CRM process audit for Palmers Textil

  • CRM

    analysis of alternatives to SugarCRM

    POS solutions analyzed, as well
  • Workshops

    Workshops with Palmers employees

Project overview

Palmers Textil AG is an Austrian fashion brand with stores across Europe. Established in 1914, this company asked us for assistance with its digital transformation. In the course of a complex company-wide audit, we also analyzed CRM solutions and processes. Based on the findings, we suggested improvements to optimize customer data processing and storing, cut costs, and boost user experience.

Client information

Palmers Textil AG is an international clothing brand that originated in Austria. Ludwig Palmers started it as a laundry back in 1914. In 2000, the company opened its first online shop. Since 2015, Palmers is owned by P Tex Holding GmbH. Today, the brand sells underwear, clothes, and accessories in more than 300 stores in 17 countries.

Business challenge

Palmers Textil started and ended its digital evolution at the beginning of the 2000s. Thus, software solutions and processes inside the company became outdated. In the late 2010s, new leaders of the team wanted to update everything to make Palmers profitable again. Particularly, we analyzed CRM processes to help the company reach its goals.

Audit areas

Franchise information support

Retail and franchise stores were connected via the in-house Palmers Intranet. It acted as the main system for information sharing, including info about current and upcoming activities. Stores could access this network via Pcash – another in-house POS solution.
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Channel partner management

At the moment, Palmers didn’t have a dedicated system for channel partner management. Instead, partners were managed by their local sales departments that relied on regional sales KPIs and other metrics.
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Internal communication

The company had two major communication channels for stores and departments:
  • Electronic communication via the Intranet and email.
  • Paper-based communication, such as bi-weekly marketing reports.
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Customer communication

With clients, Palmers also communicated in two ways:
  • Electronic communication via dedicated email addresses.
  • Phone communication via hotline and/or customer service.

What’s important, the brand didn’t make a difference between regular and priority customers. All the related departments, including social media and customer service, responded to user requests equally. Thus, Club members weren’t able to get better service.
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Newsletter management

The e-commerce and digital teams were responsible for newsletters. There were two main types:
  • Ad-hoc newsletters for specific franchise stores.
  • Two weekly newsletters for the OLS.
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Future customer relations

The Palmers Club acted as the main system for ensuring further customer or lead relations. The Club’s magazine with vouchers featured four issues per year. The reward system featured two bonus distributions per year, in addition. Basic and Diamond customers were able to get a bonus of 3% of their purchase volume, starting from €200. Thus, the minimum bonus was €6.
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On-site information processing

None of the retail or franchise stores featured PC or tablets for effective data processing. The only system to add customer information was Pcash with POS solutions. Using a special web page, cashiers could add data that transferred to SugarCRM automatically each day. Wherein, any changes in this info after registration had to be sent manually to the customer service. Finally, retail shops couldn’t get customer info from the HQ quickly.
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Buying patterns

Trends were registered on-site and recorded via POS modules. Further, stores sent this information to SugarCRM. Trends also could be reported in the form of sales reports. However, it was impossible to match these patterns with customers because retail/franchise departments didn’t have access to general customer information from the HQ.
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W1 overview

W1 had a stable process: the team was receiving data from stores that processed application forms, then W1 was performing the lead-check. Its flow was as follows:
  • Check the record that appears as a lead.
  • Open this new contact.
  • Validate the core information.
  • Convert this lead to a prospect.
  • If it’s a duplicate, choose the existing contact and compare info.
  • Data will be updated automatically.
  • Save the new/updated contact in CRM.
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Audit results

After the detailed CRM process audit, we found that some areas of the related processes aren’t effective enough or are just missing. For example, customers themselves didn’t have the opportunity to check or change their data online. Stores couldn’t get all the essential data from visitors and the HQ alike. Regular and priority customers were treated similarly in terms of support, Diamond membership fees were often displayed incorrectly.
Our suggestions included:
  • Improve customer data-gathering processes in the retail stores.
  • Investigate and document the requirements of key users.
  • Optimize CRM processes on all levels.
  • Replace SugarCRM with more efficient solution – Salesforce.
  • Store and validate addresses inside the system for W1.

Value to our client

  • In-depth investigation of available CRM alternatives

    Following our suggestion, we analyzed different CRM options, compared premade solutions, customizable modules, and fully custom systems for Palmers.

  • Pcash POS analysis as a part of the global audit

    As long as CRM processes are connected to POS solutions in stores, we also audited the in-house Pcash system. You can find more info about it in the dedicated case study:

  • Workshops with the company’s stakeholders

    To get all the required data for our CRM process audit, we organized several on-site workshops with Palmers employees. They helped us understand how things work in the company.

Our tech stack

  • sap SAP
  • SugarCRM SugarCRM

Software solutions bringing business values

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