b2b crm
Illia PinchukIllia PinchukCEO

How AI can benefit your B2B CRM software

CRM platforms for B2B have many useful features for administration, personalization, process automation, etc. In this article, you will learn about many ways in which artificial intelligence can enrich your B2B CRM solutions.

First off, we’d like to tell you about the best strategies for building and implementing a B2B CRM system.

Need to develop a B2B CRM? We offer custom CRM development services since 2011.

Best practices for implementing a B2B CRM system

Building customer journeys. The secret of successful cooperation with customers is looking at the sales process from your client’s perspective. Identify the best ways for brand promotion, whether it is easy or not to get to know about your services. Recognize whether your approaches appeal to the customers’ interests and meet their expectations. These insights will help design customer journeys better.

B2B companies keep interacting with clients in different ways post-sale. Such touchpoints involve email newsletters, call center interactions, and social media. Track and measure user engagement and customer satisfaction at each touchpoint and change as needed to improve their experience.

Customer journey is one of the most important things to consider before the development or implementation of a B2B CRM system. The discovery phase will help you do this in the most efficient way.

Proactive position. Start from customer acquisition, loyalty, and advocacy.  Create a step-by-step approach to developing long-term relationships. B2B CRMs may help sales reps handle long sales cycles, and they often mix with other business tools to nurture leads and improve the entire process.

Win-win cooperation. The best cooperation with your customers is possible when you provide value. So, when you learn more about your existing clients, you may gain a clear vision of your target audience and what people you can engage in cooperation with. Keep in mind to offer them some goods in exchange to improve their motivation.

Modern solutions. More flexible commerce platforms will boost sales. Nowadays, many companies offer their clients personalized self-service technology. So, work on updating the system to deliver the best experiences.

15 ways artificial intelligence can enrich your CRM software

Let’s consider what artificial intelligence can bring to the table.

1. Capture and analyze sales calls

Sales reps may use artificial intelligence like Chorus to record calls and meetings, gather time-stamped notes, get transcripts, and emphasize references to required topics. Customers may add trackers to find specific moments in conversations. Sales professionals may recognize topical trends, recognize best practices, and mix them with CRM data.

2. Find out a person’s emotional state to boost user experience

Sales CRM combined with artificial intelligence provides in-call voice analysis. For example, Cogito analyzes word choice, speaking patterns, and other conversational dynamics. It helps to bring employees real-time guidance and rate customer experience.

3. Engage and retain leads through email

Some organizations use AI assistants like Conversica to cross-sell and follow-up, engage, and retain customers. This tool integrates with different CRMs and may recognize possibilities from leads created by Marketo, Pardot, and Eloqua.

4. Recognize support ticket trends and find out the best responses

Customer support departments get a lot of repetitive and routine support requests. AI applications like Wise.io can match customer tickets with a certain professional. Then, it may recommend specific canned responses based on the client’s needs and develop a template to speed up further responses. DigitalGenius may predict even metadata to decrease data entry and automate responses to reduce average resolution time and improve user experience and customer satisfaction. DigitalGenius and Wise.io both integrate with CRM software.

5. Decrease ticket volume with smart customer self-service

An AI app explores your knowledge base to bring easily understandable and relevant solutions to classic cases. It learns from past successful situations to recognize similarities with current tickets and automatically identify steps to solve a problem. Also, it knows and understands the language and redirects complex tickets to employees. It integrates with Service Cloud, Zendesk, and Desk.com.

6. Capture industry and social media data for account-based sales and marketing

If you want to find intelligence solutions, you need to take into account these factors: business activity, firmographics, and technology profiles. You can choose sales CRM with customized alerts to provide customers with social content and news. InsideView is a good example of B2B CRM that may help you capture needed data.

7. Automate service desk processes

Ipsoft’s Amelia may imitate natural language and manage key operations such as registering new clients, processing claims, opening accounts, etc. This assistant grows from the observation and can work 24/7 in order to free up human staff.

8. Use past data for predictive marketing and accurate lead scoring

An intelligent customer engagement platform like Mintigo uses your marketing automation data and current CRM mixed with demographic and behavioral information to improve data completion and integrity. It adds marketing indicators from various databases and provides real-time scores in order to save time and effort.

9. Predict and decrease load with speech analytics

Call centers that deal with customer support apply IVR. Nowadays, there is an advanced option, an AI virtual assistant Akeira that may interpret language and respond accordingly. It knows 25 languages and 150 dialects and may work all day round.

10. Speed up content creation

Natural language generation platform Wordsmith may develop original content based on templates and supplement it with data for landing pages, product descriptions, personalized emails, news articles, etc. It is able to create content in over 15 languages and syncs with Zapier for automated workflows.

11. Analyze patterns for daily predictive lead scores

CRMs save sales data and lead activity to launch significant analytical models. InsideSales suggests predictive analytics solutions to create accurate lead scores with a deep understanding of when and how to interact with different customers. This data is based on their demographic, industry, and company data.

12. Hire new sales professionals

AI-powered helpers provide analysis and timing and may lead human reps to make meaningful decisions. TopOPPS tracks the state of opportunities and leads based on customer profiles and activity and recognizes successful sales behavior. Then, it helps new employees to grow and develop their skills. TopOPPS syncs with Salesforce and other CRMs.

13. Advanced business intelligence for useful insights

Bottlenose’s Nerve Center uses analytics, data mining, and machine learning from public data sources for historical analysis, business intelligence, sentiment analysis, monitoring, and alerts.

Read more about BI Implementation.

14. Account-based marketing ROI

Predictive solution 6sense looks for companies in active buying cycles for specific services and products. This helps a B2B company to pay attention to advertising and engagement spending. It offers an additional app that identifies which accounts look for prioritized keywords. Besides, it has partnered with Marketo, a marketing automation provider, and suggests synchronization with different CRM systems.

15. Machine learning design environments

Microsoft and Amazon have created their Amazon and Azure machine learning design environments for programmers to develop, integrate, and share their own predictive analytics systems. Along with marketplace opportunities, developers are motivated to create unique CRM solutions.

Artificial intelligence is not a buzzword; this is real technology that can make a difference in your whole sales and marketing strategy. It can automate and simplify tasks, free up your staff, and improve the level of services. Most AI assistants easily integrate with CRM systems.

If you want to achieve greater sales results, feel free to explore our CRM consulting services.


What is B2B CRM?

B2B CRM stands for Business-to-Business Customer Relationship Management. It’s a software or system that helps businesses manage and analyze interactions with their business clients and customers to improve relationships and sales processes.

Why is it important for B2B companies to implement a CRM system?

B2B companies benefit from CRM systems as they help streamline sales processes, enhance customer relationships, and provide data-driven insights for better decision-making, ultimately driving growth and profitability.

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