enterprise mobile app development
Iryna Kravchenko Iryna KravchenkoChief Editor

Enterprise mobile application development: Types and key challenges

With the global number of mobile devices twice as large as the entire population of the Earth, these gadgets are going to play an ever-increasing role in all industries — from education and healthcare to entertainment and banking. In this article, you will learn why enterprise mobile application development is crucial for every business. Here, you can also explore the key benefits a mobile app could bring to your company, how to build such an app, what features it should have, and other useful information. 

Sensing the direction of the digitalization wind, decision-makers in different realms emphasize mobile experience in their companies’ workflows. Businesses invest prodigious sums in mobile enterprise app development, which takes up about a third of the application development market and is the second most popular app type at the Apple app store.  

What is enterprise mobile app development? 

Enterprise mobile app development is the custom engineering of a mobile application called to serve specifically for a particular business.

Like in other domains, enterprise personnel leverage mobile apps to solve work-related tasks. Since the proportion of such employees reached 60% today, enterprise mobility is likely to involve a much larger percentage of workers. This trend led many organizations to encourage BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) practices for enhanced efficiency and productivity. Yet, utilizing apps that contain personal gizmos to store and process corporate data is rather dubious security-wise, putting their safety under serious tampering threat.  

That is why future-oriented and security-aware CEOs opt for enterprise application development, commissioning from seasoned IT companies bespoke apps to meet their business needs. As a rule, such software is cloud to be accessible and integrated with multiple platforms and networks.  

An essential boon that a custom enterprise mobile app development company brings is total control over numerous aspects of business workflow. All shopfloor activities and communications are automated and radically streamlined, and tight security measures protect them from unauthorized intrusions.  

How can enterprise mobile apps help your business?

If your company is doing fine, you may doubt whether you need an enterprise app. However, across-the-board digitalization leaves you with no choice if you want to keep abreast of the latest technologies and don’t relish the idea of lagging behind your competitors. A high-quality app for enterprise will be incredibly instrumental in the following activities: 

Monitoring personnel activities

Whatever your employees do, you can track their statuses through the app. They can report on assignments and their completion via the app, which moves the office outside brick-and-mortar buildings and allows them to take it with them wherever they go. 

Minimizing paperwork

Nowadays, when the majority of data is in digital format, sticking to bulky folders and unwieldy spreadsheets is sure to handicap your routine practices. An enterprise app will enable you to drastically cut down on the number of paper documents circulating within your organization. 

Boosting data management

When all your data is already in computer-friendly shape, apps can do a great job in verifying, adjusting, analyzing, and other processing operations, thus augmenting the company’s efficiency tremendously. 

Automating minor and repetitive tasks

Human potential is wasted if employees spend too much time on simple but time-consuming errands. Let the app do it, and personnel can focus on more sophisticated or creative tasks. 

Automating employee certification

Small tasks can be automated via apps and more complex endeavors like certification procedures, with the information about them handled by the same enterprise software. 

Quicker employee onboarding

Thanks to enterprise mobile apps, the work of HR departments can be remarkably streamlined. 

Controlling transactions and payments

This feature is relevant for retail ventures, which get payment deadlines and other notifications administered by enterprise mobility solutions. 

Optimizing supply chain

With the app geared for such purposes, you can exercise end-to-end control of the supply chain, having all the details of planning, delivery, and transportation management at your fingertips. 

Enhancing customer support

When clients’ inquiries are funneled through the app, their handling is facilitated and improved. The software automatically deals with fundamental issues, and humans tackle more complex tasks. 

Enterprise mobile app development | Reasons to develop | DICEUS

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Enterprise mobile app development | Reasons to develop | DICEUS

Overall, introducing an enterprise mobile app into an organization’s workflow can boost business efficiency, increase flexibility, improve employee engagement, lower customer churn, and provide valuable insights into problem areas that require improvement.  

Before embarking on an enterprise mobile project, you should consider some essential considerations to enjoy all these boons.  

