Our client is a major bank under NDA from Ukraine.
Our client is a major bank under NDA from Ukraine.
Team composition
2 members
Client name
Bank under NDA
Expertise used
2 months
Services provided
Software architecture, UI/UX design, System integration services
The primary goal was to detect fraud with currency sales in the bank’s branches. To surface anomalous transactions, our client was forced to identify manipulative activities at the branches with cash funds of the bank. Thus, we had to start with a thorough analysis of cash inflow and usage information. Potential risk operations were identified with specific triggers, and this information was transmitted to the relevant units for further analysis.
The RPA system developed by DICEUS minimizes the risk of cash withdrawal manipulations. The system evaluates operational cash-related risks. Ultimately, it checks client requests and shows if it’s a real request and if there are any attempts to use this cash for illegal purposes. The solution conducts investigations in a short time if any manipulation case was detected.