Java vs PHP
Illia PinchukIllia PinchukCEO

Java vs PHP for enterprise applications: A compelling comparison

PHP is a server-side type of language for programming. Java is used for different purposes and is characterized by the WORA principle (write once, run everywhere) to demonstrate the benefits of cross-platform apps. These technologies ensure that websites and apps work dynamically. If you consider Java vs. PHP for web development, this article is right for you.  Our experts have provided a complete review of both languages for you to decide between the two. So, let’s start comparing Java vs. PHP for enterprise applications.

Shortly about why Java

Java was initially introduced as the language to create standalone software. First, it was used to write instructions that made videocassette recorders perform particular operations. Java’s source code is compiled into the machine code. It is written in the file with a special title and an extension for the next identification of this file. The binary code is interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine. Simply put, it makes the software run. Java is used mainly to create websites and apps for Android phones.

Shortly about why PHP

PHP stands for hypertext preprocessor. It was initially presented in 1995 as a server-side script. The technology was developed for the web as contrasted to Python or Ruby, which was adapted to it. Although the language is quite mature, it is still popular among developers. PHP is a basis for such CMS systems as Joomla, WordPress, and Drupal.

PHP vs. Java: Which is better? Top advantages of Java over PHP

Java and PHP are surely different. Let’s compare and contrast these technologies.

Compiled Java vs. interpreted PHP

Java-based software can be run on a different OS (it is compiled, see the infographics below). PHP can be run on the server “as is.”  It is considered that interpreted languages are better as they can be easily moved to another system without being changed. These scripts are interpreted on the fly and optimized for the operating platform.

Compiling process

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Compiling process

Memory safety

Memory safety ensures the safety of your system from security vulnerabilities and bugs. In these terms, Java is memory-safe. PHP doesn’t permit programmers to manage memory; they can never write or read into memory. However, it’s not considered as safe as Java.

Statically typed vs. dynamically typed

Java checks types statically (the type as string, double, the integer is specified by programmers). The advantage of this approach is that any error can be detected in the early stages of the SDLC process. PHP is a dynamically typed language. Its major advantage is that the developer’s productivity is high.

Prototype vs. class

Java programming presupposes class-orientation. Inheritance is gained by specifying objects and classes. On the other hand, PHP is a prototype-based language where inheritance is gained by reusing the objects.

Concurrency: PHP vs. Java performance comparison

This term is determined as the ability of the program’s components to be executed in a certain order. Java and PHP are characterized by a multi-threaded performance. However, Java is faster.

You might be interested in reading our article “How to build enterprise software: Ultimate guide”

About similarities

The technologies under review are alike in some features. We have identified the key similarities between the two.

PHP vs Java security: Vulnerabilities

Web applications are often developed by programmers without security sophistication. Many developers get pressured by their managers for extra functionality, and “lesser” concerns like performance and security don’t get enough attention. One part of this is developer education and bad tutorials (a big part of the problem is that writing insecure code is extremely easy).


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Of the four vulnerabilities in this chapter, this code has two. It has both SQL injection and cross-site script vulnerability. This type of code in common is tutorials since it’s an easy and natural way to achieve the task of saving something to the database. The problem with this is clear: the default is unsafe. To do the same task in a secure way developer must sanitize input and think of all of the ways to pass Javascript or SQL to the application.

Although SQL injection, cross-site scripting, command injection, and path manipulation were chosen because they were security vulnerabilities found by both Java static-analysis tools and PHP static-analysis tools. They still include common and important vulnerabilities. SQL injection was (with other injections) 1st on OWASP’s Top 10 Application Security Risks list in 2010 and second on the 2007 list.

Both Java and PHP are excellent foundations for a wide variety of software. Which language you choose to use will be determined by what you want to be developed.

You can manipulate hardware with Java, but it’s not a common language for low-level programming since it’s a “safer” language. Because Java won’t allow you to perform certain functions to protect the PC, it’s preferred for higher-level applications.

The best way to make a firm decision is to post your project and ask developers for their opinions. They can tell you which language is right for your project to help guide you to the right solution.

Learn here how to find the best language for ERP development

Java or PHP for enterprise solutions?

The enterprise applications do require lots of features and consideration because they are business-sensitive, on-demand from disparate locations, mission-critical, and security-conscious. PHP and Java have dominated the implementation of enterprise applications, however, with varying efficiency. PHP is easy to learn and apply by starters in web development. Its LIBXML2 XML parser performs better than Java’s Woodstox. This makes information transfer between applications much easier. However, Java is more secure, strongly typed, supports multi-threading, and has better APIs for the enterprise environment, such as Java Transaction API.

Therefore, when security is a primary concern for the enterprise, Java should be considered for the enterprise software. This does not mean that PHP is not secure, but in-built security features of Java do not require any additional overhead to make the application secure, unlike PHP. This applies to multithreading as well. In overall, Java seems to be the most demanding programming language in the future and promising in the enterprise environment than PHP.

So, if you are just at the start line with selecting a technology for your ERP product, our experience in Java-based and PHP-based ERPs could be of use in your planning stage. Java developers and PHP experts from our dedicated teams collaborate with business analysts and project managers to provide the most accurate estimations and make a list of requirements and specifications of the project. They have a strong background in insurance, fintech, healthcare, e-commerce, and other industries to deliver the best-suited solution.

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