Things to regard at the outset of enterprise software development

When embarking on an enterprise mobile development journey, you should ask yourself several important questions. 

  1. What are employees’ expectations from the app? You should analyze the enterprise product they currently use, assess its fortes, and offer a worthy replacement, learning to operate which won’t require much time and effort.  
  2. What are the dominating trends in the niche? No one wants to obtain a pricey item that will become obsolete quickly once the technologies that power it become obsolete or irrelevant. 
  3. What software should it integrate with? You should figure out the potential IT environment the app will operate in to ensure it plays well with all its components. 
  4. Can your in-house team tackle the development process? You should understand whether the skillset and qualification level of your enterprise mobile app developers are up to the task or if you need to search for an outsourced development partner.  
  5. What will the project’s KPIs be? These must be measurable. You should define what quantitative and qualitative indices testify to the fact that the custom app you have obtained lives up to your expectations and business needs.  

After you know the answers to all these questions, you can tackle enterprise app development hammer and tongs. 

Developing an enterprise app: An algorithm to follow

Being a competent enterprise mobile application development company, DICEUS has devised a simple and efficient strategy consisting of ten development process steps. 

steps of enterprise mobile app development

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steps of enterprise mobile app development

Step 1. Research 

Any project kicks off with preliminary research called to lay the conceptual foundations of the future product. First, CEOs and managers should determine the problem they want to solve with the app’s help. These consultations clarify business objectives, project scope, and key functionalities. Then, the prospective users of the app are polled to hear their stories and realize the needs and requirements of enterprise employees who will apply the app in their everyday work. 

If the customer wants to revamp the existing solution, it is necessary to evaluate it, see its fortes, and gauge the inadequacies that need strengthening or replacement.  

The final stage of this phase is a competitive analysis of similar products that pursue comparable goals. It is done to expose their best practices that are worth borrowing and pinpoint shortcomings that should be avoided in the project that you are launching. 

Step 2. Cost estimation 

At this stage, you will come up only with a ballpark figure that will be corrected further (sometimes, quite significantly). The final cost will have to be discussed with the vendor after agreeing upon technical and development team composition issues. 

Step 3. Tech stack   

This is the benchmark dilemma in any app development endeavor. If you aren’t adept at the no-code platform approach, you should select the platform on which your enterprise app will operate. Typically, it is Android or iOS. This choice determines what languages and tools to utilize and, often, what experts to recruit. A possible alternative to iOS or Android app development is a cross-platform product that would function on any gadget type.  

If a native app of either kind is too expensive for you, try a Progressive Web App (PWA). This is a website by nature that, falling short of native security and feature roster, outstrips native apps in performance, flexibility, and offline functioning potential. The choice of the platform determines the technical nitty-gritty of the next stage. 

Step 4. Specifications  

Here, you determine the system’s architecture and engineering charter of the enterprise app. Other technical requirements may include API documentation, third-party services, dependencies, environments, frameworks, etc. You also get a detailed roadmap of feature development with expected deliverables and deadlines. This list will condition the tech stack software engineers and solution architects to implement the outlined project plan. 

Step 5. Team composition 

The smallest team you will need for an employee-level enterprise app consists of a project manager, a software developer, a UI/UX specialist, and a QA engineer. If the project’s scope is greater, this team will have to be augmented. The same is true if you want to implement some features requiring specific expertise. 

Step 6. Wireframe 

This is a prototype of the final product to ensure the general direction you are following is correct. It presents UI elements and topography as well as the color scheme, size, and spacing of elements.  

Step 7. UI and UX 

It is here that the enterprise app takes visual shape. All elements are tested for their user-friendliness, and general appeal since UX is vital for the app’s success or failure. 

Step 8. Coding 

This pivotal phase of enterprise app development takes the longest to accomplish. During this stage, all functionalities are created, integrations are implemented, and dependencies are considered. 

Step 9. Testing 

Once you have a finished product on your desktop, ensure it functions as expected. QA specialists conduct various tests: unit, systems integration, user acceptance, etc. Each of those is carried out in manual and automated mode. 

