How we cooperate

Working on a specific software project is not only engineering — it’s all about building trustful and transparent relationships with clients. Here’s how we work with our clients, manage their sensitive data, and make sure that we meet their expectations.

Engagement models

Choosing a suitable engagement model for productive cooperation

We offer our clients three types of contract for software development projects: Time & Material, Fixed Price, Dedicated Team. Below are the key characteristics of these models. If you feel unsure about the model, our experts will advise you and recommend the engagement that best fits your needs.

Fixed Price
Time & Material
Dedicated Team
Predictable budget
Flexible scope
Quick start
Set timelines
Iterative process
Quick time-to-market
Payment model
price determined at start and payable according to schedule
price determined per resource and payable upon time worked
flat price determined per resource; the same amounts payable monthly
Client involvement in project

What model
is suitable
for you?

Time & material

  • There’s a chance your requirements will change

  • Your project should be divided into smaller parts

  • You need to balance quality and the time spent

  • You need regular reports on project status and performance

  • Good for a long-term project with several iterations and flexibility in requirements change

Fixed price

  • You would like to fix a project budget ​

  • You clearly understand the project requirements ​

  • You don’t plan any significant changes at the moment ​

  • You would like to transfer a part of risks to the vendor ​

  • Good for a short-term project with well-defined goals and limited project scope

Dedicated team

  • You want to extend your IT team ​

  • You need to get a specific skill set and expertise ​

  • There’s a need in quick scale-up and scale-down ​

  • Good for startups and those who need access to cross-border expertise

How we manage
your data security

Building trustful relationships with our clients.
We ensure your data security

Data privacy

We use customer data to the extent required to plan and execute the project. Appropriate security policies and methodologies are applied and followed to protect your data. Non-disclosure agreements (NDA) are signed at the initiation stage. We are obliged not to disclose your data to third parties without written consent from your side. Every client is free to visit our facilities to inspect the security environment.

Security procedures

While collecting, storing, and using your data, we always keep it safe. Our data security and protection procedures include a dedicated private network, remote access to client’s servers and teleconference services, in-house information security policies, regulations awareness and compliance (ISO/IEC 27000), OWASP training, monthly reporting on security metrics.


We adhere to your privacy policies and regulations. You will be able to monitor compliance in regular vendor management reports. Besides, we develop and continually update the plans on how to manage compliance breaches and educate our employees on how it is critical to comply with the client’s security regulations.

What documents
we provide

Providing our clients with a comprehensive package of documents

Technical documentation

The technical documentation includes system and operational documentation, deployment guides. They contain the information that describes the software and how it functions, operational procedures, back-up copies concerns, and deployment procedures.

User documentation

User documentation describes how software functionality works, how to use it within the customer’s organization. It also shows how various parts of the software are connected and contains advanced user functions descriptions.

Master service agreement

MSA defines the relations between our clients and us. It also regulates the following aspects: project and progress plan, project organization, stages, documentation, performance standards, client acceptance test process, change management workflow, and the software warranty period.

Statement of work

SoW is usually governed by the MSA and addresses project-specific contractual components. It also regulates the scope of work, period performance, delivery, and performance schedules.

How we ensure your business continuity

Guaranteeing your business continuity in the event of any disruptions

The goal of BCP is to ensure business continuity and our work in the event of disasters caused by such factors as natural disasters, humanmade events, cyber-attacks, various breaches, etc. The planning allows then to restore all the vital business functions to the broadest extent quickly.

The scope of the plan usually includes the following things but is not limited to:​

Procedures and resources needed to restore normal business operations​
Vendors and customers that should be notified in the case of disaster​
Documentation to follow​
Alternative sources for resources, supplies, and facilities ​
COVID-19 pandemic risks mitigation
Any planned or unplanned (like COVID-19 pandemic) interruptions in organizational systems result in a higher business vulnerability. Software projects may impact critical operations, products, services, some of the business functions. We know how to act in such situations and ensure your business functionalities while the development.

How we meet your expectations

How we meet your expectations image

Understanding and meeting customer expectations

Service level agreement

Each of our clients gets the highest level of performance and software quality — these are agreed and documented in the Service Level Agreements (SLAs). The SLA is a foundation for successful collaboration and agreement between a client and our delivery teams. Usually, it contains the list of service levels, the description to each of the levels, and its application. For example, service levels may include application defect density, coding performance, communication, etc. The list is predefined before the project start.

Reporting and control

We regularly (monthly or quarterly) provide our clients with reports on the agreed SLAs versus actual performance. We also report on various risks and prioritize risk mitigation jobs. Project status reports inform clients about any issues, changes made, and fixes. Besides, we provide a unique Customer Portal where you can track all the project-specific activities, look through the documentation, get notified of the project status, contact your team directly.

How we communicate
with you

Communication — a cornerstone for successful project outcomes

The Diceus-Client communication flow is built on principles of transparency, accountability, and trust. We are quite flexible in the matters of communication schedule and frequency. However, we offer our clients the following options:

The communication flow is easy and straightforward. Besides, every client can contact a dedicated account manager – for each project; you get not only a project manager but also a personal manager who handles all questions and interactions with the development team.


short stand-ups with developers and project managers.​


calls or written reports that track the project’s progress.​


sessions that help to prioritize or refine development.​


core meetings with detailed reports and plans for the next month.​


meetings that duplicate monthly sessions on a broader scope.​


brainstorming or problem-solving sessions.​ ​

Software solutions bringing business values

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