Code audit for Propellant ApS

  • code audit for propellant aps ico code optimization

    Code optimization
  • code audit for propellant aps ico further operation

    Further operation
  • code audit for propellant aps ico technologies

    Technologies covered

Project overview

The official website’s performance is of major importance when it comes to any niche and format, especially when we’re talking about established service providers. One simply cannot inspire trust in the reliability of provided services if one has visible issues of their own. That’s why it’s important to not only have a high-quality, sturdy site from the get-go but also regularly update its essentials, conduct audits, and implement both minor and major improvements.

Client information

Propellant is a Denmark-based service provider focused on helping companies optimize and properly conduct marketing campaigns. The company offers a wide scope of related solutions, from adaptation and personalizing to direct implementation of marketing efforts. Propellant has already had a chance to work with some renowned corporations, including Burger King and Essilor.

code audit for propellant aps img project overview

Business challenge

Helping to present a business in the most favorable light online is a task to reckon with. For Propellant, the main focus was on polishing up their online presence through technical optimization. We ultimately set out to smooth out all the performance angles to boost user experience and let potential and existing company customers enjoy seamless, lag-free interaction with the official website.

Technical challenges

The existing ASP web application had a number of existing code artifacts we had to deal with. These included compiled .NET binaries from the production server, database backup, live product login credentials, and limited original source code. We also had to indicate outdated technologies and insufficient approaches, which resulted in pointing out ASP Web Forms and negligence of using ORM.

Solution delivered

In the long run, we measured the existing solution’s code quality according to the best industry practices and standards, defined potential issues, pointed out typical programming mistakes, and offered some long-term maintainability perspectives. We based our audit on the established industry standard and found a number of flaws to be fixed both in the application’s backend and frontend code, providing the respective recommendations after thorough procedures.

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Key features

code audit for propellant aps key
  • Full-scope audit

    We conducted an extensive technical audit that covered frontend and backend code, security, and development and maintenance specifics.

  • Standard conformity

    The full audit was conducted following the established IEEE Std 1028 – IEEE Standard for Software Reviews and Audits.

  • In-depth reach

    In the course of the audit, we went through a number of programming languages and technologies to pinpoint the tiniest specifics.

  • Fresh perspective

    With a fresh look based on the latest industry practices, we defined outdated frameworks and recommended what to replace them with.

Value to our client

  • Code optimization

    By pointing out major poor coding decisions and outdated tools and technologies, we outlined the best possible code optimization scenario.

  • Further operation

    We successfully managed to point the client in the profitable, efficient direction concerning the future operation of the web app.

  • Technologies

    We covered numerous tech tools, coding languages, and approaches used to develop an existing web app.

Our tech stack

  • ch C#
  • javascript JavaScript
  • Visual-Studio MSBuildscript
  • SmallTalk Smalltalk

Software solutions bringing business values

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