Step 10. Support and maintenance  

Even if the app operates perfectly, a first-rate software vendor doesn’t rest on its oars. Here at DICEUS, we stay with our customers after the app is released as long as it takes to collect user feedback, introduce fixes, and provide post-launch maintenance to ensure comfortable UX. 

While following these steps, consider possible pitfalls that can hinder the successful implementation of the enterprise app.  

Learn more about our enterprise software development company.

Business mobile app development challenges

The process of building enterprise applications has some pitfalls to avoid that should be forestalled at the planning stage. 

challenges of developing an enterprise mobile app

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challenges of developing an enterprise mobile app

Challenge 1. Shifting business requirements

The modern business environment is extremely volatile. Trends that seemed the last word in technology only yesterday become obsolete almost overnight and are ousted by fresh developments that robustly push their way in. Naturally, we can’t predict what the future has in store, but we can make technological allowances for such contingencies while mapping out the enterprise app. Anticipating possible changes in the industry, enterprise app developers should prioritize their product’s flexibility and scalability. 

Challenge 2. Ensuring ROI

All business owners expect the quickest return on investment while “mobilizing” their company, but this process may take ages for some. To avoid it stretching indefinitely, you must determine principal KPIs that align with your business objectives. These should become the benchmark metrics to gauge the efficiency of the enterprise app you are going to build. 

Challenge 3. Engaging employees

Even if your enterprise app is a first-rate product that functions seamlessly and meets all business goals, it may fail unless you remember that your personnel will use it daily. So, however important the two previous considerations are, you should start creating a mobile app for your business not with business or technological aspects but with people.  

What workflow activities can you delegate to the app? How will employees benefit from employing it? How would the implementation of the app impact their working routine? What are the categories of workers whose responsibilities will undergo the greatest changeover? Answering these questions is mission-critical in shaping your app implementation strategy and then pitching the enterprise app to your employees. Only their genuine engagement can turn this daring undertaking into a smashing success.  

Once you have dealt with these bottlenecks, you should consider the technical side of the future enterprise mobile app project.  

Challenge 4. Security 

Mobile app protection gaps and unpatched vulnerabilities present mouth-watering prospects for cyber criminals who may try to compromise enterprise solutions and get access to sensitive data related both to the company and its clients. The negligence of security consideration may cost an organization millions in terms of financial loss, to say nothing of the reputational damage data leakages and system breaches can cause. Moreover, in some industries (such as banking, insurance, healthcare, and the like), companies whose software solutions fail to comply with legal regulations are severely fined, which spells more wasteful expenditures.  

That is why mobile enterprise application development should be a security-first endeavor. Mobile app developers should realize that the solution’s security is a non-negotiable requirement and implement stringent measures in this aspect of enterprise app development (data encryption, vulnerability, and penetration tests, audit logging, etc.). 

Challenge 5. Access control 

Inadequate access control can compromise company data reachable via enterprise applications. To prevent such accidents, enterprise mobile applications should be equipped with multi-factor authentication mechanisms based on users’ biometrics (face, touch, eye ID) and reinforced with strong passwords.  

Challenge 5. Third-party integrations 

Mobile apps organizations leverage in their pipeline routine never function as standalone solutions but act as elements of an entire enterprise software ecosystem. This means that mobile developers should ensure that the product they build plays well with multiple components of the company’s IT infrastructure, including other enterprise apps, legacy systems, and cloud platforms. Moreover, software engineers should see to it that the comprehensive mobile enterprise application platform and its existing systems are compatible with external software and create APIs that will integrate the company’s high-tech environment into the larger IT landscape. 

Enterprise app: Features and technologies

Having rendered customized services to enterprises based on specific needs for over a decade and a plethora of successfully completed software products in our portfolio, we at DICEUS know well what functionalities and characteristics a first-class enterprise mobile app should have and what know-how must be leveraged to implement them. 

