria Games

  • football manager mobile game for aeria games ico fun

    Fun for football fans
  • football manager mobile game for aeria games ico management

    Management practice
  • football manager mobile game for aeria games ico community

    Community features

Project overview

Today’s mobile gaming industry is hugely popular and demanded all over the world, by all categories of users. Providing the highest quality of gameplay experience and flawless performance is a non-written standard if an app is to reach success among target users. People seek a fast, hassle-free way to download, install, and play the game. And that was what we had to achieve with Goal One - a football manager game for smartphones and tablets.

Client information

Aeria Games is an established German provider of free PC, web, and mobile games of various genres, with a heavy focus on MMOs and casual titles. As a part of Gamigo Group, the company is a real powerhouse of a mobile fun provider, offering dozens of titles of any shape and size to fit any taste. And we were truly pleased to work on the latest soon-to-be-hit game for Aeria.

football manager mobile game for aeria games img project overview

Business challenge

The demand among mobile players is evolving – everybody wants to play high-quality, smooth-running, error-free games that don’t require even a tiny bit of headache to install and launch. That’s why it’s integral to build an app that keeps a user entertained without any cumbersome lags, complicated navigation elements, and an overloaded interface. These were the underlying goals when building and optimizing Goal One that should result in an active traffic attraction, retention of satisfied players, and profitable sales for the client.

Technical challenges

We had to build a full-blown football manager mobile game. Given the genre specifics, it didn’t require advanced graphics and much intricate coding. The gameplay interface mostly consists of interactive 2D frames. More complex technical work was mostly concentrated on data storing and processing. The sole purpose of the game is to manage football clubs’ and players’ data like a real football manager. Thus, we had to set up a sturdy, reliable server where all the data could be safely stored and accessed upon request. Another important chunk of project workflow was functional optimization and thorough testing to achieve the smoothest performance without downtime.

Solution delivered

Based on the Unity platform, we built a simple to navigate, engaging free-to-play football manager app that handles all the input data fast and securely. The dedicated server is used for storing both gameplay data and the personal info of users that create a personal account in the app. The whole game of Goal One is based on a complex asset calculation algorithm that sets football data management opportunities in motion. The major features are built around timelined data analytics which creates an effect of professional ongoing football management activities.

football manager mobile game for aeria games img solution
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Key features

football manager mobile game for aeria games img key future
  • Free-to-play model

    Anyone can easily download and install the game on the smartphone or tablet and start enjoying the full experience right away.

  • Customizable teams

    Players can create unique teams and customize all related attributes (colors, logos, uniforms, team members, and more).

  • Interactive stadium

    Players can build whole custom stadiums of their own with an innovative interactive stadium that can be expanded and customized.

  • Team development

    Creating a new football team, players can develop and customize them further overtime to reach new heights.

Value to our client

  • Fun for football fans

    Any Goal One player can try on the shoes of a professional football team manager.

  • Management practice

    The virtual tasks and responsibilities players have to handle can be good management training.

  • Community features

    Any player can become a member of the Goal One community and join forces with others.

Our tech stack

  • Unity Unity

Software solutions bringing business values

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