Hospital app development guide
Illia PinchukIllia PinchukCEO

Hospital mobile app development: Benefits and key features 

Modern hospitals are principal healthcare hubs where patients obtain a great range of medical services. Moving in the wake of the across-the-board digitalization that penetrates an ever-growing number of fields, these healthcare facilities go to all lengths to make their services available to as wide a target audience as possible and guarantee a superb customer experience for medical services consumers. 

Mobile apps for hospitals are second-to-none instruments that can address both mentioned challenges and take the quality of services a clinic provides to patients to a new level. This article explains the assets of hospital app development, enumerates the features a hospital application should contain, and dives into the nitty-gritty of hospital app SDLC.  

Let’s begin with the perks these Mhealth products can bring to their users and the healthcare organization that launches them. 

Benefits of custom hospital apps

As a vetted hospital app development company, DICEUS realizes the advantages of hospital apps for medical service providers and their clients. 

Appointment scheduling feature in hospital apps

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Appointment scheduling feature in hospital apps
Hospital mobile apps can offer self-service appointment scheduling for their users.

Benefits for patients

Benefits for hospitals

healthcare app design example

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healthcare app design example

You can maximize a hospital app’s value to patients and doctors by filling it with the right capabilities. 

Customer feedback feature for hospital apps

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Customer feedback feature for hospital apps
Collecting feedback is easy with customer feedback and reputation management solutions. Here’s an example of a ready-made customer feedback tool, Vitaminise, developed by DICEUS for the insurance industry.

Features of hospital apps for patients

For such a competent hospital application development vendor as DICEUS, it is clear that the term “hospital app,” in fact, encompasses two standalone products – one geared for patients and the other for medical facility personnel. Alternatively, you may say that it is one solution with two user interfaces. Each of them contains a different roster of features. 

A hospital app for patients includes: 

Push notifications in hospital applications

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Push notifications in hospital applications

Symptom checker in hospital mobile apps

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Symptom checker in hospital mobile apps
The symptom checker feature in hospital mobile apps allows users to get a preliminary diagnosis.

Features of apps relevant to hospital staff

To make the app a pivotal element of a hospital’s IT ecosystem catering to healthcare personnel, it should be provided with such features: 

When you decide what features your future hospital app will contain, you can get down to building it hammer and tongs.  

A step-by-step guide to hospital application development

Over a dozen years of our presence in the healthcare mobile app development niche, we at DICEUS have devised the following roadmap for creating such products.  

Steps of hospital mobile app development

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Steps of hospital mobile app development

Step 1. Requirements analysis 

Also known as the discovery phase, this stage lays the foundation for developing any software. During it, our experts meet the customer’s representatives to discuss all the details concerning the future product. We learn about the project’s business goals, its target audience, the app’s focus, the roster of features the customer would like to see in it, and the project’s expected timeframe.  

Step 2. Tech stack selection 

The feature list and the platform of the app-to-be (Android, iOS, or cross-platform) condition the choice of technologies to be used in SDLC. An important element of technical requirements for the project is the state of the current IT environment the customer relies on. Having such information on our table, we determine frameworks, programming languages, and novel know-how (AI, ML, IoT) necessary to complete the project as well as its integration needs.  

Step 3. Determining the team composition 

In accordance with the skills the tech stack requires, we identify the specialists for the project team. To build a medium-size hospital app, the IT team needs a project manager, a front-end developer, two back-end developers, a UI/UX designer, and a QA expert. In case the scope of the project is greater, any of these positions will be reinforced.  

Step 4. Prototyping 

First, we build a proof of concept to see whether the app model we have drafted holds water. If it does, we transform it into a clickable prototype showcasing the product’s UI. 

Step 5. Building an MVP 

The Minimum Viable Product is the first fully functional app version containing the solution’s core functionalities. After the trial audience has tested it, we collect the feedback, analyze it, and introduce corrections if necessary. 

Step 6. Coding 

This is the longest stage. During it, we utilize the approved MVP as a skeleton to be upgraded and amplified on the way to receiving a full-fledged app. As a rule, we kick off by building the app’s backlog, which lists its system logic, functionalities, and product architecture. Having the backlog as a point of reference, we design the app’s UI and initiate back-end coding when our developers create the features, deal with their dependencies, and implement integrations. 

Step 7. QA and testing 

The finished product must undergo a series of manual and automated tests. The QA team conducts unit, stress, performance, functionality, usability, compatibility, acceptance, compliance, and other kinds of tests to ensure the app behaves according to expectations and no bugs hamper its functioning. 

Step 8. Deployment 

Once the app’s operation is found safe and efficient, we deploy the product, and it goes live.  

Step 9. Support and maintenance 

DICEUS is a responsible IT company, so we never call it a day after the app is delivered for the customer to use. We continue cooperating with the partner to monitor the first stages of the product’s operation, introduce minor improvements, fix issues if they arise, and offer advisory assistance concerning any aspects of the app’s functioning. 

As you see, building a robust and seamlessly performing hospital app that satisfies all customer requirements is a tough row to hoe. That is why you will need a competent IT vendor with in-depth experience in the domain to deliver a high-end product within time and budget. The qualified and certified developers of DICEUS possess the necessary expertise to build a hospital app of any scope and complexity. Drop us a line to obtain a top-notch hospital app that will impress users with smooth operation and sleek design. 

Key takeaways

To keep abreast of the latest high-tech achievements, healthcare organizations embrace digitalization on a large scale. Hospital apps can become essential elements of their IT ecosystem and usher in numerous benefits both for medical personnel and patients. They act as a 24/7 available instrument for providing and obtaining medical services, drastically streamlining and facilitating a healthcare institution’s workflow. Hospital apps can bring maximum value to their users if they are equipped with relevant capabilities and are created by high-profile software professionals according to a straightforward SDLC roadmap.  


What features are commonly included in hospital apps?

The choice of features is conditioned by the app’s target audience. If it is a patient app, it usually contains such capabilities as registration, profile, doctor search, symptom checker, appointment scheduling, communication media, push notifications, chatbot support, and payment gateways. The must-have features for a hospital’s personnel are doctors’ profiles, EHR access, appointment management, communication tools, data sharing, e-prescriptions, and a pharmacy database. 

How can hospital apps benefit patients?

By installing a hospital app, patients get 24/7 access to high-quality medical services and constant health monitoring opportunities. They can save time and money on appointment booking, bill payment, health insurance claim processing, and other elements of the healthcare service provider pipeline.

How do hospital apps improve operational efficiency for healthcare providers?

When medical institutions make a hospital app an integral part of their IT ecosystem, they boost their service accessibility, improve personnel time management, cut down on OPEX, minimize red tape routine, enhance collaboration between specialists, and obtain an excellent promotion tool for improving their brand’s reputation and fostering patient loyalty.

What role do telemedicine features play in hospital apps?

Thanks to them, patients can arrange virtual visits to the specialist they need. People can obtain valuable advice and timely help without leaving their premises, thus reducing the risk of spreading contagious diseases. Besides, telemedicine capabilities allow doctors from remote locations to hold joint sessions to discuss diagnoses and prescribe treatment methods.

Are hospital apps customizable based on the specific needs of a healthcare institution?

The essence of custom hospital app development services is building a bespoke product tailored to the needs of a specific healthcare provider. Organizations that commission such a product select the features and capabilities they and their clientele will use in their workflows and integrate the app into their IT infrastructure, thus maximizing its value to all stakeholders.

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