Enterprise mobile application development for sales | DICEUS

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Enterprise mobile application development for sales | DICEUS

Multiple platform availability 

You would like your enterprise app to perform smoothly on devices fueled by any operating system. Of course, absolute universality is hardly attainable but at least major platforms (such as Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux) should be encompassed.  

Awesome user experience 

Since employees of different ages and qualification levels will use the enterprise app, it is important that its operation be foolproof. That is why intuitive and highly responsive UI with a single design for all screen sizes is a must-have. Such simplicity will also reduce the training time needed to learn how to use it.  

Fast updates 

Whatever improvements are introduced to the initial version of the app, they should be downloaded instantly, automatically, and simultaneously on all gadgets where the app is installed without annoying users or turning updating into a poser. 

Broad integration potential 

In the deeply digitalized world of the 21st century, every company with big-time aspirations is sure to have an internal IT environment of some kind (typically, ERP or CRM) that is employed to handle all mundane affairs. The future app’s API must be flexible enough to enable the integration of third-party resources (like social networks) or other software and tools that the management might decide to onboard later.  

Real-time data management and analytics 

Employees working with the app must have access to critical workflow parameters in real-time and be able to leverage analytic tools. These will provide valuable insights both into the efficiency of routine operations and patterns of customer behavior, enabling more knowledgeable decision-making.  

Push notifications 

Sending timely messages to remind of important oncoming events or update the staff on the latest in-house developments is second-to-none means of maintaining permanent contact with the personnel and constantly keeping them in the know of all activities pertinent to their set of responsibilities. 

Offline mode 

This is a vital feature for organizations whose branches are located in places with intermittent or no internet connections. Such extreme (for our computerized age) conditions shouldn’t become a halter on the efficient operation of the company. Offline mode availability of bread-and-butter shopfloor activities must keep it rolling no matter what. 

Wide automation capabilities 

What can be automated should be automated. People created machines to do boring or simple tasks that don’t require the intervention of the human brain.  

Cloud storage employment 

Today, legacy on-premises databanks are cumbersome dinosaurs as nearly all forward-thinking businesses move to the cloud. That is why a cutting-edge enterprise app must draw upon cloud-based data available 24/7 to all stakeholders wherever they are. The only thing for app developers to remember is to select the most effective deployment model.  

Top-notch security 

The security-first approach in mobile app development for enterprises should be the primary one, especially since such apps have multiple touchpoints through which cybercriminals can try to penetrate the system. Neglecting or underestimating these threats may lead to the loss or burglary of valuable or vulnerable data and considerable financial and reputational damages that will take much time and effort to repair. So, app developers should see that the product complies with the latest security standards and regulations, guarantees secure log-ins, blocks jailbroken devices, has at least two-factor user authentication, and encrypts all communication. 

Robust app management and support 

Authorized enterprise mobile app users should be able to allow access for onboarded staff members as well as track the app’s performance. If something goes wrong with the software or there are questions requiring an immediate answer, the support staff should apply for help through a support channel.

Utilizing AI and ML 

Artificial intelligence and machine learning know-how is all the rage nowadays, getting significant traction in all IT-powered realms. It can reinforce the enterprise app’s functionalities (especially automation tools and security mechanisms such as face and voice recognition/authorization) and make the software more sophisticated in its operations, enabling chatbots and other state-of-the-art novelties.  

IoT involvement 

The Internet of Things is another cutting-edge technology that is making its decisive advent into many industries. When an enterprise app becomes a part of the IoT infrastructure, it will empower mobile devices to exchange data with other gadgets within the ecosystem, making human intervention unnecessary.  

As you see, the roster of characteristics and technologies to include in the enterprise mobile app is quite extensive. Their presence is largely conditioned by the app’s scope.  

Learn how banks use artificial intelligence.

Enterprise mobile app types scrutinized

According to the user audience, mobile enterprise apps are divided into three types.  

types of enterprise mobile apps

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types of enterprise mobile apps

Each of these levels can encompass various app types. What are the most widespread of them? 

Business management apps 

These products are honed to assist managers and rank-and-file employees in doing their jobs, streamlining and facilitating various workflows within the organization’s shop floor routine. The most typical examples of such applications are a customer relationship management system (CRM), an enterprise resource planning tool (ERP), and numerous narrow-purpose solutions, for instance, HR management apps, inventory management apps, accounting apps, demand forecasting apps, schedule management apps, and more. 

To cover a company’s full business needs, enterprise mobile apps should incorporate the latest mobile technologies (artificial intelligence, business intelligence, cloud computing, etc.). When equipped with cutting-edge tools, enterprise management apps will revolutionize a wide range of pipeline activities, radically boost customer and enterprise data processing, and enable personnel to administer targeted marketing campaigns. 

Collaboration tools 

Business success is largely conditioned by the efficient communication between an organization’s departments and individual stakeholders. Collaboration software focuses on improving such interaction by establishing robust and secure communication channels employees utilize for their business needs. Such apps cover various solutions, for instance, instant messaging and file sharing tools, video conferencing software, shared calendars, online whiteboard collaboration tools, and even an entire enterprise collaboration social network. 

Billing systems 

A vital element of all modern enterprises’ routine is dealing with finance. Respective apps equipped with third-party gateways and e-wallets are instrumental in automating payments, invoices, and other aspects of money-related routine.  

Marketing automation software 

As the name hints, the development aims of such products are related to the broad automation initiatives across different areas of the marketing pipeline, including managing sales funnels, investigating prospects, launching advertising campaigns, and the like. Besides, a workmanlike technological solution of this kind collects and generates huge amounts of information that can be submitted for further analysis and utilized in data-driven decision-making. 

Customer support software 

Client satisfaction is the ultimate goal of any enterprise. It can’t be achieved without top-notch customer support powered by disruptive high-tech advancements, such as chatbots, live chats, help-desk tools, self-service capabilities, etc. 

According to their needs, companies opt for a certain app type to bolster their workflow.  

Top B2B apps that rule the business world

The following apps examples are widely popular among modern businesses.  

If you have unique business app ideas and want to emulate the success of these breakthrough apps, keep an eye out for disruptive advancements. 

The pace of technical progress is so rapid in the early third millennium that IT novelties that have appeared only recently are sure to powerfully impact enterprise mobile app development during the current year. 

All this is fine, but how much it will cost me, you may ask. 

Related content: “Enterprise software development guide”

Assessing the cost of an enterprise mobile app

It may be a surprise for you to learn that it is not the vendor but the customer who determines the price of any software piece. In fact, customer choices can drive the cost up or bring it down. That is why if you expect to see here the exact or approximate sum you will have to splurge on an enterprise app, you will be disappointed. In any concrete case, price calculation is individual, taking into account many factors that influence it.  

Factors affecting the cost of enterprise mobile apps

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Factors affecting the cost of enterprise mobile apps

The first question you will have to answer is whether you will commission an app from your in-house IT department (if your organization has one) or hire an outsourcer. If it is the former, you won’t spend a single penny on this very solution. You will just continue paying salary to many guys who will do their job. But keeping a whole team of a dozen specialists on a permanent payroll is what many medium- and most small-size companies can’t afford. And for startups that are always functioning on short commons, such overhead is definitely out of the question. Then, our only alternative is outsourcing.  

You should consider the following aspects to estimate the cost of an enterprise app developed by outsourcers.   

Outsourcing models 

The two most popular engagement schemes are the fixed-price and Time-and-Materials models. Each one has its own merits and demerits and better suits certain project types and cooperation modes. So, before making a choice, understand which model suits you more.  

Project scope 

A company-level mobile application with numerous features, third-party integrations, and advanced security protocols will be more expensive than an employee-level product with basic functionalities.  

Team composition 

If the IT crew has half a dozen specialists on its roster, you will save a lot compared to paying for the work of large teams. However, cutting down on the number of developers spells waiting longer to receive a finished product (see below). And if it is a large-scope project, the development process undertaken by a lean team will linger indefinitely. Thus, a wise tradeoff should be sought in this respect. 

Duration of the project 

The sooner you want to obtain the finished product, the more it will cost you. On the other hand, long-lasting endeavors are also likely to become ever more expensive as months go by. So, be careful to determine an optimal project duration during which the development team wouldn’t be overtaxed but wouldn’t twiddle fingers either, hoping to get paid for working longer than necessary. 

Outsourcer’s hourly rates 

These parameters depend on the region/country the outsourcer hails from. The highest rates are charged by IT companies based in North America and Western Europe (between $150 and $250 per hour). The outsourcing services in South America are cheaper (around $50). If you go for the lowest rates, Africa and South Asia, with their $15-20, would be your choice. However, the quality of execution is of a low level. So, this option may turn out to be penny-wise but pound-foolish.  

The best solution to the selection headache would be to look closer at Eastern Europe. IT companies from Ukraine, Poland, and Romania, with extensive talent pools and expertise, can deliver top-notch products at $25-50 an hour.  

On balance, a simple enterprise app is likely to cost $20,000-$30,000, whereas a high-profile business solution can be ten times more expensive and even strike the astounding $500,000. 

Summing it up

If your company wants to enter the major league of business, it must launch its enterprise app, which would streamline routine workflow and boost your organization’s efficiency.

Enterprise app mobile development is a no-joke task that can be entrusted only to a competent IT company with in-depth expertise in the niche. DICEUS ticks all these boxes.  

During 13 years of presence in the IT outsourcing market, our qualified and certified mobile development specialists have accumulated vast experience in the enterprise app development realm and can deliver the best-in-class iOS or Android apps that will bring significant value to your organization and augment its revenues. We can not only create a bespoke enterprise app from scratch but also upgrade your existing solution, improve its UI/UX design, and perform maintenance services for legacy products.

Contact us to obtain a high-end mobile app with impeccable design and smooth operation.


What is enterprise mobile app development?

The term presupposes building a mobile application utilized by enterprises in their internal workflow. Such a solution drives business efficiency by streamlining and automating essential shopfloor processes and facilitating relationships with customers. 

How much does it cost to build an enterprise mobile application?

The final sum depends on several factors, including the selected outsourcing model, the project scope and expected duration, the team roster, and hourly rates charged by the vendor. On balance, be ready to fork out anything between $20,000 and $500,000. 

Is the security of an enterprise mobile app important?

Since many organizations encourage their personnel to employ their own mobile devices in the working routine, the safety of IT solutions they leverage may easily be compromised. That is why, while creating an enterprise app, developers should prioritize the security of their product and protect it from unauthorized intrusions.  

What distinguishes enterprise mobile apps from regular consumer apps?

Enterprise mobile solutions are created for special business purposes and are used by a limited group of professionals in certain spheres. Typically, they are custom-made products prioritizing security and functionality rather than exquisite UI/UX design. Regular consumer apps cater to a wider audience of average users and are launched to bring profit to their owners via various monetization strategies.  

How can businesses benefit from enterprise mobile apps? 

All of them aim to streamline and facilitate business workflows and numerous shop floor activities. Depending on the enterprise app type, such solutions minimize paperwork, automate pipelines, monitor personnel productivity, improve data processing and management, optimize supply chain and inventory management, enhance customer support, promote marketing efforts, and more. 

What are the common challenges in enterprise mobile app development? 

While creating enterprise apps, developers and app owners should learn to cope with shifting business requirements, provide wide third-party integrations, ensure fast ROI, and create a universal employee buy-in across the organization. Also, one of the mission-critical aspects of any enterprise software is its utmost security, which must embrace eliminating vulnerabilities, regular penetration testing, data encryption, and stringent access control. 

What are the must-have features and technologies for successful enterprise mobile apps? 

A high-end enterprise app should be a secure cross-platform solution with a broad integration potential and offline access, providing first-rate user experience and fast updates and enabling real-time data management and analytics. An unquestionable forte of such products is the usage of disruptive technologies (5G, AI, ML, IoT, blockchain, etc.) that have gained considerable traction nowadays. 

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